Grace Alone - Sola Gratia
Sermon Tone Analysis
Theme: The exceeding greatness of salvation by God’s grace alone.
Theme: The exceeding greatness of salvation by God’s grace alone.
Paul gives us four reasons why salvation must be by God’s grace and demonstrates how this makes our salvation all the more glorious.
I. The Context of Our Salvation 1-3
I. The Context of Our Salvation 1-3
A. Our Nature v. 1
A. Our Nature v. 1
By nature we are spiritually dead trapped in the cesspool of our sin and transgressions.
B. Our Conduct v. 2
B. Our Conduct v. 2
Note the contrast in these verses, the irony, the contradiction. Paul affirms that we are dead, even though we are continuing to live. Paul is affirming that our deadness, the proof that we are dead is seen in the way that we live. Our life is a constant testimony, like a tombstone on our souls, declaring to all that we are dead in our trespasses and sins.
a. According to the world 2a
a. According to the world 2a
We followed hard after the course of this world, following after the fashions and lusts of the world.
b. According to the Devil 2b
b. According to the Devil 2b
We walked to the beat of the devil’s drum and willingly submitted ourselves to him.
C. Our Character 3a-b
C. Our Character 3a-b
a. the lusts of the flesh
a. the lusts of the flesh
All we did was to satisfy our own flush and fulfill its every whim and desire.
b. the will of the flesh
b. the will of the flesh
We walked ignoring the will of God and submitting ourselves as the most faithful servants and slaves to the will of our carnal flesh.
D. Our Merit 3c
D. Our Merit 3c
For all of this our only merit, what we really deserved because of all this, was God’s wrath just like the worst of the heathen in the world.
Therefore salvation must be by because we are completely dead in sin and under God’s wrath and we are unable to contribute anything to our salvation.
II. The Completion of Our Salvation 4-7
II. The Completion of Our Salvation 4-7
A. The Positions 4-5a
A. The Positions 4-5a
a. God’s Grace 4
a. God’s Grace 4
b. Our Sin 5a
b. Our Sin 5a
B. The Properties 5b-6
B. The Properties 5b-6
a. Revived 5b
a. Revived 5b
b. Raised 6a
b. Raised 6a
c. Reposed 6b
c. Reposed 6b
C. The Purposes 7
C. The Purposes 7
III. The Character of our Salvation v. 8-9
III. The Character of our Salvation v. 8-9
A. Through Faith 8a
A. Through Faith 8a
B. Not Through Works 8b-9
B. Not Through Works 8b-9
IV. The Fruit of Our Salvation 10
IV. The Fruit of Our Salvation 10