Are You a Participant in an Idol, an Altar, or Christ?
Sermon Tone Analysis
We have looked at the sacraments in genreal, but batpissm specifically as a tool God has graciously given all those who enter his church - to sign and seal, represent and to certify the promises of the gospel. In Baptism we are passive and the central action is God’s sign and signfiing what Christ has don for us. But in the second sign we are not passive at all. It is not an intitation of a newly converted adult who is a bbay Christ, nor of a covenant infant - whom God desires to have the sign and seal and live in covenant. Like circumcision - ssign and seal of the irghteousness that is by faith - to mark our lives!
We have looked at the sacraments in genreal, but batpissm specifically as a tool God has graciously given all those who enter his church - to sign and seal, represent and to certify the promises of the gospel. In Baptism we are passive and the central action is God’s sign and signfiing what Christ has don for us. But in the second sign we are not passive at all. It is not an intitation of a newly converted adult who is a bbay Christ, nor of a covenant infant - whom God desires to have the sign and seal and live in covenant. Like circumcision - ssign and seal of the irghteousness that is by faith - to mark our lives!
But the second tool for our onging growt in communion with Jesus - is not an initiation where we are passive; it is an active participation not for initatining, but as we participate it is for the strengthning and edifcation of our faith. Like the Passover which foreshadowed it, with bread and wine for a journey with God, through night of destruction and Angel of Death, through a watery grave of the Sea of REeds, into new land and new life with God at the centre. God gave them a meal ortabble simpole meal of unleavenened bread and delightful victorious toasts of wine. Everytime family ceelbrated, eldest son - what makes this night special … WE = they participated through the meal in those realities. Gave present comfort, future direction.
Well the Apostle Paul in expalinging what we are participating in when we come tothe Lords’ table, tells us by contrast with what Jews comoing to the altar are participating in, and what pagans coming to sacrfices to diols at their feasts were participating in.
A. Break the Participation with Idols & Demons
The Corinthians along with the Gentiel Galatians - freedom to eat meat that sacrficed to idols before reaching the markert place. Paul had taught thme no fear of pagan gods - nothing in themselves. In love refrain if Jewish brother stumble at that meat. But eating and drinking in context of temple sacrafices and tmeple meals - some had returned to doing this and Paul says there is a participation that corrupts our devotion to God, our communion with him, and enjoyment of his blessings.
Whatis idolatry. Hindu temple, food, incense, prayers, not so much think that the rock image is the god, but resides with us in it, tool - to seek blessing, find indentity in relation to that God. Paul has given the example of Israel in the widlerness - Godlen Calf - this isi your God who did this, and what do they do - bring God down to their level, make ideas and practices of him accomadted to us, - involve such basic things as eating, drinking rising up to play - some indulge in sexual immorality. Basically not unlike modern day partying!
Not all that different than Corinthian idolatry and the type of participation that Paul calledinto question: .
To sit down at a pagan feast with an unbeliever (v. 20) and to eat with him the meat that had been sacrificed to the idol in which he believed had the same implication. In the unbeliever’s eyes it suggested the acceptance of his god, and joining him in its worship.
In Corinth the temple functioned as a central, communal gathering place. The temple courts included tables for regular feasting; so the temple functioned something like a modern-day restaurant. There would be nothing out of the ordinary about attending a brief sacrificial ceremony and then joining friends for a nice meal afterward. This wouldn’t necessarily have been accompanied by a religious feeling either. The priests were doing their thing, and there were some devoted believers, but many would have felt rather indifferent to the whole process. It was a social, communal gathering. The Corinthians were used to going to the temple for these meals, and now that they have realized that the idols don’t have any substance, they have begun to visit the temples again.
Paul calls on them to stop attending these feasts for a number of reasons. First, one’s desires and affections are shaped by the way one lives his or her ordinary life. There is a shaping liturgy to one’s life, a rhythm, an order of worship.
Calvin Prof, James Smith suggests in Desiring the Kingdom, “Our heart’s desires are shaped and molded by the habit-forming practices in which we participate daily.” One’s desires are shaped and transformed by his or her habits, actions, and relationships. One might think this or that is neutral, but Paul is saying that everyone’s actions have a shaping effect. The Corinthians’ acceptance of and participation in the temple practices made them susceptible and less-than-suspicious about the dangerous effects of idolatry.
While we may not think of money, love of riches, greed, gluttony as idols, the Bible does. Paul in basically taking part of creation, instead of God - and saying htat is what I need to be happy, have identity, source of blessing, -Ulitmate Centre of my life. Seen how sexual orientation - and satifaction can be put in centre as easily as workalochics job. Or poularity or fame or godl medal. The leader of the RC Church has said: Idols exist . . . as a pretext for setting ourselves at the centre of reality and worshiping the work of our own hands. Once man has lost the fundamental orientation which unifies his existence, he breaks down into the multiplicity of his desires;
And James Smith’s point is as he goes t the Mall, says to his daughter we are going tot he local Temple. His big deal is incouvering our cultures idol of th hearts, and the litanies, the practices, the habits - tempted to particiapte iN.
