Advent 2003 - 2 Our Hope and Llight
Reading: Isaiah 42:1-9
I, the Lord, have called you in righteousness; I will take hold of your hand. I will keep you and will make you to be a covenant for the people and a light for the Gentiles Isaiah 42:6 (NIV)
I. Our Hope comes as a Servant
A. He comes Filled with God’s Spirit
1. The Servant comes upheld
a. He comes for a task (6-7)
b. He will do it b/c God upholds Him!
c. God always upholds His servants!
2. He is the chosen one God delights in
a. He is the One God chooses to do this
b. He is the “choice” One for the task
c. God delights in His chosen Servant
3. God’s Spirit is on Him for justice
a. Justice=rightly deciding each case
b. The Spirit comes for practical blessing!
c. He has the power of the Mighty God
B. He comes in Gentleness
1. A characteristic/fruit of the Holy Spirit
a. 7 “nots” in 2-4=character of the Spirit
b. The Spirit comes in a gentle style
c. He comes to bring right discernment
2. He doesn’t drawing attention to Himself
a. He doesn’t come with “razzle-dazzle”
b. He doesn’t come to incite violence
c. He doesn’t come for politics as usual
3. He is gentle with the most insignificant!
a. A bruised reed?! A smoldering wick?!
b. The spiritually bruised, and nearly dead
c. The Mighty God won’t finish them off!
C. He comes with Determination
1. No faltering or discouragement!
a. He won’t just give it His best shot
b. He won’t get sick and tired of trying
c. He’ll finish the job He started!
2. Despite gentleness, He is strong!
a. Gentle weak( Mighty God is gentle!)
b. Quiet, careful and persistent!
c. Until He establishes justice! Wow!
3. The remotest people put their hope in Him
a. In His law/teaching; His way of life
b. Not just for Israel, or “good church folk”
c. The islands: people far, far away.
II. Our Light comes into our Darkness
A. He comes for His People
1. The God of the Universe sends the Servant
a. Who’s servant is He?
b. Who will make sure He does His job?
c. He comes in the authority of Mighty God
2. He sends the Servant as a covenant
a. Covenant=binding, solemn agreement
b. The covenant gives the requirements and expectations of the relationship
c. Sealed in His own blood!
3. The covenant is for the (His) people
a. Those who follow the cov’t are His ppl.
b. The cov’t establishes His people
B. He comes for the Outsiders
1. To be a light to us gentiles
a. Not just for those who already “got it”
b. To enlighten us with the Truth
c. To be a “light house” to draw us to Him
2. B/c the Mighty God cares about lost people
a. He doesn’t just care for Israel
b. His light is for all people
c. His Servant comes for all people
C. He comes for the Helpless
1. The blind
a. The spiritually blind who just don’t see
b. Those who think they see, but don’t
c. Even those who don’t want to see
2. The imprisoned
a. By sin, selfishness, greed, pride, etc.
b. By hopelessness, despair, grief
c. Trapped by addictions, bad habits
3. Those who sit in darkness
a. Those who live in a windowless world
b. The forgotten, left to rot & die
c. Those who see nothing but the walls
III. God Reveals His glory through His Servant
A. Our covenant Lord Guards His glory
1. I am the Lord, that is my Name
a. The Lord: Yahweh–God’s cov’t Name
b. This name is my Name.
2. God does not give His Glory to another
a. He doesn’t give it to His enemy
b. He doesn’t give it to anyone
c. Jesus: the Mighty God (?!) (9:6)
3. He does this for our benefit too!
a. So we know Who to thank!
b. So we know Who to serve
c. So we know Who to trust
B. He has Shown us His glory
1. By creating the heavens and the earth (5)
a. He made the entire universe
b. The heavens declare His glory
c. The earth is full of God’s artistry
2. By creating all living things
a. All that springs up out of the ground
b. Everything that has breath
c. Life itself shows God’s glory
3. By sending His servant
a. Who tho He was equal with God...(Phil 2)
b. John 1:14
The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.
C. His glory shows through Promises kept
1. Only God fulfills all His promises
a. Nothing can rob Him of that glory
b. God’s glory is in fulfilling them
2. Look at how God has fulfilled His promises
a. He brought promised punishment, if...
b. He brought promised blessings
c. He gave us Jesus, the Messiah
3. Look at the new promises He gives!
a. To Israel at this time: Jesus
b. To us: Jesus is coming again!
c. Jesus, Mighty God, is our hope.
The Bottom Line:
Sing for Joy! Our Hope and our Light Has come and will come Again! |