The End Times
The Resurrection • Sermon • Submitted
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The Resurrection
The Resurrection
I. Into
a. Today we will start a brand new series entitled, The End Times: The Resurrection, The Rapture and The Return
b. This is going to be one of the most important series that I have ever taught in this church. Because of the material that is going to be shared, it is going to be important that you do not miss a Sunday during this series.
c. I assure that you are going to hear things that you have never heard before. And…Some of what you hear. you may not even agree with and that’s ok. Because I don’t want you to agree with everything that I say just because I say it.
d. In these last days, it is not enough to simply say, well my Pastor said?
That’s not good enough. It is important that you only believe what you can see in your own bible.
e. That not only goes for what you hear from me but for anyone else that you hear on tv or the internet or read in a book or see in Christian movie, - only believe what you can see in your own bible.
i. I want everyone in this church to be like the Bereans in the days of Paul the Apostle. If you are not familiar with the Bereans turn with me to ,
1. Then the brethren immediately sent Paul and Silas away by night to Berea. When they arrived, they went into the synagogue of the Jews. 11 These were more [d]fair-minded (or more noble) than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness, and searched the Scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so.
b. The Bereans received the word but more then just receiving it, they searched the Scriptures ….DAILY to find what whether or not what Paul was saying was true. In other words, they didn’t just take his word for it, that checked the scriptures for themselves to make sure what he was preaching lined up with the Word.
c. As we go through this series, I want you to search the scriptures to see if what I am teaching you is so. And if you don’t see in your own bible, then don’t believe it.
II. Let know one Deceive you
a. Here is the other reason why being a Berean is important - because when Jesus was asked by His disciples about His return in the first thing Jesus said was this,
i. Watch out that no one deceives you.
b. In verse 3 they asked Him about His coming and the first thing out of the mouth of the Great Teacher was to warn against deception. The very first thing. Which tells us that there is going to be a lot of deception surrounding the subject of His return.
c. Paul gave the exact same warning with even stronger language when He said, Let no man deceive you by any means
d. Paul said, let no man, no man, no man - deceive you…then he added…by ANY means. If you read this verse in context then you will know that the subject that Paul was talking about was the Coming of the Lord or the Day of the Lord.
e. When he says, by any means – in our culture today that would mean – When it comes to the teaching surrounding the Return of Christ, don’t be deceive by what you see in a Christian movies, read in a Christian book, or on a Christian blog, watch on Youtube, Netflix,, Hulu, etc - search on the internet, or even hear from your favorite Christian TV preacher. Don’t’ be deceive by ANY means. Means, don’t be deceive by ANY means - But rather be a Berean, - search out the matter and see if it lines up with scripture.