Sermon Tone Analysis

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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
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Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
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.8 - .9
> .9
Dear Congregation of the Lord Jesus Christ,
Remember Melchizedek - King of what?
Peace, Salem.
Remember he is also high priest of Elyon, God Most Hight.
Remember how he prefiguring Jesus sets out a victory meal with Abram.
A banquet.
You can bet that this is not just an empty ceremony - but recognized participation.
So too the meal Jesus who is both King and high Priest - sets out bread and wine - those elements together symbolizing all the blessing he secures and shares.
Covenantal meal - partners and participate together.
Well congregation we too have seen in the first Lord’s Day of the catechism - that Christ’s table ehre isn’t an empty table - not a bare memorial… taht even the remembering of hsi sacrfice - is one of truly putting your faith and spiritually derving the benefitss of his poured out blood and broken body - We saw from that it is a r3eal partidcipation in Christ, jsut like going to pagan banquet even though idols are nothing - is a real dienitfiying with that idol and paritcipating in demons!
Our catechism then makes clear that its a spiritual eating and drinking by faith - that brings us into a deep commuion at the table, not a phsyical one - the sacrament doesn’t work wihtout faith, it is not as the RC chuch puts it a the exact same sacrfice as Christ’s on the Cross = done againa an dagain for living and dead.
It is memorial meal that commuiniates Christ and His benefits as presented in the gospel, now crystalized as iti were the gospel in a nut shell - for faith to feed upon!
And because this is not an eempty table - it is also not an open table!
And this brings us beyond the insittuiion the what and why what good comes from keeping the Lords’ Supper.
To the Who and teh How.
In Paul moves onto the attitude with which the Lord’s Supper must be taken.
When we see how full the table is, we must also understand that its fulnessness means that it’snot just a universl ameal anyone can atend.
It is not open, but closed or fenced communion.
What do I mean by open - I mean the table is only open and it is wide open for those who eat it in true and active faith!
And this table is closed, to those who are coming without a true and active faith in Christ crucified.
So tonight we must discern three groups of people in regard tot he Lords’ Supper - which group am I part of?
Children which group are you gorwing towards?
In Paul describe two groups to whom the table is closed.
A. The Table is for Weak Sinners BUT NOT Hypocrites
In v.27 he describes some who drink in an unworthy manner -
The idea is not that they feel unowrthy, feeling ashamed about how bad they are yet contrite also.
But the diea is that this person has no real interest in the things of God.
They are there but they are there like a hypocrite!
The problem is not in the gospel they profess to believe, but in thier lack of faith in it.
Paul said of the gospel itself in
So too withthe Lord’s suppper - nothing wrong with the Supper but the lack of faith in what the Supper represents, the flippant, hypocritical attitude .
This is describing those who regardless of what they look like on the outside, behaviour, church membership, way they talk… no real inward faith in what the body and blood fo Christ mean.
Just the same way the gospel will become a curse to those who will not live by it, sotoo for the hypocirtre, play actor - won’t take holdof what the body and blood of the Lord relaly mean.
To partake of this Supper unworthily - is to show contempt for the covenant - Christ set up with his belivers - so that its not the blessing that wil come into their lives and grow in, but the curses of the covenant!
But there is a second group, mentioned both in the catechism and in this passage.
B. The Table is for Weak Sinners, BUT NOT Unrepentant Sinners who disregard the body and blood of Christ!
Those who eat and drink wihtout deicerning the the body and blood fo Christ.
Here it is not som uch the unworhtymanner, flippantly, but lack of discernment while eating as to the necessityof Christ’s death, His work on the Corss.
- some sick, some died.. Theese are people who may be believers but they have not come jusging themselves - but are associated withthe b\church, have \porfessed faith and could e\scape condemenation withthe world Who is this second group> The catehcism says they are the UNREPENTANT.
They may be baptized, and are counted in the fellowship of the church, been brought into discipleship of the church.
But they flagrantly go on living in sin without discerning what their sins required of the Lord Jeuss, they don’t see the punishment of their own sins in him, nor do they see His gift of new standing with Father, of reard fo the Holy Spirit now shared -
Here it is not som uch the unworhtymanner, flippantly, but lack of discernment while eating.
They don’t discern in themselves or in Christ the necessity of Christ’s death, of His work on the Crrss.
- some sick, some died.
These peole come with little apprectiation for Calvary and it signifance.
Porbably also with a corresponding lack of cocnern for Christ earthly body he church, particularly those poorer, with less resources.
Theese are people who may be believers but they have not come jusging themselves - but are associated withthe b\church, have \porfessed faith and could e\scape condemenation withthe world Who is this second group> The catehcism says they are the UNREPENTANT.
They may be baptized, and are counted in the fellowship of the church, been brought into discipleship of the church.
