Now and Later
The Best Is Yet to Come
Prophecy Series
1 Peter 5:10–11
I. Introduction
A. First Peter: A Book of Triumph in Trials
1. Begins with blessed promises (1:1–9)
2. Ends speaking of trials and ultimate victory
B. Facing the Reality of Suffering in Life
C. Looking Beyond to Glory
II. Body
A. There Is Suffering Now (v. 10)
1. Who can deny it?
2. Suffering because we are part of a fallen race
a. How wonderful before the fall
b. No sickness, no sorrow, no death
3. Suffering because of the attacks of the Adversary
a. The roaring lion seeking to devour (vv. 8–9)
b. Persecution of believers through the centuries
c. Grief over wayward loved ones
4. What is your present area of suffering?
5. God’s grace will be sufficient for you (2 Cor. 12:9)
B. There Will Be Glory Later (v. 10)
1. “After you have suffered a while”
2. There is a time limit on all suffering (1:6)
3. Peter saw God’s glory at the Transfiguration (Matt. 17)
4. Promises of heaven
a. “I go to prepare a place for you” (John 14:1–3)
b. “To depart and be with Christ is far better” (Phil. 1:23)
c. “Present with the Lord” (2 Cor. 5:8)
5. Our future is as bright as the promises of God
C. In Our Suffering, God Is Preparing Us for Glory (v. 10)
1. God is preparing us for glory through suffering
a. He is perfecting (maturing) us
b. He is establishing us (building our faith)
c. He is strengthening us
d. He is placing us on a firm foundation
2. We are partakers of Christ’s sufferings (4:13)
3. We shall then share also in His glory (v. 13)
4. Suffering is to make us like Jesus (Rom. 8:28–29)
D. The Suffering Now Cannot Compare with the Glory Later (v. 10)
1. We are “called to His eternal glory”
2. Paul agrees (Rom. 8:15–18)
a. Heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ
b. Suffering with Him … reigning with Him
c. Groaning now … glory later
3. We understand suffering
4. The glory ahead is beyond our understanding
III. Conclusion
A. All Earthly Gain and Glory Is Temporary
B. His Glory and Dominion Last Forever (v. 11)