Advent 2001 -4 Go Tell It on the Mountains!
Readings: Isaiah 53:1-6; Luke 2:21-35
30 For my eyes have seen your salvation, 31 which you have prepared in the sight of all people Luke 2:30-31 (NIV)
I. Born under the Law
A. On the Eighth day
1. Circumcision was to be done on the 8th day
a. A bloody initiation rite into Israel
b. An intimate cutting off
c. A permanent mark
2. Suffering so early in His young life?
a. He hadn’t done anything wrong!
b. He didn’t only suffer on the cross
c. To fulfill the requirements of OT Law
3. He takes on His name: Jesus–Savior
a. On the 8th day–of creation (!)
b. To fulfill the promise to Eve
c. Who could believe this message?
B. After Forty days
1. The time of purification for Mary
a. As found in Lev12:2-4 – 40 days
2 “Say to the Israelites: ‘A woman who becomes pregnant and gives birth to a son will be ceremonially unclean for seven days, just as she is unclean during her monthly period. 3 On the eighth day the boy is to be circumcised. 4 Then the woman must wait thirty-three days to be purified from her bleeding. She must not touch anything sacred or go to the sanctuary until the days of her purification are over. Lev. 12:2-4 (NIV)
2. They bring a poor person’s offering
a. Otherwise a lamb & pigeon or dove
b. Who would believe He came from such a poor family?
c. The Magi hadn’t come yet(!)
II. What Salvation looks like
A. He looks like nothing Spectacular
1. Nothing attractive about Him
a. Even as a “tender shoot” (53:2)
b. He isn’t the post-card baby with a halo!
c. Utterly, shockingly average!
2. Nobody else stopped Mary & Joseph
a. Only Simeon (& Anna)
b. No one else saw anything remarkable
3. Later the home town crowd didn’t get it.
a. Isn’t this just Mary & Jo’s boy (Mt.13:54,ff)
b. We know him–he’s nothing special
c. Who would believe this message?
B. He looks like sorrow and Suffering
1. Wait a minute! Salvation looks like failure?!
a. Somebody has the wrong dictionary!
b. Salvation means rescue from bad stuff
2. Who would look for salvation in sorrow
a. We don’t want a man of sorrows–we want to be free of sorrow!
b. We want salvation from suffering
C. He looks Shocking
1. Like someone people turn away from.(53:3)
a. Not the Jesus of the blow-dried hair.
b. Like the people we prefer to avoid
c. Like the “least of these” we treat badly
2. Like someone God has it in for (53:4)
a. We say “there but for the grace of God”
b. Like folks we wonder about
3. A sign that will be spoken against (2:34)
a. He doesn’t look right
b. He doesn’t talk right
c. He isn’t who we expect He should be
4. Who could believe this is the One?!
III. A light for Revelation
A. Through the Spirit He is Recognized
1. The Spirit prepared Simeon for the Christ
a. He was waiting for the consolation
b. The Spirit told Him he’d see the Christ
c. The Spirit sent him to the temple
2. Simeon recognizes Him
a. When Jesus is presented/dedicated
b. The Spirit shows Jesus to Simeon
c. Simeon’s life is now complete because He met Jesus
3. Anna also recognizes Him
a. Someone who diligently sought God
b. She finds Jesus too!
4. Who would believe this was the Messiah?!
B. He is a light for the Nations
1. A light for revelation to the Gentiles (2:32)
a. He will show the gentiles who he is
b. To fulfill the promise to Abraham.
2. The light is for those outside God’s people
a. The one’s who aren’t Israelites
b. The one’s who don’t follow God’s ways
3. The revelation is to those who don’t know
a. The ones who need revelation most!
4. Who would believe this!!
C. He is a light for God’s People
1. . . . for glory to your people Israel (2:32)
a. He will show His glory to His people
b. He’ll be called Emmanuel–God with us
2. He will make us witnesses of His glory
a. We are the ones to tell the message
b. Who will believe us? Who could
c. All those God calls to believe!
The Bottom Line:
Go Tell it on the Mountains: Jesus Christ is Born! |