Facing Oposition
Facing Opposition
Acts 5:17-42
Housekeeping: This will be our last message in Acts until the new year. We’re going to be taking a break next week with Communion and then be (Lord willing) going through the Christmas Story in the first 2 chapters in Luke.
Do you ever feel like everything is working against you? Like opposition just keeps coming in waves.
• Financially – just get a little ahead and then something happens.
• Relationally – things have been mending for years. You’ve worked hard on it and that at Thanksgiving it breaks and seems to be set back.
• Job/ Career – like you just can’t get a break.
• Education – there’s always something, change in credits, test anxiety, etc.
• Church Ministry – like things were going well but there’s always something. (remember disconnect)
Every feel like this, like trouble just keeps heaping on?
That’s what the early church experienced also. It’s come in rounds or waves. External, then internal, then here external again.
It didn’t take long for the “honeymoon to end” for the early church. Things had started so incredibly for the church. They had seen miracles, rapid expansion and growth, healings, sweet community – and they had been experiencing (Acts 2:47) “having favor with all the people”
Now they were facing opposition:
Disfavor , Financial Pressure: this would make things hard for the church now. Emotional pain: Of being rejected Of being misrepresented.
Have you ever experienced these? How have you responded to them?
How do you respond to opposition? What are you supposed to do when things go wrong? Has our church experienced these? Disfavor in the community, Financial Pressure, been misrepresented? = yes.
Earlier in the ch. 4 text gives us a description of how the early church responded to them and it gives us not only an example to follow, but also principles to implement in our own lives and church family. A Church on the Move is Fiercely Loyal to Jesus & Fervently Committed to Prayer
• Then last time we say what the early church was like relationally in the end of ch. 4 and the beginning of ch. 5.
◦ In the early church the gospel had produced this idea that those who had nothing else in common had this sense of “belonging” to one another so much that they felt more attached to the body than to their own possessions.
• Then Luke gave two contrasting examples in Barnaba’s and then Ananias & Sapphirah.
▪ This showed how serious god takes purity of His church & the danger of spiritual deceit.
On top of this, here in this passage they’re facing imprisonment again almost die and left beaten almost to death. Almost wondering, hey, can we get a break here?
This passage is important for us. –even if we do not face overt persecution as the early church did, none of us will be able to completely escape the repression of the world.
This passage shows us that for a “Church on the Move” there should be the expectation of friction. Movement produces friction.
FCF: A church on the move is going to experience friction.
(Jesus told us to expect this. He gave a blessing for those persecuted.
The witness & outreach of the early church was on a collision course with the forces of darkness. Jesus’ kingdom wherever it is advancing. So…
APP: Which side are you on?
We saw earlier that it is organized and pitted against Jesus. In 4:27 they’re prayer interpreting the quotation of Psalm 2 saw this opposition as organized and apply the opposition of Herod, Pilot, & the Roman solders against Jesus.
Remember the Sanhedrin’s opposition is against the specific doctrine they are teaching.
◦ Luke in Acts is emphasizing the significance of Jesus’ by the repetition of his name.
• They were ok with everything else, so why not just adjust the message a little and not focus on one little nuance of theology like a proper name?
▪ Not them teaching, healing, or being in the temple courts doing so.
• The disciples were fiercely loyal that “there is no other name under heave ….” Vs. 12
◦ Nothing else saves:
▪ Religion doesn’t save. ---philosophy doesn’t’ save
▪ Having a relationship with God doesn’t come through the Sanhedrin, Buddhism, Hinduism, or Islam.
• Salvation doesn’t come through the name of Ayatollah or Mohammed or Abraham it comes through the name of Jesus.
Previously the church leaned on a few things to give them confidence: knowing God’s sovereignty will come to pass, prayer and the community.
Now they’re facing the pressure of opposition again: So, how do you face this opposition?
What do you do when you face waves of pressure & opposition? You face it…
• Football: go into the pressure
• Steer into the skid
• Dive into the wave
Main Point: Big Idea: Proposition: A Church on the move faces opposition with trust, obedience, and joy.
