Walking In The Spirit
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· 40 viewsIn this lesson Pastor Bogan examines what it means to walk in the Spirit of God.
Sermon Tone Analysis
The word “walk” here means to live or behave in a specific manner. Therefore, to walk in the Spirit means to behave and live our lives according to the dictates and the desires of the Spirit. Paul is admonishing the Galatians to “walk in the Spirit” because although they had begun in the Spirit, they were trying to finish in the flesh.
Many of us are willing to accept the fact that it takes the Spirit of God to be saved, but I’m not sure we believe that it takes the Spirit to live saved. Like the Galatians in Paul’s day, we need to be reminded that the Christian life cannot be lived out apart from the Spirit!
Again, we see that the way we ‘fulfill’ or meet the expectations of righteousness is not by walking after the flesh, but by walking after the principles and dictates of the Spirit! Now, Paul goes on to tell us the reason why some walk according to the flesh and why others are walking according to the Spirit.
Those who are walking according to the Spirit do so because they mind the things of the Spirit. In fact, the original Greek says that they “give serious consideration, ponder, think about and even fix their attention on” the things of the Spirit.
While verse 4 describes the walk of those who are fulfilling righteousness, verse 5 tells us what’s behind their walk. For instance, those who are walking after the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires. In other words, walking in the Spirit is accomplished by first thinking according to the desires of the Spirit. In fact, the original Greek says that they will “give serious consideration, ponder, think about and even fix their attention on” either the things of the Spirit or the flesh.
While verse 4 describes the walk of those who are fulfilling righteousness, verse 5 tells us what’s behind their walk. For instance, those who are walking after the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires. In other words, walking in the Spirit is accomplished by first thinking according to the desires of the Spirit. In fact, the original Greek says that they will “give serious consideration, ponder, think about and even fix their attention on” either the things of the Spirit or the flesh.
Therefore, if we’re not walking in the Spirit, then it means we are not thinking spiritually. These things come in pairs, or even in threes. For example, spiritual thoughts lead to spiritual emotions, which in turn produce spiritual actions. (The same can be said about carnal or sinful things.) For example, thoughts of unforgiveness lead to feelings of bitterness, which eventually produces actions of wrath.
Spiritual things come in pairs or even threes. For example, spiritual actions are the result of spiritual emotions, which in turn are motivated by spiritual thoughts. (The same can be said about carnal or sinful things.) For example, thoughts of unforgiveness lead to feelings of bitterness. Feeling of bitterness will eventually produce actions of wrath.
If you’re struggling with your walk, then you’re also probably struggling in the area of your emotions. And if you want to change the way you’ve been feeling, then you need to start with what you’ve been thinking on.
It’s important to understand that we’re not under any obligation to oblige our flesh. Sometimes we have this idea that we owe it to ourselves to be transparent and give expression to our natural inclinations.
Acting according to our flesh (selfish desires) is not harmless. It’s deadly! When we walk according to the dictates of our flesh we are flirting with danger.
The word “mortify” means to put to death or put a stop to it completely. It takes help from the Holy Spirit to completely stop our sinful activities. If we want to fully overcome sin, then we must walk in the Spirit. If we’re going to walk in the Spirit, we must have the Spirit (, ).
If we want to overcome the flesh and walk in the Spirit, we’re going to have the Spirit? (,
Second, we’re going to have to pray ().
Third, we’re going to have to walk by faith ().
So, it’s not enough to simply “have” the Spirit (i.e. “begin in the Spirit”). We must walk in the Spirit to obtain life and peace.
So, it’s not enough to simply “have” the Spirit (i.e. “begin in the Spirit”). We must walk in the Spirit to obtain life and peace.
So, it’s not enough to simply “have” the Spirit (i.e. “begin in the Spirit”). We must walk in the Spirit to obtain life and peace.
We might even say that to walk in the Spirit means to think the way God wants us to think, feel the way God wants us to feel and act the way God wants us to act.
Part 2
Part 2
Walking in the Spirit is about having a relationship with God. Walking in the Spirit includes walking in the promises of God (). To walk in the promises of God requires faith. Therefore, walking in the Spirit requires one to walk in faith. Furthermore, walking in the Spirit is about escaping the corruption of the world.
Here God said, “I will WALK in them.” So, it’s not just about walk in the Spirit (God). It’s also about God walking in us!
We accomplish this through prayer (), faith () and obedience (, ).