Rev Cole Cannon 9-9-2018

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Let us read that together. Please sexual immorality ever send that a man does outside of the body, but he who commit sexual immorality sin against his own body. Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you you have from God and you are not your own.

So you were bought with a price therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which is of god. May the Lord add a reading and adhering to his word and glorified in our hearts. Let's go to our confession of faith.

And I would like for you to repeat after me.

In our confession of faith is also found in your bulletins.

I'm going to say it and then you just repeat after me. I am not moved. By what I see. or by what I feel I am moved. By what I believe.

I believe the word of God.

The victory is mine. I have it now. I can see it. Through The Eyes of my face A man a man and why we still standing? We have next steps here at United.

It's not there. Okay. So how are next steps is in is in our?

Program and if anyone doesn't have one, would you just raise your hand? That should will bring that that around to you?

The next steps for us charity is that we need to really read through the Bible.

And I do have one quick announcement that I forgot. I had a senior moment, but I'd like to see all of the men in mediately after church before we disassemble everything here for about 5 no more than than 10 minutes. I promise you it will be brief.

Can everybody hear me? Don't want anybody going to sleep.

as I said last

time I was before you I know we live in a digital age. So I would appreciate it very much if we would turn off all of our phones including myself put them on.

What are we calling young folk? Put it on silence because his I said said before I'm always nervous standing up here because this is a sacred place. And if I hear a phone, I'm going to think that the master didn't couldn't get to me. So so your phone was ringing so I'm going to stop because I know he's trying to tell me something through you. Amen. Okay. Alright. See I don't want to be when it's not doing it.

And I'm also going to do what I call three things today. Can I call him to Three B's? I'm going to be sincere.

with respect to the word of God I am going to be brief in respect of your time. And I'm going to be seated before I bore you a man. Alright, are we ready to go? Thank you. Amen. Amen.

And we would just buy our heads and for a moment and go into our secret closet and pray for me and for you. And I promise you whatever you ask God for in your heart. And in secret he was too early reward. You openly.

I bought an owl God we come to you this morning as humble as we know how. We're so thankful that you have once again allowed our lives to roll on for just a little bit longer because she didn't have to do it a lot of us woke up this morning, but wasn't able to put our feet on the floor, but you allowed us to put our feet on the floor to come out to your house of worship to try to get it right one more time. We are just a few of your children symbol here in this corner of the vineyard to experience another one of your glorious days and for that we are truly thankful. So just we just ask that your blessings fall afresh on this body of believers.

And as we wait to hear word from you. Bless us this morning Lord, because you know what, we standing in need of and we stand in the need of your grace. We stand in the need of your mercy. So father asked you to hide the speaker of the hour behind the cross and let the next words that your children. Were here be your words. These and all of the blessings we ask in the name of your son Jesus let the redeemed of the Lord say Amen.

This morning. I will text read the scripture which was from 1st Corinthians. Chapter 6 verses 18 through 20 and it was read from the new King James Version.

And I see some Bibles opening. So that's one of her I know people that are that are my age. We not always reaching for our iPads and our phones, but for those of you who don't have your Bibles and you do have those other devices just just follow along with me. The topic this morning is you are not your own. You are not your own.

I want to ask you the first question to whom do you belong Amen to who do you belong? Well, Koren was a major Metropolitan City. the most important city in acacia It was filled with a Dollar Tree and a morality and the church was largely made up of gentiles.

Paul Identify some of the problems in that Corinthian Church and he offered solutions to teach the Believers how to Believe In Christ in a corrupt Society. And think about where we are today Church. What kind of society we are in we are definitely in the end times.

picture this if you would two people who was standing outside of a house one says this is my house. And the other person replied. How come? and that's first person says Is my house for three reasons? Because I built it I paid for it and I live in it.

well They are three reasons. Why you belong to God? The first one is creation. The second one is Calvary. And the third is consecration. My focus just morning churches going to be on versus 19 and verse 20.

Now, let's look at the first reason that you rely on to God who's our creator. Some folks think that we came from the amoeba take me which is a single animal cell for those of you that took biology. We know what an amoeba is. The problem is is that they cannot tell us where the amoeba came from. Amen. The Bible says over in Genesis 1 verse 27 God created man in his own image. Male and female he created. On the other hand, some folks say that the Earth came into existence by the result of The Big Bang Theory. Y'all know what the Big Bang Theory is because there is a program on TV this call The Big Bang Theory a man. Yet if I would have stand here and tell you today that the car you would that you drove up in and that you were driving today was a result of an explosion in the assembly plant in Detroit.