Body: 3 Rounds/waves of this opposition.
Vs. 17-25
I. 1st Round – Apostles Arrested
• Explanation: Same bad guys mentioned in ch. 4 & arrest “all” the apostles (second time for Peter & John)
▪ They are indignant/furious at the Apostles.
▪ They are motivated by Jealousy.
• The Bible speaks of the destructive power of jealousy.
• As Yoda would say, “This is the path to the dark side”
• Rescued by an Angel
▪ Then something cool happens: Heard of touched by an Angel? (These guys are rescued by an Angel vs. 19)
◦ When you think of the job description of Angels what activities do you think about?
▪ Harp, float on cloud, Help George Baily discover the significance of His life?,
▪ I bet that springing people out of jail didn’t make your list .
• You know, if they included more stuff like that in TV shows there’s probably be more guys watching “Touched by an Angel”
◦ Why an Angel Jailbreak?
▪ To show them & us that God could deliver them form the world’s clutch anytime anywhere.
▪ That this battle is not of human strategy and means.
• Ironic Note: The Saducees did not believe in Angels. – God has a sense of humor. (only first 5 books)
◦ Application: No matter how oppressive it gets, God is able to deliver. He has resources beyond this world to do so.
▪ If he chooses not to, He has a plan.
▪ Illustration: 3 Hebrew children in furnace Daniel 3:16-18 O Nebuchadnezzar, we have no need to answer you in this matter. If this be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver us out of your hand, O king. But if not, be it known to you o king. That we will not serve your gods or worship the golden image that you have set up.
• Reminded of the Cause – vs 20
◦ “Go stand in the Temps and speak to the people all the words of this life.
◦ We have a cause to be committed to.
For the cause of Christ the King
We give our lives, an offering
’Til all the earth resounds
With ceaseless praise
To the Son
For the cause of Christ we go
With joy to reap, with faith to sow
As many see
And many put their trust in the Son
Christ we proclaim,
The Name above every name:
For all creation,
Ev’ry nation,
God’s salvation
Through the Son!
For the King once lifted high
To cries of rage, of ‘crucify!’
Endured the cross
As every sin was laid
On the Son
To the King who conquered death
To free the poor and the oppressed
For lasting peace
For life and liberty
In the Son
Let it be my life’s refrain:
To live is Christ, to die is gain;
Deny myself, take up my cross
And follow the Son
App: The Words of Life =
• How should this affect the way we read and see the Word?
• How should this motivate us to share this message?
Vs. 26-33
II. 2nd Round – Voluntary Arrest
They knew they were in God’s hands, so peacefully they God.
◦ The Jewish authorities have not real power over God’s church.
This section gives a glimpse into the thinking and motives of the Sanhedrin. It reveals that they are guilt ridden people.
• Peter’s Response in vs. 29 same as in ch. 4 but with more conviction.
◦ The ethical dilemma when ruling authorities are in opposition. And in that case is it ever legitimate to refuse to obey authorities?
◦ We concluded that study by saying that we should appeal to the Higher throne.
• R.C. Sproul, “We are always to obey those in authority over us, unless that authority commands us to do something that God forbids, or forbids us from doing something that God commands.”
▪ unless they tell you to do something God forbids or not do something God commands.
◦ They made no attempts to soften the guilt of their oppressors.
◦ They Exalted Jesus
▪ Prince/leader & Savior.
◦ They continued preaching a “Big God Gospel”
▪ God is the one who gives not only forgiveness but also Repentance.
• Grace Alone We are dead. (gift of faith and forgiveness a theme throughout the Bible)
• The Key: So, How, (according to vs 29-31) was the Apostle’s liberation gained? = Obedience
◦ Vs. 29 & 32 both state it.
◦ Obedience to God’s commission to go into all the world and preach the gospel.
