Sermon Tone Analysis

Overall tone of the sermon

This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
A man without a vision is a man without a future.
A man without a future will always return to his past.”
(P.K. Bernard)
“A knife cuts because it has a narrow focus” (Cleddie Keith)
“A coward dies a thousand deaths, but a brave man dies only once” (Roman soldiers)
“When God predetermined our destiny, He factored in our stupidity.
Therefore there’s always enough time to finish?” (Larry Randolph)
 The level of sacrifice that an environment requires will determine the size of people that will follow” (Kris Vallotton)
1. Vision is the bridge between the present and the future
Vision gives pain a purpose
Without vision people take the easy road
Without vision people take the easy road
hose without vision spend their lives taking the path of least resistance as they try to avoid discomfort.
The level of sacrifice that a vision requires will determine the size of people who follow.
Sacrifice separates the small from the great.
Without it we perish or go “unrestrained”
Without vision people will avoid discomfort
Without vision people will avoid discomfort
2. Vision requires great sacrifice
The level of sacrifice that a vision requires reveals the size of people who follow
Sacrifice separates the small from the great.
Sacrifice separates the small from the great.
So many of us go through life not understanding the purposes of our trials.
We spend our days walking a crooked path, believing that every obstacle in the road is a problem and something to be avoided
Many go through life not understanding the purpose of trials
Obstacles are not something to be avoided
We spend our days walking a crooked path, believing that every obstacle in the road is a problem and something to be avoided
3. Vision is the law that governs us
The law sets limits for us
The law is the boundaries that keep us in line
The law disciplines us to go through obstacles
4. Vision reveals our destination
Vision is what we see, but it is also the way in which we see.
Vision is the lens that interprets the events of our life, the way we view people and our concept of God
Vision is what we see
Vision is the way in which we see
Vision is the lens that interprets the events of our life
Our minds receive images from our eyes but our heart interprets these images
Vision reveals the Truth
Jesus said that our eyes are the windows of our heart.
Paul prayed that the eyes of our heart would be enlightened.
In other words, we perceive with our eyes but we see with our hearts.
If our heart becomes bitter, jealous, hurt or in someway infected, the lens of our heart is distorted.
What we perceive is happening and what is really going on could be two completely different things.
Jesus said, “You will know the truth and the truth will make you free” ()
The way we view life can feel and look real, or make perfect sense, but still not be real at all.
Have you ever watched a good movie and gotten totally into it?
You experience all the emotions of real life.
You may even leave the theater still “feeling” the movie, but it was just a movie? it was never real.
The truth is: we see what we believe to be true.
Another way to put it is, if you have the wrong pretext you will misunderstand the context.
Having a revelation of what is real will deliver us from a life of torment that virtual reality often causes.
5. Vision requires faith
There is a difference between what we believe in our heads and our hearts
What we believe with our heart drives us
True Godly vision consists of foresight, insight and oversight that come from His sight.
Foresight is like looking at life through a telescope.
This outlook allows us to know what is ahead as it connects us to our future.
Godly vision consists of foresight, insight and oversight
Foresight is like looking at life through a telescope
With foresight we look ahead
Foresight connects us with our future
Insight is like looking through a microscope
Insight is like viewing life through a microscope.
This perception gives us an understanding of why things happen in life.
It also helps determine the underlying motivations of the heart.
Insight gives us understanding
Insight fuels the heart to pursue the vision
Oversight is like flying over our house in a helicopter
Oversight puts life into context.
It is like flying over our house in a helicopter.
There is a perspective that we can only receive from this vista that helps us understand where we are with respect to where everything else is.
The sons of Issachar are great examples of this kind of vision.
The book of I Chronicles says that these men understood the times and had knowledge of what Israel should do (12:32)
Oversight helps us determine our progress
In 1 Chronicles we learn that the sons of Issachar understood the times and had knowledge of what Israel should do (12:32)
His sight assures us that the vision we have is from God.
A vision from the Lord creates a mission from heaven.
A vision from the Lord creates a mission from heaven.
The vision must be written down
To accomplish the vision we must take it from the unseen and bring it into the seen
You need to read it and make it yours
Do not change the vision, Own the vision
Administrate the vision
The next step is to create a plan to accomplish the mission.
The Bible says:
Administrate simply means to manage the fulfillment of a task
Without consultation, plans are frustrated, but with many counselors they succeed; the plans of the heart belong to man, but the answer of the tongue is from the LORD - & 16:1
Visionaries determine “WHAT” should be accomplished
Administrators help develop the “HOW” of the vision
Vision is by faith
Our minds receive images from our eyes but our heart interprets these images
says that the administration of God is “by faith.”
7. Vision empowers you to overcome fear
Fear counteracts faith
The 12 spies were sent to see the land that belonged to them
10 Spies returned with a report that was not part of the assignment
10 Spies thought they were asked if they could enter
Do not settle for what can be accomplished by man
Do not allow the opinions of faithless people to determine what we will accomplish
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9