They would question my you guys would question my sanity. Hey, man, where'd you where'd you would watch this? if there is a design there has to be a designer. Amen.

Simile if there is a creation there has to be a creator. Y'all with me this morning. Well since God Made You and Me. He holds ownership rights. Over you and me. Hey, man, the Bible says do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit? Who is in you and whom you have from God and you are not your own? Amen? Well, why do you say that preacher? I'm glad you asked me. It's because you were bought with a price. I'm going to say that again you were bought with a price. Therefore. You got to glorify God in your own body and in your spirit because your body and your spirit belongs to God.

Let me see a show of hands and how many people that think that they are bought with a price. a man a man as Christians We are free to call. We're free to be all that we can be for God Amen. We are not free from God and what Paul mean when he said that our bodies belong to God many people think that they have a right to do anything. They want with their own bodies. Amen. Well, I'm here to tell you this morning church while they think this is freedom would guess what? They're really enslaved by their own desires. when we become Christians the Holy Spirit steals us and lives within us a man. Therefore we no longer own our own bodies.

The expression is that we've been bought with a price.

And then she said right over in verse 20.

Burst 20 also refers to Slaves being purchased at an auction. Christ's death of Carrie Frida's freed You & Me from sin, but his death also obligated you and me to his service. a man old brothers and sisters, please understand that if you live in a building that's owned by someone else. You don't have a late to building codes, right? Well when your body belongs to God, you must not violate his standards for living for you. Are y'all feeling this morning? Alright, alright. God second claim on your life is Calvary. The brothers and sisters we must understand that God created sex for a beautiful and and essential ingredient of marriage. What sexual sin which is outside of the marriage relationship always hurt someone a man? most of all It hurts our relationship with God. Because it shows that we prefer following our own desires instead of being led by the holy spirit. Amen.

It hurts others because it violates the commitments so necessary to the relationship. It often brings disease to our bodies and deeply affect our personalities which responded English. when the harm when we harm myself will spiritually and physically

Francis let me give you a story the story is told and I can relate to this being in the legal field. The story is told of true friends. Who went to law school? One became a judge and the other one became a law breaker. And he ended up in the court. What guess what? Yes, it was sitting there was the judge. his friend So how could the judge mercifully yet be merciful yet be jest. Think about that. Now watch this taking off the black roll of Justice the judge walked over to the docket where the prisoners stood and said. Not only am I this man's friend? But today I am his savior.

He said I will stand chargeable with all of his debts. That's true friends. Hey, man.

now to Segway

See, this is what the master did for you and me when he went to Calvary. He stepped in and he took our place and pay the price for our sins and not only for the sins of the whole world, but not only house sayings but for the sins of the whole world. in full in full and I want to say thank you Lord, because we all sin is trying to trying to trying to get there. How many how many of us would be willing to do that for a true friend? Just let me see a show of hands.

Now brother Mike raise his immediate and that's fantastic.

I'm going to speak for myself. I would be thinking about it, but I shouldn't be be thinking about because this is a tall order. This is a tall order. I want to see any that I would like like brother Mike but I'd have to be face that I couldn't answer that right now as we speak. Amen will at the cross. God to all of think about this picture to church God took all of your sins and mine and he put them in price account. like in a bank account Eddie took all of Christ's righteousness And put it in our account amen. Isn't that great to me? That is really great. In other words the moment. You trust Christ. As your savior you no longer under the sentence of death. Amen. You are free. I'm free.

Do y'all want to shot shout now, or you want to shout later? Because those are shouting words. Amen. You ask why preacher? We're Romans 6 verse 23 declares that the wages of sin is death. But the gift of God is eternal life in Christ. Amen to watch this the value of something is determined by the price of buyer is willing to pay. Well at Calvary God said this is how much I love you. He gave it all this is how much he loves you. At that moment our creator became Our Redeemer. a man the maker of the universe became incarnate man who came down to 42 generation to walk this Earth and took man's curse. And the claims of law that God had made even to the other most. he paid he paid in church in other words God made the law and he fulfilled that law that we're all aware of John 3:16, which reminds us but God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son and who's in ever believe in him should not perish but have everlasting light. God's third claim on your life is consecration. therefore you must glorify God in your body and in your spirit Which belongs to God? The key word here church is glorified. Glorified means to set aside for an exclusive you saw. The you may save a preacher I have so many thoughts.