▪ Obedience to “be my witnesses in Jerusalem”
◦ Obedience to the Angel’s reminder of the Command to go and preach Christ.
◦ App: Just focus on being obedient to what God has called you to be and do and most other things in life will take care of themselves.
▪ They responded to the hits and wave of oppression with Obedience.
1. Are you (Am I) living consistently in view of what I know about Christ?
2. Are you living a life that is in accord with what I am learning in the scriptures?
3. Are you refusing to do what you know He wants?
4. Are you refusing to share your faith because of fear of rejection or appearing unintellectual or uncultured or any other reason?
A Church on the move responds to opposition with obedience.
III. 3rd Round vs. 33-42
What was the effect of of their obedience and witness? They wanted to kill them. They were furious/enraged (like family at Thanksgiving )
• Explanation: Their plan to kill them is stopped by Gamiliel’s Rational Reason
◦ God can use Angels or Political Moderates – that’s just how sovereign and Big a God he is.
◦ Gamaliel is a Pharisee (irony)
◦ Gamiliel gives two historic precedents.
▪ Historical Tempering.
▪ Judas the Galilean: we know about him from secular history as a Jew who refused to give tribute to Caesar about the time of the Crucifixion of Jesus.
◦ Gamaliel’s approach: (good example of things the scriptures teach us)
▪ Sober and controlled.
▪ Working with people who have differing opinions than you.
• Christians should point out heresy and error, but on matters of secondary doctrines we should not be all about fighting them.
◦ No quarrelsome.
◦ Gamaliel’s reason: Only half right.
▪ Where he’s wrong: “if a plan is not of God it will come to nothing.”
• Islam – centuries old.
• Other false religions come back.
◦ Gnostic heresies – Dan Brown Novels
▪ Were he’s right: “If it is of God, you cannot overthrow it” vs. 39.
▪ The Gospel is unstoppable.
▪ God had decreed it to His church 1:8 it will make geographical progress.
• Gospel Advance is Promised: “you will be *both in ….
• Explanation: Vs. 8 is both and outline and a central theme of Acts.
◦ Jerusalem ch. 1-7
◦ Judea & Samaria in Ch. 8-12
◦ The ends of the earth ch. 13-28.
▪ The Gospel Advances despite opposition.
• This doesn’t happen because of human strength. – supernatural enablement is needed.
• It happens despite opposition, weakness, persecution.
• Demonic forces, worldly powers, authorities, government opposition, barriers, suffering, unjust imprisonments, shipwrecks, internal disunity among the church.
• The Gospel Advances despite barriers. Ethnic, Cultural, Geographical, Gender, Wealth.
• Every time the gospel meets opposition in Acts God finds a way to advance the message.
◦ Some of the most overt attempt to squash the movement lead to its expansion.
◦ No one is able to overthrow the Gospel because it is the power of God, Romans 1:16.
• The church cannot fail. As R.C. Sproul says, “it is the only institution on the face of the earth that has an absolute, unconditioned guarantee for its future success –not every church or member, but the true church of Christ will always be victorious, and it cannot be stopped by the conditions of human affairs”
◦ Let the Church Roll On (Flat & Scruggs – Also recorded by Mahalina Jackson)
◦ The result:
▪ They are beaten: gruesome.
▪ Their Response: vs. 41 & 42 = Joy & Perseverance
• Rejoicing = Jesus spoke this beatitude Matt 5:10 “blessed are those who are persecuted for Righteousness sake.
◦ App: What do they do when they take this beating?
▪ Get up & keep going.
So, how do you face this opposition? Is it something you shrink back from it or face it?
What do you do when you face waves of pressure & opposition? You face it…
• Football: go into the pressure
• Steer into the skid
• Dive into the wave
Main Point: Big Idea: Proposition: A Church on the move faces opposition with trust, commitment, obedience, and joy.
The Church response with:
• Belief
• Commitment to the Cause
• Obedience
• Joy
• Perseverance
What should we: know, feel, do?
How does the Gospel affect this?