Sermon Tone Analysis

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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
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> .9
Our kids never ran out of things to fight about.
One of the regular fights was over who was going to ride in the front seat of the car.
They would race out to the car, trying to get there first, sometimes getting into a little scuffle.
Of course, if Linda and I were both in the car, the fight switched to which one had to sit in the middle.
No matter how we handled the situation, somebody was always unhappy.
Did ya’ll ever have fights over stuff like that?
You are not going to see a kid say, “Please, my wonderful sister, after you!
You can take whichever seat you would like!”
Some of us are adults now…sort of.
How do you deal with others in the adult world?
Do you give others the choice of seats, let them go first in line at the potluck, hold the door for them…you know, just generally put others first in life?
Or do you try to be first in everything, without people really noticing?
In Genesis chapter 13, Abraham and his family, including Lot his nephew, were travelling nomads, going where God directed.
Both Abraham and Lot had become very wealthy.
One day they had what you might call a meeting of the minds because there didn’t seem to be enough water, land, and pasture for for all of them.
In fact, their shepherds quarrelled about it.
They were camped out near Bethel, and Abraham called on the name of the Lord at that place.
He often called on the Lord.
And the Lord always showed up in one way or another.
Genesis 13
Abraham was the elder, the patriarch: He had the right to first choice.
One thing we know about Abraham is that he trusted God — and God blessed Him.
He believed God and it was credited to Him as righteousness (, , and ).
However, just because he trusted God doesn’t mean that all of his choices were easy ones.
He was also human…but he had faith in God because he regularly talked to God.
Big Idea: Faith-driven choices are often difficult but they lead us closer to God, while self-focused choices are easy, often leading us away from God
Faith-driven choices are often difficult but they lead us closer to God, while self-focused choices are easy, leading us away from God
Even believers can get pulled into the path of least resistance — it is very compelling because it looks easier and more rewarding
Transition: Even believers can get pulled into the path of least resistance — it is very compelling because it looks easier and more rewarding
The easy way is shortsighted
Anybody can fill those shoes — sissy, wimpy shoes — Stylish Sidewalk Surfers
Exposition: Lot
Abraham chose to believe God, even when things looked impossible.
That became a way of life for Him.
What made Lot tick?
We are not really sure - In , He is referred to as “righteous Lot”
The easy is shortsighted because it seems to be...
The easy way is shortsighted because it seems to be...
The path with the most perks
When Uncle Abraham told Lot to choose the part of the land he wanted, he immediately surveyed the situation, and took the land that looked the richest — including the cities - malls, theaters, restaurants, Starbucks, etc. “This will be so much better — with everything at my fingertips, life will be wonderful.”
When Uncle Abraham told Lot to choose the part of the land he wanted, he immediately surveyed the situation, and took the land that looked the richest — including the cities - malls, theaters, restaurants, Starbucks, etc. “This will be so much better — with everything at my fingertips, life will be wonderful.”
It’s like they were standing in between Las Vegas and Death Valley or something.
Lot sees the wealth and apparent ease of life so he chose the cities along the foothills and mountains of Vegas — Maybe Henderson, or Lake Mead, or possibly Mesquite.
Abraham was left with what looked like the short end of the stick — but we know that Abraham was right where God wanted him…in the land of Canaan.
Lot seemed pretty shortsighted…blinded by the lure of the good life.
He chose to settle in Sodom, knowing of it’s wickedness — this makes us wonder about his character and morality.
The path with the most perks
The easy way is shortsighted because it seems to be...
The easy way is shortsighted because it seems to be...
The path of least resistance
Lot probably felt like his choice would mean an easier life — not as many obstacles — many more conveniences
We will look at how this relates to us in a moment…but let’s look at Abraham: from our view looking back through time, we easily see that...
We will look at how this relates to us in a moment…but let’s look at Abraham: from our view looking back through time, we easily see that...
The hard way is rewarding
Lot probably felt like his choice would mean as easier life — not as many obstacles.
The hard way is rewarding
Abraham chose God’s plan, even when it looked impossible at times — big Sandals
Just because something is hard or challenging doesn’t mean it’s miserable — it just means it is not the way of least resistance.
Abraham chose God’s plan, even when it looked impossible at times — big Sandals
Abraham was a man with the same challenges of any human being.
We are only human…subject to the same temptations and difficulties.
Abraham chose to do what God said to do, even when it looked crazy.
When God told him to leave Haran after his father died, it says that Abraham went, not knowing where he was going
The hard way is difficult but it makes you
Learns from Mistakes
Learn from mistakes
In Abraham moves his family down to Egypt because of a famine in the land of Canaan
So far so good — but right before they went into Egypt Abraham did something sketchy
Long story short — Pharoah took Sarai into the palace as a wife but everyone in his household became deathly ill.
Someone told him that Sarai was Abraham’s wife
Pharoah called Abraham into his office — “Abraham what have you done to me by telling me Sarai was your sister?
You and yours — get out of my land”
The hard way is difficult but it makes you
The hard way is difficult but it makes you
The hard way is difficult but it makes you
Willing to listen and make changes
In spite of Abraham’s unwise decisions at times — God continued to bless him and his family — he learned and grew as he sought the Lorod
Right before Abraham told Lot that he could have whatever part of the land he wanted, Abraham had been seeking the Lord (Genesis 13:3-4)
Seeking the Lord enables you to make the right choices
Hearing from God and making good choices builds your faith
The hard way is no fun but it helps you be...
Matures into a person of solid faith
Willing to sacrifice whatever it takes, in faith
Genesis 22
God was testing Abraham…do you think He tests me, or you?
It turns out that Lot’s choice didn’t work out well for him
Faith-driven choices are often difficult but they lead us closer to God, while self-focused choices are easy, often leading us away from God
When Abraham found out, he gather his 318 men trained for battle and raided the camp and rescued Lot and his people
Faith-driven choices are often difficult but they lead us closer to God, while self-focused choices are easy, often leading us away from God
Sometime later God revealed to Abraham that he was about to destroy Sodom
Kidnapped — years later hustled out of the city by 2 angels right before God destroyed the wicked city of Sodom.
When we make choices based upon our faith in God - He will reward us in ways we can’t even imagine —
Faith-driven choices are often difficult but they lead us closer to God, while self-focused choices are easy, often leading us away from God
When we make choices based upon our faith in God - He will reward us in ways we can’t even imagine —
When we make choices based upon our faith in God - He will reward us in ways we can’t even imagine —
What does this mean for me and you?
I always teach young preachers one foundational principle: Make sure you are preaching Biblically sound message that meet the needs of your people at that particular time.
I don’t know exactly how this applies to each one of you individually…but God does — and He reminded me to let Him show you, rather than me.
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