Did We Help
Dr. Joe Harding tells a humorous story about a man who injured his thumb on the job. His foreman sent him to a clinic. He stepped into a room with only a desk and two chairs. In the back of the room were two doors, one marked "Illness" and the other "Injury." He went through the door marked "Injury" and found himself in a second room with only a desk and two chairs. At the back were two doors-one marked "Internal" and the other marked "External." Walking through the "External" door, he found himself in yet another room with one desk and two chairs. Again, he had a choice of two doors. These were marked "Therapy" and "Treatment." Through this fourth door, he discovered the same situation, except with two doors marked "Major" and "Minor." He walked through the door marked "Minor" and found himself on the street. He returned to his job, and his foreman asked him if they were able to help. He responded that he wasn't sure, but it was the best-organized outfit he had ever seen.
The church is organized, but do we help people? (Charles Lowery, SBC Life, June/July 2005)
Organization, Church