Responding to God's Divine Discipline
Sermon Notes
Responding To God's Divine Discipline
Hebrews 12:7-11
Pastor Josh Monda
Submission is _____________________ to a father-son
II. Discipline is for our ___________________ that we may
share in his holiness.
A. The _____________________ discipline of our earthly
C. As children, we must __________________ to the training
1. Train our _____________________
2. We must train ourselves to _____________________
in prayer
3. We must train ourselves in _____________________
and meekness
4. We must train ourselves in _____________________
5. We must rain ourselves in _____________________
6. We must train ourselves in _____________________
7. We must train ourselves in _____________________
fathers is beneficial therefore the perfect discipline of our
heavenly father is more beneficial
B. Because the Heavenly Father's discipline is perfect, we
subject ourselves to it and ________________
III. Discipline ____________________ painful in the present, but
it yields peaceful fruit of righteousness to those trained by it
A. Discipline seems painful in the _____________________
B. Discipline is _____________________ to produce fruits of
1. By teaching us the _____________________ of sin
2. By _____________________ us
3. By getting our _____________________ on eternity
4. Blind spots and _________________ sins are revealed
5. Our faith is _____________________, and we draw
closer to Christ
6. We develop _____________________
7. We become more _________________ in God's service
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