Your fear is misplaced.
Verse 7 defines that openness: the fear of the Lord. We begin our journey into wisdom by revering the Lord with holy awe, and we never grow beyond it, because all true wisdom is his alone. We do not master it by our giftedness; he gives it by his grace. The fear of the Lord makes us repentant (3:7), decisive against sin (8:13), stable (14:26), refreshed (14:27), humble (15:33), and satisfied (19:23). We struggle with the Hebrew word “fear,” because there is not a close English equivalent. So it is important to recall that Jesus also came in, and delighted in, “the fear of the LORD” (Isa. 11:2–3). This description of the loving and respectful relationship that the eternal Son had for his Father reminds us that holy “fear” is not terror or dread of harm, but proper and worshipful regard for all that God is in his wisdom, power, holiness, mercy, and love.