Anointed King
Psalms • Sermon • Submitted
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Our nation… authority .
I know… because… rid itself of God.
War sounds scary, but do not be alarmed.
My wife grew…
What’s the Lord’s response to this war . God scoffs at the futile attempts of sinners to rid themselves of God. It’s sheer futility to to not submit to God .
Not silent. He speaks now… handiwork… suppress... Its a grave attempt.
Everyone knows God is there, yet they silence him, they attempt to suppress the truth in unrighteousness. Its a grave attempt.
Before we wade too deep into this Psalm, we we need to know a few things about the Psalter.
Psalms forms: e.g. Hymns, Laments, Thanksgiving, Wisdom, and Royal Psalms. is the later, a political Psalm if you will— a Psalm about a King. In fact this was a coronation Psalm used in the crowing of the king in ancient Israel. It is a coronation liturgy. This ancient liturgy breaks down into three parts. First the Priest declared . Then newly crowned king would respond . Finally, the congregation responded .
Psalter is not only ordered, it ordered Israel’s worship. We are the Israel of God, so the Psalter...
Most important thing is this: Jesus is the true confessor of the Psalms. Saint Augustine called Jesus the singer of the psalms. The Psalms are songs of Christ. is not only about Jesus, but he himself speaks in it.
Time to wade into the deep end . The psalmists asks a simple question, “Why do nations (states) oppose God?”
Its just good politics. I think I mean... politically necessary to set yourself up on top.
Tower of Babel, man’s attempt to reach God.
Curse, “You can be like God.” Put a bunch of men together... power... wholla... state and it will do everything it can to become like God.
Do agree? Are leaders of governments conspiring together against God?
conspiracy theorists shout amen,
It’s true that atheism... However, much of the world is theistic... Go Griz and we all know the University… yet there was so much spirituality there. Before the game... Perhaps is true about ever nation but one. We expect false religions and cults to stand against God, but what about Christianity?
The largest Christian communion
He has a Word from the Lord, and apparently his silence means that God turns... interests to preserve clerical power. Put a bunch a men...
At least we are one nation after God. We don’t have a Pope. No, we have power to the people, who… spirit of the age.
power of celebrity, who peddle pragmatics, utilitarian doctrine because we want our best life now.
Happiness is the standard of American religion, so ministers come prepared...
What is the standard of biblical religion?
Why do I bring this up? Because failure to use God’s Word rightly is the way nations rage and plot against the Lord. The Lord laughs at this pitiful plot . The Lord laughs in judgment at this weak response. He knows that none can thwart his Word. Every attempt to thwart God is pitiful. We must find assurance in this, for we should not worry as the world collapses around us. As political and ethical turmoil rise, as the false church gains ground, God is in control . God’s Word is final.
There is nothing but wrath stored up for those who rebel against the Lord. In fact, a depraved culture is proof that God’s wrath is already upon us. Where do depraved cultures come from?
Devolving. Why? God gave them up. Why did he give them up?
Truth exchange his Word for a lie.
God stands against a world against his Word.
Judgment shows itself in a depraved society where homosexuality and worship of animals becomes truth (i.e. the spirit of our age).
Though society devolves God reigns. The I in v6 emphasizes God’s rule. He has established his rule through a King .
The high priest confessed the world’s betrayal
Why war? Moral Monster
Why war? Moral Monster
Holiness is the standard. The King of is the righteous man of . The King loves truth, beauty, protection, and justice. He therefore cleanses the world of all unrighteousness. Why the Harem Warfare in Palestine?
Paradise where righteousness dwells.
Crush, “Has God really said.”
Yet they too, like Adam listened to the voice of the serpent and worshiped the creature rather than the Creator.
Yet, David’s greater Son, a true and righteous King would stand for God alone.
A Son begotten by decree that is a Son of promise.
He is the anointed Son of God, who will lead God’s people in battle against the nations.
This is a War decree of God. The king will not sit by and let the serpent have his way. No, he goes on the offensive. War is his anointing. God has decreed that his King would rest in peace over all his defeated enemies. In this decree is further elaborated, The LORD said to my Lord, sit at my right hand until I make your enemies your footstool. Yahweh decrees to subdue the nations for his Lord by crushing the enemy.
Throughout Israel’s history, kings would come and go. Each one agreeing... eventually the nations overcame Israel. So what happened to God’s decree? Peter tells us in :
The nations of the world attacked and destroyed the anointed King of kings. The gospel’s affirm his anointing at his baptism, where a voice cam from heaven saying, This is my beloved Son with whom I am well pleased. There he was anointed by the Holy Spirit. Then what happened?
The nations of the world attacked and destroyed the anointed King of kings. The gospel’s affirm his anointing at his baptism, where a voice cam from heaven saying, This is my beloved Son with whom I am well pleased. There he was anointed by the Holy Spirit. Then what happened?
He went to war. You might ask, “But I...” You don’t see blood being spilt… of this world. Therefore the only blood spilt was his own:
This is the language of military conquest. Victory by defeat. Christ Jesus is the blessed man of . His delight and will was the Word of God alone. Yet for it he died at the hands of men gathered with power. Yet upon his death the Lord divided the spoils of victory. This King conquered the world through death. Christ broke his enemies on the cross. The war here in is first spiritual and by faith in Christ we are more than conquerers. We are the righteousness of God, whose Son now rules the church from the right hand of God. From their, he leads us in battle against our sinful nature. He equips us from heaven with the armor of God. From the right hand he sends the church to the ends of the earth that he might subdue the nations, not by military might but by the double edged... alone. Here we don’t make Christ... submit to his rule...
You must, for his reign will not always be spiritual as the last part of the liturgy attests . This was the response of the people, kiss the son in faith or else perish in his wake. In the first advent, Christ came poor and needy, without a sword, but not in his return:
Sin cleansing. Have your sin cleansed… days of Noah. When you find yourself in sin, look to Christ for he is our refuge against the wrath of God .
Do you want to be a blessed man? Then turn to Christ in faith and know that you have this God on your side for now and evermore. Amen.