Colporteur Ministry - Literature Evangelism
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The Foundations Of Colporteur Evangelism
The Foundations Of Colporteur Evangelism
When the foundations be destroyed what can the righteous do?
Do you remember show-and-tell from childhood?
When you really break it down the essence of the Cole Porter work is show and tell. The basic processes you knock on the door you introduce yourself and then you show them the book or books and tell them about it. There is no real need to make the work more complicated than it is because this is the foundation of the work you build on top of this but at its core the show until element is the essence of the Cole Porter work. For example take this book this book is peaceful of the storm you see if the title right there then description on the front says helps you find Freedom from where I guilt and fear you open the book their beautiful pictures you open the book there are powerful readings and testimonies and there's even a song inside and if you look on the back you see them in a book store that sells for 1999 but people been helping with just a donation of 10 to $20 and it helps us to go to school. There you have it I did not even need to know a canvas or anything because I just showed them the book and I told him about it based on things I could easily observed even if it was my first time seeing the book. When people handle something and see what it is and really examine it they are more able to make an informed decision about purchasing that very thing. This is because they understand and can see its value.
A foundational matter in the Cole Porter work is the canvas. Therefore it is so important that you know your canvas you should be able to say your canvas in less than a minute and a half and you should be able to say your canvas while you are praying in different words in your thoughts.
Remember that you are a Cole Porter evangelist. You are to work efficiently and purposefully. Remember the behind those doors there may be a man or a woman contemplating suicide. A person whose mother or father has just died. Parents who lost a child. Or someone who just learned that they have cancer or some other life-threatening disease. You want to reach these people and we cannot afford to walk lazily or carelessly or even slowly door-to-door. We are not simply door to door book salespeople. You are more dinner foods that heal salesperson. You are a Cole Porter evangelist you are a Bible worker you are a medical missionary you are laboring to mingle with the people to learn of their needs and to labor to meet their needs both physically and spiritually.
The Cole Porter evangelism work is just that it is evangelism. You are out there laboring for Souls therefore it is important to be wise in the ways that you interact with people to know what to say to know how to lead a conversation to be Discerning to be perceptive to analyze the circumstances the details of the home the countenance of the person that attributes of their health and outward appearance the words in the things that they say or do not say and to draw conclusions based on these various things. It is also important to know how to ask the right questions.
When you are ministering to someone in developing a friendship or meeting someone new you can put into practice the following method. There is an acronym F. O. R. T. The acronym stands for family occupation religion and testimony. One of our questions in the canvases are there any children in the home you could also ask do you like to cook or are you more of the eater in the household. Or you could ask does your family like to cook a lot a lot of food at home or do you mostly eat out and things like that? When you meet someone or you have a friend that you care about you often ask how are you how is your family how you might talk about the meals that they had or the experiences in their life and you want to do the same thing when you are laboring for Souls because these are your friends these are people. People that you love. Another thing you can talk about is someone's occupation this is what they have devoted their life to what they have might be spending most of their week doing day after day simply asking what do you do? Do you enjoying your job? How long have you been working there? What would you do if you could pick any job? Are you a student? What are you going to school for? These are all simple questions you can ask and get to know someone better and as you develop that friendship you can have a better means by which to reach this person and labor for their soul. The next question is some form of asking do you have any religious background do you go to a church around here or some other question like that and this gives you an idea of who you are talking to where they are coming from how they were raised if they converted at some point from one thing to another and things like that. Once you know if they have any religious affiliation you can know how to proceed what to ask you can point out the common elements between our faith and theirs and make it plain that we believe in Christ and his pre-existence and his sacrifice for us the Forgiveness of sins. You can communicate that we believe in his death and resurrection and Ascension and soon coming. At this point it design you could even include commenting on just the state of the world and how the signs of the times or such as they are and how America is in Bible prophecy just to touch up on that and all those different things and generally from what we have experience out in the field so far people are very agreeable to just the condition of our country and the world as a whole and I think they respond well to acknowledgement of that. It also means that they stop and think about the days in the age we live in and how they really may need to get they're there their lives together and their character in order and turn away from some lifestyle choices because the time is so short. It is easy for people to just get caught up in the routines of daily life in to not stop for a moment and to remember that God is God and his son is coming soon and their time to repent is quickly running out. The last letter in the acronym pertains to testimony and if you would understand that someone has a religious experience it can be encouraging both to them and to you to ask them what their testimony is or has been in there Christian experience how Christ and God has worked in their life.
Let us take a moment to look to Luke chapter 10 and the example set forth in the instructions of Christ. What do we notice in the details of these instructions? We noticed the command to go two by two we noticed that the two and two are part of a larger group of 70. We noticed that they are commanded to take nothing with them. We are noticed that they are commanded to stay and talk with people as long as they would have them. And we are told that if they do not receive us we are to shake the dust off our feet and move forward. We are commanded to speak and say peace be unto this home when we enter. What other details do you notice in the instructions of Christ?
