Biblical Femininity (2)
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Icloud- work on sermon at home, come to church open my bible software and sermon suddenly appears. Now it does not suddenly appear when I open the software at home the first time.
Review the characteristics we looked at last week.
Review the characteristics we looked at last week.
Physically fit
Physically fit
She puts her hands to the distaff,
and her hands hold the spindle.
She opens her hand to the poor
and reaches out her hands to the needy.
She experiences pleasure in being able to give to others. She desires to bless others through the work of her hands.
She keeps herself occupied with worthy projects.
“The body of an ancient woman mummified by the volcanic ashes of Mount Vesuvius was unearthed when the Roman City of Pompeii was excavated. Her feet pointed toward the city gate, but her outreached arms and fingers were straining for something that lay behind her. The treasure for which she was grasping was a bag of pearls. Of her it was written, “Though death was hard at her heels, and life was beckoning to her beyond the city gates, she could not shake off their spell…but it was not the eruption of Vesuvius that made her love pearls more than life. It only froze her in this attitude of greed.”
Her position told a tragic story of selfishness.
Isaiah pronounced a warning in his day to God’s people to not get caught up in acquiring more and more houses and fields and neglect their neighbors.
Woe to those who join house to house,
who add field to field,
until there is no more room,
and you are made to dwell alone
in the midst of the land.
The biblically feminine woman recognizes that all her possessions and resources are a gift from God and she will desire to use them in a way that honors the Lord.
She is big-hearted and open-handed. She is selfless and kind.
Her perspective is, I have been greatly blessed by God and I in turn will be a blessing to others.
You shall remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you power to get wealth, that he may confirm his covenant that he swore to your fathers, as it is this day.
God blessed numerous people in the bible with wealth- Abraham, Job, Joseph, David, Solomon, Josiah, and Lydia are some examples.
Prov. 19:
Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord,
and he will repay him for his deed.
Biblical femininity is recognized by a woman who demonstrates a life of contentment.
“Godliness with contentment is great gain.”
Her security is not wrapped up in her wealth.
She is not so busy with her own agenda that she has no time for others.
“The spindle and the distaff---two flat, circular objects used to work textile fibers---were tools of the day. She used these tools to provide for her family and those who lacked resources.
She is in tune to needs around her and looks for ways to minister to people in need.
She is like Dorcas who is described in
as a woman “full of good works and acts of charity.”
Whoever pursues righteousness and kindness
will find life, righteousness, and honor.
A wise man scales the city of the mighty
and brings down the stronghold in which they trust.
Prov. 21
She is not afraid of snow for her household,
for all her household are clothed in scarlet.
She makes bed coverings for herself;
her clothing is fine linen and purple.
She looks well to the ways of her household
and does not eat the bread of idleness.
Prov. 31
Organized. She has her house in order. She has her ducks in a row.
Prov. 331:27
She has a plan and works her plan. There is an order or sequence to her day. She accomplishes her errands in a timely manner. She is not frantic, frenzied or frazzled.
Ladies- wouldn’t it be nice, if you got up in the morning and your hair was perfect, and facial was done, eyeliner was in place, and your clothes were ironed and you were ready to walk out the door in 5 min.
That doesn’t happen.
Farmer puts the seed in the ground one day and the next day he has a full crop ready for harvest.
She plans ahead and is rarely caught off guard.
When I was single I went grocery shopping a few times when I was hungry. Do you know what happens when you grocery shop and you are buy more groceries.....everything looks good. But when I got married, we would buy extra stuff....
Instead of buying one can of hairspray, we bought two and then when one gets used up and I pull the 2nd one out of the cupboard, I then buy another one and you don’t run out. It works!!!
Scaling Mount Everest (Like Marriage or Advent) Requires Preparation
Scaling Mount Everest (Like Marriage or Advent) Requires Preparation
Nobody who wants to keep on living wakes up one morning and suddenly decides, "I think I'll climb Mount Everest today." Such a monumental assault requires training, preparation, and gear.
Lots of gear.
In fact, experts suggest those who climb Mount Everest should approach it with no fewer than three separate pairs of boots: double plastic climbing boots, fully insulated overboots, and light hiking boots. And yeah—you need crampons (a traction device that is attached to footwear to improve mobility on show and ice during ice climbing), and certainly gaiters (garments worn over the shoe and lower pants leg as personal protective equipment), and booties. Plus socks. Wool socks, pile socks, synthetic socks.