In summary as RK Hughes says: idols are anything more fundamental than God for our happiness, meaning, and identity. They are inordinate desires for even good things such as material possessions, a career, family, marriage, achievement, work, independence, political cause, financial security, human approval, romance. All of these things are good in and of themselves. But what ends up happening for many people is that these created things become ultimate things. And when this takes place, they become functional masters, over-desires, and ultimately idols in man’s heart.
And Paul is saying, if Christ is your source of happiness and blessing, if commuioin with HIm is the heart of true religion, you participating in the modern day temples, like the rest of our oomdern worshippers is a problem! Idolatry will dtwist all the good eating, drinking, playing and marrying and having sex… good things in themselves … subltey tists and spoil life!
With Jamie Smith as we discern the idols of our times, and in our lives, figure how to escape but even better how to participate in Christ! And that is where the Lord Supper comes into your Christain living!
Paul uses the example of the temple’s party, the temples feasting and fellowship - to show what the Lord’s table actually is! And He tells us that your participation in these idoalrties will inevitably lead to you living a double life.
So idolarty ultimately isn’t the choice between two gods. Nor is it simply on the level action. It is the attempt to serve many gods at the same time., and it operates on the level appetite and desire To put it another OT way, idolatry is adultery. Secual sin there is a one-flesh unity - a partiicpation and yoking ,a nd in adultery and idolary that is along side your relationships with the living God - double-mind, divded hearts!
B. If idols are a participation taht leads us a way from God .. .what is one of the most imoprtant ways that Christians are led to God and true happiness. What kind of particiation are we to be involved in? This is the place of the Lord’s Supper. 1 Cor 10:14-17.
B. The Lord’s Supper is Actual Participation in Christ
It is no mistake that God takes the very same ordinary food and drink, fellowship - and uses them as physical signs and seals with a litnay - and says now that is the way you not only show but also experience and take hold of the blessings that are in Christ.
We think our idols can fullfill our desires, but God in Christ udnerstands our desires , wrestled even with weakness and temptation of sinful desire - in Christ, participating in him we escape idolatry - and the Lord’s Supper is a key way that believers particpate in Christ and receive blessing from him.
Paul is saying, just like sitting down at the pagan temple restaraunt, participating even if mindlessly in their litanies, is acceptance of the idol and participating in their worship; so too the Lord’s Supper is a celebration of our identity with Christ. As we take the communion cup we are professing Jesus and the ability of his blood to cleanse from sin and bring us to God. As we eat the bread we declare our sharing in what he achieved by his sacrificla death as he was made sin for us.
Both the eating and the drinking by faith become a participation, communion, a sharing in Christ in three different ways.
First, there is a unity with Christ and second with one another.
But there is also a third spiritual effect similar to what happens when a person partakes in the sacrfices of idolarty - something takes place then and there with the demons behind the idolatry and the worshippers. In participating in the Supper by faith we are participating in the mystical union with HIm. Paul says:
Because there is one bread, we who are many are one body, for we all partake of the one bread.
He could have said we all eat from this one loaf, because we are one body. But he says believers are one body, because we are partaking of the one loaf. As we are eating by faith on Christ, as a result we all are One BODY of Christ on earth. We are partaking of the ONe Christa nd his sacrifce by faith, and as a result of that partaking by faith we have a mytical union with Christ. This is also what Paul refers to in
Because there is one bread, we who are many are one body, for we all partake of the one bread.
so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another.
How does Paul want us to understand what is happening when we come to the table? Look at
Consider the people of Israel: are not those who eat the sacrifices participants in the altar?
PRobably not speaking of the idolatry at the altar of the Godlen Calf, but what happens with Jews at Passover. The people take peace offerings, not the Day of Atoement, nor just a burnt offering wholly consumed - but thank offerings and peace offerings were unique because those wre the ones that the SIrealites were to eat in celebration with the priest. Levitiucs 7:15-16. And Paul like earlier pointed out is sayig , the Lord’s Supper has it roots in that kind of Passover feasting.
So just like the OT bleivers who ate the sacrifce at the altar - by faith participated in the signifance of the altar of the temple so too with Christ. Think of Christ is the priest, offering, he also made hismelf the altar. And when you eat with faith in union with Him, you too participate in the spritual signfance of the altar of the true Temple who is Jesus. And just like that OT beliver didn’t just offer up the thanksgiving sacrfice as an empty symbolism, so too as you eat this meal - a deepening of spritual fewllship between you and your God through Christ happens!