Tactfulness is essential in the work. We are canceled not to make prominent the objectionable features of our faith. If you just remember the word prominent in objectionable when you can search those and find the quote very easily. The quote can be found in the book testimonies to ministers.
Basic radio procedure
Radios are an excellent tool to be used in the field. Something important to remember it's just to maintain radio silence as much as possible. Speak only when necessary and as briefly and efficiently as possible. These things in mind you can understand why it is good to have radio codes. Such radio codes include peace and love instead of saying peace above the storm and lessons of Love or RH and PoP instead of real heroes and Prince of Peace. Or secrets and power instead of seven Secrets cookbook and health power. Or just say encyclopedia instead of natural remedies encyclopedia. The common numeric codes include 10-4 which is used as an indication of affirmative or that someone cares and understands. Or 10:20 what is used as a substitute for the word location. For example I might say what is your 1020? Which is to say where are you? The proper response will be just the house number that you are at. Whoever drop you off should already know what street you are on. I encourage you all to make it to practice of giving a housewarming when you are almost finished the street you are assigned. An example of such a warning would be Mobile 1 this is Michael 5 house warning.
What is the devil's rabbit?
What is an example of a quick canvas? A quick canvas might be something like hello my name is Michael and we are students try to do something positive for the community here I'll let you take a look. Such a canvas is convenient and effective in areas where people are very quick to say they're not interested or in areas that are more affluent. There is a tendency amongst those who have a higher hourly wage or are generally more wealthy to be more serious about the value of their time. If you imagine someone makes $60 an hour for example and you talk to them for 5 minutes then you just essentially took $5 from them in their mind. Because of this it is wise to speak quickly effectively and to be respectful of their time.
How do you canvas businesses and parking lots?
The methods of canvassing businesses in parking lots are very similar mainly because in both cases you want to be very quick and to-the-point with your canvas and respectful and courteous of people's time. A simple thing to say when canvassing businesses is to approach someone working and say hello I see you're working and I so be really quick and then to proceed through your canvas in the shortened version or the long version if you think it is appropriate in that case. The same type of thing could be applied to meeting someone on their way out of a store in the parking lot to say hello and I see you're leaving so I can just be real quick and let you know what I'm doing and then say your name and go to your canvas. A key thing to remember with when doing parking lot is you want to meet people when they are returning to their vehicles often a good point is when they are unloading the groceries because they're essentially a captive audience like they are going to be sitting there unloading your groceries anyway or whatever they're doing and you are there just to share with them what we're doing and it is especially fruitful during the holidays like Easter and Christmas and things like that you could probably even sell some books on Valentine's Day around that time or something.
What do I do with receipts?
Receipts are to be filled out after every encounter that involves a book period or that you get the name or needs of someone. You want to keep records of your prayer request every book that goes out how much you sold it for where you sold it who you sold it to and be a good Steward of all you want to keep records of your prayer request every book that goes out how much you sold it for where you sold it who you sold it to and be a good Steward of all that information.
Number of books you sold number of books you gave away the large books the small books the price of the books the cost of the books total the total number of donations how much was Cash how much was check how much was credit how much was coins. Who was your team leader and who was with you if anyone was with you at the doors going door-to-door.
What do you do with the survey?
As I mentioned early on in the beginning of this talk we are Cole Porter evangelists Bible workers medical missionaries and Christians who love these people. Therefore we want to meet their needs know what those needs are and engage him in conversation about such things one of the best ways to do it is to utilize this survey you can just hand it to them tell them that we're taking a survey what the communities needs are and then even if people are too proud to ask they can still mark on the paper what they desire.
How should we cover labor with God and the angels?
Go with God in the Angels operate in perfect order. If we article labor with them we must also do likewise. If we read and testimonies to the church volume 1 page 649.2 to 650.1 we can have a great understanding of these things.
Gather the Roses Pleasant Pages nothing tends to promote healthy body and soul into the spirit of gratitude and praise teach us to do a better work energy and cheerfulness
Remember that you are a soldier. You are Waging War in a spiritual battle. You main counter depression, anxiety fear pain sickness discouragement despondency and many other enemies. But we have a mighty general of our army and a comforter that never fails.
Field Time
Sunday is a time for missionary service
Stop procrastinating
Be as Christ who ever would in whatsoever hand findeth to do He did with all His might.
Focus on the current moment
Take no thought for the morrow
Book inventory Bags
Daily report with a receipt and a weekly report with a receipt
27 Prepare thy work without, And make it fit for thyself in the field; And afterwards build thine house.
Prepare Work Without
Make fit thyself for the field
And afterwards build thine house
Paying People Daily
15 At his day thou shalt give him his hire, neither shall the sun go down upon it; for he is poor, and setteth his heart upon it: lest he cry against thee unto the Lord, and it be sin unto thee.