Lots of socks.
Tools help keep you alive, so don't scrimp here—you'll want an ice ax, carabiners, ascenders, a rappel device, a climbing harness, trekking poles.
To stay warm, you'll need plenty of good underwear, a pile jacket, pile pants, down pants, a down parka, a Gore-Tex shell with a hood, and probably a bib. Along with your sleeping bag you'll need two different sleeping pads (and a repair kit). Plan on two pairs of synthetic gloves and two pairs of pile mitts or Gore-Tex overmitts. Hand warmers are optional, but you won't regret bringing them.
For your head you'll want a baseball cap or some kind of sun hat, at least a visor …. Many climbers also like to use a neoprene face mask, and make sure you include a headlamp (with plenty of extra bulbs and batteries).
And toilet paper. Please don't forget the toilet paper.
Climbing Everest is a big deal. You need to be prepared. The same is true for other areas of our lives.
Take marriage, for instance. Just as you wouldn't try to scale a mountain without making sure you have what you need, don't enter the most difficult relationship of your life without doing so.
Adapted from Gary Thomas, Sacred Search, (David C. Cook, 2013), pp. 111-112
She realizes that God has given her everything that she needs and He will not short-change her.
“Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord,
whose trust is the Lord.
He is like a tree planted by water,
that sends out its roots by the stream,
and does not fear when heat comes,
for its leaves remain green,
and is not anxious in the year of drought,
for it does not cease to bear fruit.”
Modest in her dress- She is not looking to be a spectacle. She is not longing for attention by what she wears or doesn’t wear.
Her clothing is appropriate for the occasion. She makes herself attractive but not seductive.
She is sensitive and realizes her clothing could cause others to stumble.
Strength and dignity are her clothing,
and she laughs at the time to come.
Honorable in her dealings- she has integrity. She is ethical in what she says and how she conducts herself- whether alone or with others. She abstains from the appearance of evil.
She does not deal with situations like the man who was leaving a party one night and as he was leaving he accidently scraped the Mercedes next to him, so he looks up and notices that someone standing on the porch took notice of what happened and he confidently got out of his car and pulled out a note pad and began writing a note to put on the windshield of the scraped car…and the note said the person standing on the porch thinks I am writing down my name and phone number....
Women can be very manipulative to get their way, the Biblically feminine woman is not manipulative, but rather is a woman of honor.
Honorable in her dress- Her outer clothing complements her inward qualities.
An expensive dye, purple represents wealth and royalty (, . , , ; ) for this reason, idols were attired in purple (). Jesus was robed in purple in mockery of him as “king of the Jews”.
Garments of purple are appropriate for a wife of noble character.
Do not let your adorning be external—the braiding of hair and the putting on of gold jewelry, or the clothing you wear— but let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God’s sight is very precious.
Her body is presented as a living sacrifice to the Lord.
She does not allow her body to be used as an instrument to sin ()
Honorable in her desires- She maintains biblical convictions of right and wrong and is not easily swayed by the attitudes of the culture.
She behaves in a way that demonstrates that she is a daughter in God’s royal family.
She contributes to her husband’s honor by her godly behavior.
An excellent wife is the crown of her husband,
but she who brings shame is like rottenness in his bones.
She brings glory to God through her humility, gentleness and kindness.
Moms will often tell their children- “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all.”
Is it kind? Is it true? Is it necessary?
Yesterday I played in the HRMC golf tournament. Several women played in the tournament and their language was worse than the men. Biblically feminine women will guard their tongues.
She speaks not only wise words, but encouraging words.
Miriam, Moses’ sister, gives us an example of how a woman’s tongue can cause problems in a community.
Miriam complained against Moses (along with Aaron) and God struck Miriam with leprosy and she had to be placed outside the Israelite community for seven days before she could be brought back in. The Israelites could not move until she was brought back in. ()
This biblically feminine woman will exercise good judgment and discretion in her speech. She will speak with graciousness and compassion
Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person.
She views building into the lives of her family as a privilege and not a job.
Our tongue can heal or injure.
There is one whose rash words are like sword thrusts,
but the tongue of the wise brings healing.
Don’t use harsh, belittling or sarcastic comments.
“There were basically 3 agencies or institutions responsible for the education of youth in OT times: the home or family, the community, and formal centers of learning. Here it is important to remember that the process of education described in Scripture was predominantly informal (home and community), not the formal education of learned institutions.”