Why we come to this table expecting a deepening in partaking in Christ and all his benefits. To participate in the world’s idolaltries is to aroudse the LORd’s jealousy - its to say the gods of this world are more powerful and I woe them for my happiesss more tha God. but God demands an exclusive communion - saying all that I need is in Jesus - fierce love of loyal husband. ,
not like the covenant that I made with their fathers on the day when I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt, my covenant that they broke, though I was their husband, declares the Lord.
Like - btroth to me forever, in righteousness s nand justice ,in warmth and compassion… To come tot he table is to renew that marriage vow with the LORD and deepen our commuion!
Now if its true that our baptisms represent all the blessings of communion w F,S,HS on the covenant basis of Christ’ cleansig blood. And that the Supper signfies teh same blessings. What’s the difference? The one time signing and sealing of initation is approropriately represented in one for all washing. But the Supper is different in that those same blessings are represented and tied to wine and bread. How is that different than the wshing? Bread and wine are not for commencement of life, but for what nourishment? And its not wine and bread separately, but together - representing the complete sufficiency of Christ to meet our every day need!
We come often and eagerly to the Table to seek and anticipate adveancment and growth and progress in Christ through faith. a Growth in our apprehension of what Bpatism promises: Adoption, Justification, Sanctification. The beginnign of those graces extended in baptism for us, but the growth in them is what a porfessing beliver needs!
You and I often fall and backslide - repeatedly need renewing and engouraging, stengthening of faith. Coming to the table is you and saying we belong tot he same family and eat the same spiritual food, for us to live is Christ! Just like every baptism - ask how am I imporoving on my baptism. We are to prepare for, and reflect on every communion meal - what good effect is Christ nourishing and incresasing progressing in…
C. The Blessing is the Means of Christ Being Spiritually with Us
C. The Blessing is the Efficacious Means of Christ Being Spiritually Usi n the Supper
But lastly, we must see how this nourishment, participating, this greater extension of faith can only happen - as you come to this table with faith - or else it all falls flat. It is not only possbile but all to frequent that all believer come as wrothy guests in the supper, and that is why we must lastly consdier how the blessing at the Supper is how we exercise our faith in Christ.
Have you ever though of the blessing we proclaim at the table? Do you really belive that the blessing is theri for you to receive?
The cup of blessing that we bless, is it not a participation in the blood of Christ? The bread that we break, is it not a participation in the body of Christ?
The bread stays, bread, the wine stays, wine. Christ’s human nature must remain in heaven, His glory is maintained as the body of Christ gloroified in heaven is not divdiece or broken or scattered again!
But as we break the bread and bless the cup, do you understand what Jesus was commanding us to do? We are setting aside common bread and wine that are used every day - grocery store and lcbo, but by prayer - we are settingthem aside consecrating them for a holy use. They ar not holy inthemselves nor are they turned into something holy, but they ar setadie in prayer - to be used to commuicate heavenly blessing.
And as we read the words of institution and break the bread, bless the cup -we are to expect the spritual blessings as surely as the bread and the wine enter our mouths and a re digested invigorating our bodies! I have said it before, as the bread is passed dwn to yu, as th e cup - and you reach ofrth your hand to tak them, mus see it as Chrsit personally exteening to you the spritual blessings of the gosepl perosnally to you!
Understand the blessing you receive and the efficacy of this table depend on faith, your faith in Christ personally extending to you those beenfits in comunion with him in heaven. And that is why we always upt the institution of Christ right before you r eyes, with His words, and with the prayer for thanksgiving for the benefits displayed and offered to us, and with a petition for grace. Not midless prayers but real presence of Christ spiritually with us, and so pleading that we truly receive from him, not just bare ritual, but the soul strengthening commmunion that he offers and signs and seals to us.
Dear congregatio nof our Lord Jesus Christ, absolutely scary to read James Smith about all the diols of our hearts and in our cultlure. No different in the days of Calvin - readily acknowledged that the human heart is an idol factory. Live in this world, where good desire gone wrong - building altar not just at pagan gods temples, but write into your homes - bowing before flashing screes, offering of or tie to most miniscule planning of finaancial security - obsess with banking, mail order
consumerism -. And int hem idst of the Vanity Fair of this world, all the preists of this age shalsing their goods - want to buy, want to indulge, here’s real identity, here’s pelasure, Jesus says Yo are my disciples baptized and initated, but now growing in commuion, How big is this table in your life. …
Growing up - big linen table cloth - truly a holy time, biggest “saints and biggest sinners - met on that common ground - pattern to life - that this is whom real life and blessing and identiy and fellowship and wecurity and joy and peacve - Come discerning the body of Christ!
Yes we are in the World, but not of it. And in this world there is a table and at the end of the world the same table. And one of the greatest tools to keep our heart partiipating in Christ and all his benefits, to living fiahtfully with an undeived, is the Lords Supper.
Like baptism lets heed the wrods of John trap and not come to trust in this table rather than Christ, but let us also not neglect this table. Amen.