Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Today is national Grandparent's Day.
We want to honor all our grandparents.
First we want to honor our grandparents.
If you are a grandparent, will you please stand and remain standing for just a moment?
We want to thank you.
You have brought life to your family.
You have made certain that life continued for your family.
You have loved your children and your grandchildren and some of you are blessed to enjoy great grand children.
I pray for you and bless you with health and long life.
Now, I have an interesting story with my own grandparents.
I remember everytime my grandpa use to come over he would always bring over a tub of ice cream.
Me and brothers would always get so excited!
It was like Christmas time for us!
Now my Grandma Edna, on the other hand, I remember for something else.
I remember her living my aunt Lois and every time we would go over there for the holidays or just to visit, she would be in her rocking chair, reading her bible for hours on end.
That had an impact on me then and still does today.
I remember a long time after she passed away, I had a conversation with my mother after I switched from a baptist church to the Church of the Nazarene and was pursuing ordination.
When I told my mom I wanted to be a Nazarene pastor, her eyes got real big and her jaw dropped.
I was thinking to myself, “The Nazarenes aren’t that bad”.
My mom said “That is the same church that your Grandma Edna grew up in and made every single one of her children get up on Sunday morning to go to”
Now all of are Grandparents have made an impact in our lives.
Whether it be good or bad they all have left a mark.
It could be teaching you how to sew, how to have good manners, living a simple life or living a life-long sermon right in front of you.
The greatest impact a grand-parent can have on us all is influencing us to live a Godly life by going to church every Sunday, praying without ceasing, and renewing our minds daily by reading God’s Holy and precious Word.
Are we being impacted by their faith in Christ or is it all just a waste?
God shares with us about a life of faith that wasn’t wasted by a grandparent, her name was Lois and she was impacted by her own mother Eunice!
2 Timothy 1:5(NLT)
5 I remember your genuine faith, for you share the faith that first filled your grandmother Lois and your mother, Eunice.
And I know that same faith continues strong in you.
Hebrews 11:1–8 (NIrV)
1 Faith is being sure of what we hope for.
It is being certain of what we do not see. 2 That is what the people of long ago were praised for.
3 We have faith.
So we understand that everything was made when God commanded it.
That’s why we believe that what we see was not made out of what could be seen.
4 Abel had faith.
So he offered to God a better sacrifice than Cain did.
Because of his faith Abel was praised as a godly man.
God said good things about his offerings.
Because of his faith Abel still speaks.
He speaks even though he is dead.
5 Enoch had faith.
So he was taken from this life.
He didn’t die.
He just couldn’t be found.
God had taken him away.
Before God took him, Enoch was praised as one who pleased God.
6 Without faith it isn’t possible to please God.
Those who come to God must believe that he exists.
And they must believe that he rewards those who look to him.
7 Noah had faith.
So he built an ark to save his family.
He built it because of his great respect for God.
God had warned him about things that could not yet be seen.
Because of his faith he showed the world that it was guilty.
Because of his faith he was considered right with God. 8 Abraham had faith.
So he obeyed God.
God called him to go to a place he would later receive as his own.
So he went.
He did it even though he didn’t know where he was going.
I have been thinking about faith this week and I started thinking about people, that I know that have faith.
Such as the ones that I have sat with at the hospital.
The ones that say, “I’m Ready!”
Then I think about when my son Ian jumps down to me from a set of stairs yelling “catch me”.
When he jumps, ian is expressing faith in me that I will catch him because he trusts me.
Faith includes taking risks.
Faith in God is something you can’t see but, it’s something you feel through the witness of the Holy Spirit.
Now we put our faith in a lot of things.
Such as the pew your sitting in.
The car seat that you sat in to get here and the bed that you sleep in.
As Christians we are to put our faith in God.
To trust him no matter what.
An African antelope can jump to a height of over 10 feet high and cover a distance of greater than 30 feet.
Yet these animals can be kept in an enclosure in any zoo with a 3-foot wall.
The animals will not jump if they cannot see where their feet will fall.
I think sometimes we can be like this.
We don’t allow ourselves to go beyond our own four walls and we get stuck being in maintenance mode instead of being missionaly minded.
We need to trust God beyond the resources we have because if we don’t then how much faith in God do we really have?
Not much...
Jesus was the ultimate vision caster.
I want you to listen to some of the visionary statements made by Jesus.
“Lift up your eyes!
The fields are white unto harvest.”
“If you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you can move this mountain.”
“Go into all the world and make disciples.”
Jesus described visions that were big and difficult and even impossible.
All big jobs and big visions require a faith that trust in God and enable the believer to move forward without knowing what the future holds.
The ability to see the path and to start the journey or task is an outward expression of our faith in God.
What Faith is
• Faith sees the invisible, believes the incredible, and receives the impossible.
• Faith is to accept the impossible, do without the indispensable, and bear the intolerable
• The person who has great faith won’t say God can but will say God will.
Our text today gives a definition of faith which includes some characteristics of what faith in God looks like.
Its says that faith is ...
“Confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see”
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9