Well God's not looking for Perfection church because we can't be perfect. He's looking for your willingness to consecrate your life in his services.

Over and he view Peru chapter 5 verse 1 and 2.

It reminds us that every high priest was taken from among men and women. The people that God calls and uses are all human and flawed. in some way including you and me. Yes will call to serve according to our gifts our time and I'll Talent amen. there are no big eyes and look use What preacher why would God call someone like you and me? The reason is that we can have compassion on those who are ignorant and going astray since we also are subject to the same weaknesses a man. Once again, you may say my parents wanted me to go to Bible College in to be a minister. Well, that's good news and bad news. The good news. Is that Bible College can deepen your Devotion to Christ and give you some insight about his word. The bad news is that your parents can't call you. Only God can call you. No, man, a woman takes this on to him or herself. Nobody I did but he or she is called by God. In other words. God does not call the qualified. He qualifies the call. I'm going to say that again. God does not call the qualified. You can have all kind of degrees and everything and you want he doesn't call the qualified. He qualifies the call.

You may ask. How would I know that? I am called to a Ministry and the answer is fruitfulness. fruitfulness Let me give an example. Wen controversy broke out in Israel Over who should be in leadership God told Moses he said Moses. Pick a man from each one of the 12 tribes.

And that man's Rod was put into the Ark of Covenant overnight and the one and the Raj who but it that was who the Lord called a man? Now look at Proverbs 18 verses 16 wish declared a man or a woman's gifts. Make room for him or herself church when God calls you. God opens doors and windows that no man can close. And he closes and opens and closes windows and doors that no man can open. When God calls you church God makes the connections and he provides the resources. All he asked of you and me. Is a life that is consecrated. Doing his wheel.

If all that have said thus far.

Where where would we be if God had not sent his only begotten son to show his way the truth and the life.

Is there any opposition to Creation to Calvary to concentration it is yes. Let me give me an example over in the Old Testament the gods the gods with a small G of Egypt were believed to be like humans. And they're huge temples. Which were bought two Ordinary People only the priest fed wash close those gods and took them out on the days when nothing could be. More different than the god of Israel. Because God calls ordinary people like you and me. To worship Him in spirit and in truth. Amen.

before I take my seed Let me share a word about the importance of calvary. Had Jesus not completed his work on the Cross Church at Calvary to save a Wretch like you and me. Where would we be? Nothing is beyond God's forgiveness. No sin is too great nor too awful for God to forgive. No person is so deep in sin. So in green in a wicked lifestyle North so steeped in evil that he or she can't be saved. The only requirement is church that you accept God forgiveness. Are y'all hear me this morning? We can all be saved.

Will you accept God's forgiveness today right now under the sound of my voice? Can I see a show of answer that yes.

the gospel of Paul did the Apostle Paul wrote over in 1st Corinthians chapter 6 verse 9 through 11. It says do not be deceived. This is not my words. This is the masses word do not be deceived. Neither fornicators. No idolaters nor adulterers nor fear no evil. No covenants nor drunkards nor revilers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.

But you Church you here under the sound of my voice right now or washed? Sanctified and justified in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus whose to Christ and in the spirit of our God Amen how many content today in the place where we find now sales in our lives right now. Just let me see that your hands. I'm I'm content because I'm down the road apiece. a man

Psalms speaks of this first 95 versus 7 and 8 in encourages Us by saying today if you would hear his voice. And Harden, not your heart. As the Israelites did while they were traveling through the Wilderness because they found no water. In other words be careful Church to listen to the Lord and demonstrate your faith by obeying him. When you are in the valley because if you live long enough, you sure will be in the valley. And you need him right there with you because when we stop listening to God. We going to be in trouble. Amen. I'm reminded of a prolific American him. Ryder back in 1875 while praying to God when morning and it's him came to her. And we all know it. It's a stand I am dying. Oh Lord. I have heard thy boss and it told I love to me. But I long to rise in the arms of faith. And be closer drawn today. Draw me nearer nearer blessed Lord to the Cross where thou have died. Draw me nearer nearer blessed Lord to die precious bleeding side. Amen. Amen and amen a man.

We should never. Be in church.

do not have

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