From Rebellion to Ruin
Sermon Tone Analysis
Sermon Introduction
Sermon Introduction
primary themes: regrettable decisions and what to do about them
2 extremes: reliving them, kicking ourselves; I’m forgiven, everything is ok
in the end it is about God: not about our decisions, our resolutions: it’s about how we can’t really do anything about them: God is the resolver of regrettable decisions
story is about: big mistakes; the consequences, and how to fix things (that can be fixed)
today: why we make the big mistakes, and how these mistakes impact us - even when we don’t notice the impact at first;
next week we’re going to stick with the theme of making bad mistakes, but from the perspective of the person who feels wronged, or is offended by the mistake
sin, its effects on us and others; the damage has been done, how to fix? can’t fix everything, can’t undo, what can we do?
One of the things I encountered as a pastor engaging people is regret.
e.g. chaplain, sharing story of shooting, sounded like he was testifying in court; needed to tell someone;
regret is not just for incarcerated people;
ever relive in your mind a bad decision you’ve made, and wish you could go back and redo that decision?
the worst decisions are those that affect people:
From Rebellion to Ruin
Ruin+ financial ruin, relational ruin
e.g. woman leaving her family and moving oversees (
Obligations to others
Lack of Generosity
All about me. My goals center around my happiness, my fulfillment.
Instant Gratification
Instant Gratification
Money can do this. The impulse aisle.
Coming to Our Senses
Coming to Our Senses
Realizing the wealth we’ve left behind
God can use our misery; not saying that God is teaching the drunk driver now a paraplegic a lesson. No indication that the son is hearing the voice of God. Doesn’t need divine revelation. He’s just miserable.
Life making you unhappy? Examine the choices that make us unhappy, recognize they are making us unhappy;
the son doesn’t just say, I need to change my ways and make better decisions; he wants to repair a relationship; take away the self centeredness; take away the desire for instant gratification;
Extravagant Love
Extravagant Love
“But the father said to his servants, ‘Quick! Bring the best robe and put it on him. Put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet.
Luke 15:
4. Extravagant Love
This is not justice. This is not fair. The son is not expecting this. He knows he doesn’t deserve this.