The Kingdom is like...
Sermon Tone Analysis
1. Spiritual hunger is measured by the sense of urgency
1. Spiritual hunger is measured by the sense of urgency
Example, Jacob wrestled with the Angel until the morming. He wouldn’t let go of this one opportunity to have his life changed. Jacob knew that this was a divine encounter. Jacob was tired of reciving blessings in the natural, always by his own effort and wit. He wanted to go beyond the natural blessing to the supernatural.
Are you settling for receiving only blessings in the natural? Are you ready for God’s real revelation or will you settle for the crumbs that fall off the table. The Phenician woman asked what for us would be a major miracle. She understood better than most of us the measure of miraculous power of Jesus. She said “even the little dogs (a claim of humility) “eat off the crumbs that fall down from the table (hunger).” She was an outsider and we are God’s family. She had a greater degree of faith than many of us! She was claiming that her miracle would be the still small in measure compared to those miracles that were reserved for the family of God. This is us! I wonder what she would say if she was here meeting with us today? Would she say that my hunger is as real and urgent as hers?
2. v. 10 Meet Jesus in the secret place
2. v. 10 Meet Jesus in the secret place
3. v. 10 Meet with others true revelation happens in the context of community (isolation is Satan’s preferred instrument for confusion, pride, and defeat)
4. v. 10 Begin to ask (immediate vs progressive request)
5. Jesus began to explain (this explaination went on over time)
A dull heart is an unchanged heart. It’s a nearly dead heart. A dull heart is unable to do what it was created to do.
3 necessary responses to God’s kingdom:
See and perceive
1. Active engagement beyond awareness (seeing vs. perceiving)
Stimulus — The person, thing, or event that brings about a mental change in the person experiencing it; for example, “David saw Goliath (Stimulus).”
This implies us being there with an expectation, to be there to meet, and to be ready to understand. It’s the difference between being aware, and being affected by.
2. Leaning in: Understanding means going beyond Hearing
- (see 22
Read Understanding implies being willing to be told that all you know does not line up with God’s kingdom. Understanding means to willingly open our eyes to our personal brokenness and unwillingness to the lordship of Jesus Christ.
Understanding comes together with gaining insight. An attentive mind will be able to get hold of insight. A mind that is willing to engage God’s word on God’s terms and pace will gain insight. Some times gaining revelation takes time.
A hardened heart is the main reason for not understanding God’s word. Soft hearts allow God’s word to go deep into the heart, take root and bear fruit.
Pharo heard the revelation of God’s word through Moses and yet, his heart was hardened. He was not ready to change his mind.
3. Turning (change of direction) Long term commitment. No short cuts or short change. God calls us to be determined, to burn bridges, to close doors, to get rid of things, to change schedules, to give up on things that were natural and acceptible for us in the past.