Teach your daughter the value of her virginity. That it is a precious gift from God and it is so precious you only have one opportunity to give it to someone and that someone should be their husband. Teach her what to look for in a young man.
Teach your son who to treat a lady. So they will treat ladies with respect in speech and actions. The wisdom of proverbs offers great insight into relationships of the opposite sex.
Complementing on positive character qualities you observe in others. This can be done verbally, text, note, phone call, or small gift.
Her love for her husband, her children, her friends and those in the body of Christ is obvious.
Older women likewise are to be reverent in behavior, not slanderers or slaves to much wine. They are to teach what is good, and so train the young women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled, pure, working at home, kind, and submissive to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be reviled.
Titus 2:
She is a true helpmate to her husband and a strong advocate for her children. She respects her husband and speaks well of him.
She models the qualities she wants her children to practice in their lives.
Nursery Volunteer Reaches Out to Troubled Mom
Nursery Volunteer Reaches Out to Troubled Mom
Pastor Scott Sauls tells a story about an unnamed nursery worker who bumped into a first time visitor named Janet who had dropped her two boys off in the nursery. Sauls writes:
After the service, while Janet was waiting in the nursery line to retrieve her boys, one of the nursery workers quietly approached her and said that there had been some issues. Both of her boys had picked fights with other children. Also, one of her boys had broken several of the toys that belonged to the church. In front of a room filled with other children and their parents, Janet scolded her boys and then screamed in a bellowing voice, "S—!" Deeply ashamed and feeling like a failure, Janet got her boys and skulked out of the building. No doubt, we were never going to see her again.
But that unnamed nursery volunteer called the church office that Monday and asked if I could check the visitor notebook to see if Janet had left her contact information. She had. I gave the nursery worker Janet's address, and unbeknownst to me, she sent Janet a note. The note read something like this:
Dear Janet, I'm so glad that you and your boys visited our church. Oh, and about that little exchange when you picked them up from the nursery? Let's just say that I found it so refreshing—that you would feel freedom to speak with an honest vocabulary like that in church. I am really drawn to honesty, and you are clearly an honest person. I hope we can become friends. Love, Unnamed Nursery Worker.
The nursery worker and Janet did in fact become friends. Janet came back the next Sunday. And the Sunday after that. And the Sunday after that. And eventually, Janet became the nursery director for the church. Later on I would discover that when Janet started coming to our church she was a recovering heroin addict.
Adapted from Scott Sauls, Befriend (Tyndale, 2016) pages 29-30
June Carter Cash Found Freedom in Submission
June Carter Cash Found Freedom in Submission
Country singer June Carter Cash, who died in May 2003 at age 73, won awards and achieved world renown, but her love for her husband, Johnny Cash, was more important to her. And her marriage was marked by sacrifice. It's a little known fact that, as a young woman, June studied at the famed Actor's Studio in New York at the recommendation of director Elia Kazan. As Brian Mansfield reported in USA Today:
June likely could have achieved greater career success in any of several entertainment fields: singing, writing, acting. Instead, she picked a supporting role.
"I chose to be Mrs. Johnny Cash in my life," she told USA Today in 1999. "I decided I'd allow him to be Moses and I'd be Moses' brother Aaron, picking his arms up and padding along behind him.
"I stayed in submission to my husband, and he allowed me to do anything I wanted to. I felt like I was lucky to have that kind of romance."
And Johnny's response: "She's the greatest woman I have ever known," Johnny wrote in his 1997 autobiography. "Nobody else, except my mother, comes close."
USA Today, (5-16-03); submitted by Eric Reed, Wheaton, Illinois
Fears God
Fears God
She puts her faith and trust in God. She hates evil. She makes the worship of God a priority in her life. She is committed to the truth of God’s Word. She strives to keep negative or evil influences out of her home. She has a thirst for righteousness.
She has a submissive attitude toward God and His Sovereignty in her life.
The fear of the Lord is central to wisdom as it occurs 14 times in Proverbs and several times in the book of Job.
“To fear God means to acknowledge His superiority over man, to recognize His deity and thus respond in awe, humility, worship, love, trust, and obedience. “
The Fruit
The Fruit
The reward of living this kind of life is to see her family and those around her flourish.
Her life is a public proclamation that God is good and worthy of our worship. He is faithful to those who are faithful to Him. Her fruit can be carried into several generations.