Revelation 3.14-22

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?…..….PM service……PM Service………..SS

Brookings, SD….….TBC…………….CBC…….St James

“Go For the Gusto”

Revelation 3:14-21




1-      The churches mentioned in the first 3 chapters of Revelation are sometimes “left out” in our minds when we think about the book of Revelation (we always think of the prophecy of end times section)

2-      We find in the first few chapters of Revelation real churches whose conditions were recorded for us so that we will sometimes duplicate and sometimes forsake

3-      In studying these 7 churches we can find God praising them, rebuking them, commending them, and scolding them.

4-      All of the churches receive some form of commendation from God except the Church of Laodicea

5-      In order to understand this letter to the Laodicean church it is extremely critical that we understand the historical background of this city

-          this letter is written with a knowledge of the cultural surroundings of the city and if we don’t take the time to understand this we will miss the message of the letter

Read Revelation 3:14-22


1)      The Community

A-    In the beginning the town was small and insignificant, but as many highways were built it became hard to avoid Laodicea when traveling around the countryside of Asia (modern day Turkey)


B-    The city became so wealthy that at one point in it’s history, following its devastation by a major earthquake, the town was able to rebuild itself without any financial help from the Roman government

C-    Laodicea became a city of great commerce where wool dyed black and made into clothes and carpet was their main source of industry

D-    Laodicea also became a major center for the practice of medicine, and it was most famous for its production of a type of eye ointment

Ø      It is in this affluent setting that the church of Laodicea was operating

Ø      This church had adopted the culture of the city – they didn’t need help and were in a good condition

Ø      John is about to expose the true heart nature of the church

Ø      God saw the heart of the church the way he sees what is in our heart towards Him also



Transition:     Because it is written to a real local church and because this is a local church, and more importantly because of the timeless application of the inspired Scriptures, we now must confront ourselves with that passion that we possess for God

2) The Condition         v15-17


> The condition of the church is relayed by the true and faithful witness (v14)

> this means that the assessment of the church’s condition is accurate


A-    This portion of Scripture is written to save from Laodicea from their lukewarmness

1-      the church of Laodicea was content with where they were at spirituality

2-      they didn’t think they needed more of Christ than they already had

3-      this is a very pointed statement made by God for the purpose of getting their attention

Illustration:       New Bulletin

   “All Christians are hypocrites and religion is a crutch for the weak minded.”

B-    To understand this issue of lukewarmness better let’s look at the location of the city of Laodicea

                                                (show map on screen)                      

1-      Hieropolis was located 6 miles east of Laodicea and possessed hot springs of water

2-      10-11 miles south of Laodicea was the town of Colossi (Colossians) and possessed cold springs of water

3-      Laodicea had a water supply problem – too many people and not enough water

a- water was shipped in by Roman aqueducts from both neighboring towns down to


(show 3 pictures of Roman Aqueducts)

4-      When water from both cities reached Laodicea it was lukewarm


Ø      This is the backdrop in which God makes his warning to this church

Ø      I believe that because of the world pictures used by John, we should interpret these verses as talking about our usefulness for God and our passion for God and not being hot or cold in our walk with God

-          one common interpretation is that God wants people to be on fire for Him or cold to Him, but He does not want them to be lukewarm

·         I personally think it is absurd to think that this passage teaches that Christ would rather have a person with great passion for Him or be completely cold to God instead of being lukewarm

1-      We must look at being lukewarm as not having a passion or zeal (not being beneficial) for God and being hot or cold as being beneficial or to God or as having a proper passion and desire to know God more in your life

2-      I believe John is using words pictures that they can relate to, and is commanding them to live lives of usefulness and zeal before God and not be lukewarm

Illustration:    Think of it this way…

1)      Think of your favorite summer recreation – softball, gardening, walking, biking, physical exercise

a-      when you get done with whatever it is you want something refreshing, or beneficial to you body

1.      like some ice tea, lemonade, water, refreshing shower

2.      you probably wouldn’t go home and ask for a lukewarm glass of water, or the store clerk for Gatorade that has been just sitting out

