Do you not care that, we are perishing?

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Do you not care that, we are perishing?

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Scripture () 35 On that day, when evening had come, he said to them, “Let us go across to the other side.” 36 And leaving the crowd, they took him with them in the boat, just as he was. And other boats were with him. 37 And a great windstorm arose, and the waves were breaking into the boat, so that the boat was already filling. 38 But he was in the stern, asleep on the cushion. And they woke him and said to him, “Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?”[1] The question is asked to Jesus, Do you care, that we are at risk for sudden death? Master, Do you care? Many of us, have experienced or is experiencing situations in our life today that makes us wonder, Do you care? With all the killing in the streets, here in Baltimore, someone is asking the question, Does Jesus care? When you can’t even pay your last respects do to the fear of gun violence, it makes you wonder. We work hard to prepare a better life for our children, but we see that the care we have, is not the genuine care of our peers. When we looked at the fear in our communities, some do not even feel safe in their home. I can understand, you worked so hard, went to church, paid your tithes, tried to do your best by everyone but yet sometimes, you still may utter these words – Do you care?
Scripture () 35 On that day, when evening had come, he said to them, “Let us go across to the other side.” 36 And leaving the crowd, they took him with them in the boat, just as he was. And other boats were with him. 37 And a great windstorm arose, and the waves were breaking into the boat, so that the boat was already filling. 38 But he was in the stern, asleep on the cushion. And they woke him and said to him, “Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?”[1] The question is asked to Jesus, Do you care, that we are at risk for sudden death? Master, Do you care? Many of us, have experienced or is experiencing situations in our life today that makes us wonder, Do you care? With all the killing in the streets, here in Baltimore, someone is asking the question, Does Jesus care? When you can’t even pay your last respects do to the fear of gun violence, it makes you wonder. We work hard to prepare a better life for our children, but we see that the care we have, is not the genuine care of our peers. When we looked at the fear in our communities, some do not even feel safe in their home. I can understand, you worked so hard, went to church, paid your tithes, tried to do your best by everyone but yet sometimes, you still may utter these words – Do you care?
The question is asked to Jesus, Do you care, that we are at risk for sudden death? Master, Do you care? Many of us, have experienced or is experiencing situations in our life today that makes us wonder, Do you care? With all the killing in the streets, here in Baltimore, someone is asking the question, Does Jesus care? When you can’t even pay your last respects do to the fear of gun violence, it makes you wonder. We work hard to prepare a better life for our children, but we see that the care we have, is not the genuine care of our peers. When we looked at the fear in our communities, some do not even feel safe in their home. I can understand, you worked so hard, went to church, paid your tithes, tried to do your best by everyone but yet sometimes, you still may utter these words – Do you care?
It’s your health, one sickness after another, one health issue after another. Good report, bad report, good report, bad report. These situations will make you feel like, does Jesus care? Here in the text Jesus, was trying to get away and relax. He gathered some of his apostles and headed across the Sea of Galilee. As they were sailing there was a sudden storm. Now these apostles, where master fisherman, they were very familiar with the Galilee. They were experienced in fishing in stormy weather. But Yet this storm caught them by surprise. This brings me to my first point: A sudden storm will expose your position - It don’t matter how Christian you are, certain storm can catch you by surprise. Theses apostles were masters at their craft, they were experience with the Galilee and its storms and yet they were afraid. This is why we cannot be so judgmental on God’s people. It doesn’t matter how prepared, you are, how educated, How religious you are. We all will face some storms. Don’t matter how well you pray, How well you sing, how well you preach. You will face some storms, and they that will catch you by surprised. A certain storm will expose your position and kill where you headed. Certain storms will expose your faith and kill your belief. This is why there is so much foolishness going on around us today. We are allowing the outside to influence the inside instead of allowing the inside govern the outside. What is your position and where are you headed? Some of us are allowing our storms to kill our faith. Our storms are affecting our level of spiritual activity, decrease our spiritual participation and blinding our wiliness to serve. Storm you cannot and will not kill me. Don’t care how much hell they raise, how they treat you, What they say, storm you will not win. The song writer said- We better tell the storm, says ”I told the storm to pass”
