Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Seven months walking with Jesus as He announced The Kingdom Is Near
Started with Jesus at the beginning of His ministry announcing something new.
You are Light, let your light shine = the good works you do as a testimony of the Kingdom in you.
Strong foundation on the Rock which is Jesus Christ
Good seed, faithful, humble, etc. be like this, not like this, reward and consequences
Invest in the Kingdom, be rich toward God, live generously.
Love God, Love Your Neighbor
Followed Jesus right up the mountain from Jericho into Jerusalem.
Jesus in Jerusalem just days away from the cross.
Final teaching in the temple.
Walk out to Mt. of Olives – disciples ask when will temple be destroyed, sign of His coming, and end of the age.
Jesus teaches about persecution then gives three parables to say – no one knows when He will return - Be ready
Three parables regarding waiting for the return and being diligent and prepared in the waiting.
Continuation of the teaching from into 25.
Faithful and wicked servants caring for other servants or abusing.
10 virgins – 5 prepared, 5 lost “I don’t know you”
Continue in – Parable of 3 servants or bags of gold or Talents.
Well Done, Good and Faithful Servant
Well done, good and faithful servant
Again like a man going on a journey
v.14 Again like a man going on a journey
Similar to other parables – the going away and returning to settle accounts
Talent – original, bag of gold or silver = a lot of money, years of wages.
v.15 5 bags, 2 bags, 1 bag each according to ability – vs. other parable all the same amount
:19v.19 after a long time… came and settled accounts
v.19 after a long time… came and settled accounts
5 bags = 10, 2 bags = 4
and 23 the same commendation to the two faithful servants
v.21 and 23 the same commendation to the two faithful servants
1 bag = 1 bag – accused master, get rich on someone else’s work, hid the money.
wicked, lazy servant
v.26 wicked, lazy servant
:28v.28 take bag from him, give to one with 10.
v.28 take bag from him, give to one with 10.
Who had receives more and abundantly, whoever does not have all is taken away
v.30 throw him into the outer darkness, weeping and gnashing teeth
Continues theme = be prepared, be faithful, receive reward.
Unprepared, unfaithful, removed.
This was actually the final parable.
The next story starts with a picture like a parable, but is a prophecy of the return of the King.
All of these return and reward parables come together in this final story.
When the Son of Man Comes…
When the Son of Man (Jesus) comes
v.31 When the Son of Man (Jesus) comes
Jesus returns in glory to sit on His throne as King.
Not subtle like the infant, but visible.
All nations = peoples (ethnos) separate them
v.32 All nations = peoples (ethnos) separate them
Just like parable of wheat and weeds – let them grow together until harvest
Just like parable of fish net – gather them all together and then sort/separate
:33v.33 Sheep and goats – sheep on right, goats on left.
v.33 Sheep and goats – sheep on right, goats on left.
Then the King… ( so much meaning in this verse)
v.34 Then the King… ( so much meaning in this verse)
Pronouncement – Come, blessed by My Father, take inheritance, kingdom, prepared for you
blessed are poor in spirit
blessed are poor in spirit
hungry, thirsty, stranger, needed clothing, sick, in prison
v.37 Righteous ask When?
:40v.40 you did for the least, you did for Me
v.40 you did for the least, you did for Me
Brothers = My people – general principle like with Good Samaritan = who is my neighbor
Also could point to caring for those who choose to follow in tribulation
Now the King turns to those on His left
goats, on left, depart, cursed
v.41 goats, on left, depart, cursed
Eternal fire prepared for = devil and his angels (demons)
v.42 = same list – hungry, thirsty, stranger, naked, sick, in prison
You didn’t help…
v.44 again asking When?
:45v.45 you did not do for the least, you did not do for Me
v.45 you did not do for the least, you did not do for Me
This is not a parable.
This is the real story of the end.
Eternal Punishment or Eternal Life
:46v.46 eternal punishment – eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels
v.46 eternal punishment – eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels
Righteous to eternal life – kingdom prepared for you since creation
You have a choice.
Hell was not meant for man.
this sheep/goats story builds on the other end of age parables to describe who the good and bad are.
The wheat and weeds, the good fish and bad fish, prepared and unprepared virgins, the sheep and goats, those who invest and those who waste, those who protect and those who attack, those who prepare and those who slack, those who give and those who take, those who provide and those who hoard, those who wear the righteousness of Jesus and those who only think they are righteous.
Jesus taught and modeled the eternal perspective – living for the blessings and joys of tomorrow, not just for the pleasures of today.
How we live our lives matters
Jesus taught and modeled the eternal perspective – living for the joys of tomorrow, not just for the pleasures of today
“What you do in life matters, it echoes across the generations and into eternity.”
Col. D. Mastriano
Col. D. Mastriano
Big Idea: What you did for the least, you did for Me.
< .5
.5 - .6
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> .9