3.      You want something useful and helpful and beneficial to your need

2)      Now think of wintertime and the cold that comes with it – putting of Christmas lights, shoveling, walking

a-      when you get done you will probably go for some warm drink to help warm up again

1.      like hot cup of coffee, apple cider, or hot chocolate

2.      you probably won’t ask for a tall glass of ice cold or lukewarm anything

3.      You are going to want something that is useful and helpful to warming you up

Ø      In both of these cases you are going to want something beneficial to your situation

C- Based on John’s words, I believe this church was half-hearted in it’s relationship to Christ

                  Read v15-16

1-      no zeal, no fervor, no passion

2-      they are not unbelievers but they are only allowing Christ to have a moderate influence on their lives

3-      “they do not burn with passion to know God”

4-      They were apathetic towards God

a-      apathy = absence of passion in matters of importance

b-      apathy might be understood in some cases, but apathy towards God?  UNTHINKABLE

c- they had little amounts of enthusiasm, delight, zest (not soap), enthusiastic enjoyment in the things of God

Illustration:    I have a passion for sports

·         someone who knows me wouldn’t describe me as having a mild attraction to sports

·         some would call me a fanatic

·         but does this passion outweigh my passion for God?

·         the question before each of this morning is where is our passion for God and how important does it rank in our lives


5-      the church of Laodicea had impersonal contact with Christ

a-      they did have contact but it was impersonal

1.      the way an email is impersonal compared to a phone call

2.      the way phone call is impersonal compared to a personal visit

3.      it is like your relationship with your personal doctor compared to your brother or your sister

a.       you give your personal information to your doctor but they don’t know you the way a sibling does

b.      the knowledge your doctor has is impersonal because you don’t spend time with them like a sibling

D- The response of God to their lukewarmness or the lack of passion for God was that he would spew them

     out of His mouth

1-      literally means to vomit

2-      such a strong statement is used to get their attention – shock value

3-      the image of spitting or vomiting is to say that their actions were unacceptable or not beneficial to the cause of Christ

Ø      You can go through the motions and still have a lack of passion for God by having the wrong heart devotion

E- They thought they were rich and in need of nothing

            Read v17


            1- God is His omniscience said they were really poor, blind and naked

                        * God’s Word reveals what we really are – Hebrews 4:12

            2- Laodicea was known for more then their water supply issue

                        a- they were also know for being very affluent

                        b- they were also known for their commerce of dyed wool

                        c- they were also know for a medical eye ointment that helped vision

            3- they thought they were doing what was right before God

a-      God way saying that their commitment for Him was woefully inadequate

Ø      What about you? – is your commitment woefully inadequate to God?

Transition:     Now that God would surely have had their attention he now counsels them to change.

Ø      change was expected

Ø      without change and confrontation, apathy can set in

3) The Counsel

            Read v18-20

B-    God, using terms they would understand because of their cultural surrounding, challenges them to find God as their passion.

1-      remember that God is telling them that they were the opposite of all they thought they were

2-      I believe that through mentioning these three areas of being poor, naked and blind God was telling them to turn 180 degrees from the direction they were heading

3-      He was telling them to repent and turn to righteousness – pictured in white garments as opposed to the black garments they sold in Laodicea

4-      He was telling them to apply His eye salve in order to see their true spiritual state

5-      The core of what God was saying was, “have a passion to know Me”


1-      What about your passion for knowing God?

a-      How committed are you to knowing God –  75%, 50%

b-      are we committed enough to make God’s house a priority more than just on Sunday morning

c-      a passion for God involves giving Him complete rule and reign of your life

-          your life is not just a business merger with God

-          God is not, should not and never wanted to be your co-pilot

-          1 Cor 6:20 -  “For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's.”

2-      God’s love for this church was so great that he wanted to have a personal and intimate relationship with them

3-      I think in this text of Scripture we find God laying showing us what kind of relationship he wants to have with us

a-      he doesn’t want it to impersonal

b-      God desires to have a relationship with you based on his standards this morning

c-      v20 says that he is standing at the door to your heart pleading to have a relationship with you

Salvation application

4-      Maybe this last question will help you determine your own spiritual temperature:

Are you more passionate about things of this world or the things of God?

Have a passion to do more for Christ and to know Him more!

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