But they flagrantly go on living in sin without discerning what their sins required of the Lord Jeuss, they don’t see the punishment of their own sins in him, nor do they see His gift of new standing with Father, of reard fo the Holy Spirit now shared -
There is that participation again, idscierning the body of Christ, likethe wrod of instittiuon saysin
But these people are comiong and have no perosnal statement testifying to whta the Cross means to them or waht it is doing in them!
The Lord’s death has left them unchanged!
The Aim of their life isn’t holiness wihtout which we can’t see the LORD.
Their partiicpation at the table is supposed to be a recognitionof Christ’s life giving rule in their lives - and more an appropriation, a taking of that life-g9vign salvation!
And the church is soimportant that the LORD will discipline those who don’t recognize and discern and repentnatly livein light of Christ!
Iti s the businness of the church to gaurd this table from those who live in hypocrisy (though hard to tell and can only ulitimately go on their word and their actions), and those who live wihtout repentnance.
We must do so for two reasons - the first is for the glory of Christ and upholding what His life and death were really about.
We don’t want to be found guilty concerning His body and blood.
Those but the second si for the sake of those who think that because thery are religiosus, physically come tot he table - thatthe hypocrite is safe now and in eternity; or that an unrepentant person is inline tolive in communion and in the blessingo f the Lord!
Why when you fall into unrepentant sin, not just sining but living in sin, first step of church disicpline si to sya - you need to make this right - until then refrain from Lord’s Table!
But that leaves us with the question of who is this table open to? and how shoudl tehy come?
And I want to give a two-fold answer on this side as well.
The first half correcting a misunderstanding and the scond half giving you a helpful and hopeful answer to prepare yourself to come!
C. A Common Misunderstanding: The Table is NOT for the ‘Worthy-Enough’ (by their own faith or repentance)
Prbolem see in Catholicism but also in Protestant circles.
Many have wrongly interpreted unworthily with sinner instead of manner of taking the supper.
One does not become unworhty becauseof sin per se, or unconfessed sin.
Sin is bad, unconfessed sin even more a problem.
But the problem in Corinth was the breaking of the unity of Christ’s body, the church.
And worhty partaking would centre not on confessing sin but recognizing Christ, his work, His people.
but some want to make worthy partaking not about Christ and sharing in him and his church, but about their performance!
Think of Luther with his RC before his rediscovery of the gopsel.
What;’s the sacramento f penance?
…by which sisn committeed after baptism are forgiven.
Priest msut know them, and if you are truly sorry, or hem ust retiaan them.
Priest actually takes them off your soul.
Can you be sure your sins are forgiven?
Yes, if you are truly soorry for you your sins.
What is meant by being truly sorry for your sins?
i. whish you han’t commtited them, ii sincerely promise not to commit those sins agains; iii.
promise to stay away from anyperson, place or thing that easily lead you into sin.
- = Luther stuck - how do i truly know I am sorry for my sin… Martin Martin don’t take tihngs too seriously..
Problem is that they think forgivenesss is based not on their faith in Christ’s mercyon the Cross, but on the merit of their being sorry, of how strong their faith is, of how perfect their repetnance is.
Who is worthy to come to the Lord’s Supper?
None of us on our own merit.
It is true jesus teaches us not to have a judgmental attitude , judge not lest you be judged, by same measure… Jesus ju8dges, tells his church too.
Not absolute bannon judging, but kindo f judgin we do.
And like John the Bpaitist justges the Pharisees -something wrong in how they judge straniign out mosquitoes, but swallowing whole camels.
What did JOh the Baptist says:
Understand that our worhtiness can never be from the quanitty of our merits.
What John and Jesus are after whenthey say check out the fruit of your own repetnance, sitaht qualityo f correspondence.
How dows your repenatnace match upwith the faith that porducing it.
The NT teaches that it is imposssible to be born again and not bring forth fruit of repentance.
But the ground is the simpole faith not in our own impoerfect faitha ro repeentnace but simpole faith in Jesus crcufied and risen, Jesus who we are trusting not only to forgive but trasnform!
Do you see that wihtout this - Protestant peole who come just looking to themselves to be worthy enough, same error as the RC - ultiamtely never knwo if repentanted enoguh, and safer not to come than to come tot he Table!
John Calvin in his Insittutes putsit so well: “On what groundare we confirmed inthe assurance that those who have done their best have performed their duty to God?
But even if this were so, when will it come about that anyone dare to assure himself that he has done his best?
So, since, no definite assurance of our worthiness appears, teh ddoor will alrways remain locked.”
He goes on isn’t it excessive stupidity not to mention foolishness - to require such perfection in receiving the Sacrament as would make the sacrament void and surperfluous.
For the Sacrament is not ordained for the perfect but for the weak and feeble, to awaken, arouse, stimulate and exercise feeling of faith and love, indeed to correct the defect of both.!
< .5
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