This is why we cannot be so judgmental on God’s people. It doesn’t matter how prepared, you are, how educated, How religious you are. We all will face some storms. Don’t matter how well you pray, How well you sing, how well you preach. You will face some storms, and they that will catch you by surprised. A certain storm will expose your position and kill where you headed. Certain storms will expose your faith and kill your belief. This is why there is so much foolishness going on around us today. We are allowing the outside to influence the inside instead of allowing the inside govern the outside. What is your position and where are you headed? Some of us are allowing our storms to kill our faith. Our storms are affecting our level of spiritual activity, decrease our spiritual participation and blinding our wiliness to serve. Storm you cannot and will not kill me. Don’t care how much hell they raise, how they treat you, What they say, storm you will not win. The song writer said- We better tell the storm, says ”I told the storm to pass”
Storm you can't last Storm – you will not last. 2. Sleeping Savior The text says : 37 And a great windstorm arose, and the waves were breaking into the boat, so that the boat was already filling. 38 But he was in the stern, asleep on the cushion. In the mist of this storm, and Jesus is sleep. Don’t know about you but I went through some storms and I felt like Jesus was sleep. Have you ever felt like that? Like you really needed Jesus and he was not there. Have you being praying and just felt like you have gotten your answer yet. What a dangerous situation to be in a storm and Jesus is sleep? Jesus want me to tell someone right now, you worrying about the wrong thing. Jesus told me to tell you that - he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep. See the text says that Jesus was asleep in the stern ( which is the bottom of the boat). So lets just think about this for a second. Jesus is in the bottom of the boat and they’re at the top, and the waves from the storm are filling the boat with water. The water is filling the boat. So what happens when you pour water in a glass, the water goes to the bottom and fills to the top. The water has to fill the bottom before it can get to you. So let me look at this again. Jesus is at the bottom and they at the top of the boat, water is filling the bottom of the boat where Jesus is. So if the boat is gonna to sink its going to take Jesus down first. Scripture says that - When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him. So before the storm kills you – Jesus will lift up So Jesus is the interceptor between you and the storm. See you up worrying about the storm and Jesus is saying that- Since I don’t sleep nor slumber, you need to go to sleep. I got the storm. Stop worrying, I got them. I’m in the storm with you. So We have a certain storm, a sleeping savior…. The text says that And they woke him and said to him, “Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?” 39 And he awoke and rebuked the wind and said to the sea, “Peace! Be still!” And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.
3. Supernatural Stranger The text says that And they woke him and said to him, “Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?” 39 And he awoke and rebuked the wind and said to the sea, “Peace! Be still!” And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.
The Holy Bible: English Standard Version. (2016). (). Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles.
See the apostle had walk with Jesus, seen Jesus heal the sick and make the blind see. But until this time they had only seen the humanity of Christ. They had only seen the Son of Man. They had seen the miracle of humanity but this was different this was nature. They had never seen Jesus perform a miracle on nature. In other words they had saw the Son of Man but not The Son of God. 1. They wonder if he cared because it was a certain storm, 2. They wonder if he cared because he was a sleeping savior The final thing I want you to know Everything that God allows to happen ,is because, he is trying to get you to a certain place. He allows the heart ache, becaused he is trying to get you to a certain place He allows Heart breaks, becaused he is trying to get you to a certain place He allows the storms to, becaused he is trying to get you to a certain place Where was Jesus trying to get the disples to go.
He trying to get the disciples to shift from where they were, to where they need to be There was a certain Storm There was a sleep savior
There was a Supernatural Stanger 3. A Supernautural Stanger Even though they had walk with him they did not know who he was Even though they had seen him perform miracles heal the sick they did not know who he was See every miracle that he had perform up to this point, was a miracle of humanity, but this miracle was a miracle of nature. See they knew that he could control man but they didn’t know he could control nature. Everybody ought to know who Jesus is ?
Do you know who Jesus Is?
I know who he is I know who he is he is my Joy for sorrow
He is my hope for tomorrow he is my way in
He is my way out He is my best friend Doctor Lawyer Anybody know who Jesus is? And the bible says that Jesus told the storm to Hush.
It caught the dispel by surprise, they said what manner of many is this. Tell your neighbor God got something for you that you aint never seen I don’t care what look like,
What they said You are going make it
[1] The Holy Bible: English Standard Version. (2016). (). Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles.
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