Sermon Tone Analysis
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A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
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Social Tendencies
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> .9
The Gift of the Holy Spirit
The gift of the Holy Spirit is prophesied, is fulfilled, is applicable, but sometimes misunderstood so tonight we are going to look at the gift and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.
Holy Spirit promised (Jn7:37-39)
Holy Spirit delivered (Act2:2-4)
Holy Spirit as the gift to believers (Act2:38-39)
Holy Spirit promised (Jn7:37-39)
Holy Spirit Promised (Jn7:37-39)
Holy Spirit Delivered (Act2:2-4)
Holy Spirit Promised (Jn7:37-39)
Holy Spirit Delivered (Act2:2-4)
Holy Spirit as gift to believers (Act2:38-39)
“The gift of the Holy Spirit in Act2:38 was the Spirit Himself - David Lipscome (Queries and Answers)
“The gift of the Holy Spirit is not some definite thing the Holy Spirit gives, but the Holy Spirit as a gift.” - R.L. Whiteside (Reflections)
So the gift is the Holy Spirit is the general concensus of the scholars and that now leads us to what does the promise mean?
what is the indwelling?
The gift of the Holy Spirit is the indwelling of the Spirit (Act2:38)
The indwelling is for penitents who are baptized into Christ
The indwelling will bring forth fruit of the Spirit (Gal6:22-23)
The gift, which is the Holy Spirit, results in the indwelling for the sinner who repents and is baptized.
So now that brings us to what we can know from the scripture regarding the indwelling.
I. Scriptural fact of Spirit’s indwelling
As we look at the scripture in this section you will see that the Spirit dwells in the church and the Spirit dwells in the Christian.
The Spirit’s dwelling in the Church
For the church is the temple of God, the dwelling place (1Cor3:16; Eph2:21-22; 1Pt2:5)
when you couple that scripture with
personally brings about communally: the Spirit dwells, or indwells us as the church and us as a person.
J.W. Shepherd in his writing on Eph2:22 says this:
“Christians are built together in Christ, for a habitation, a dwelling place of God on earth.
He dwells in this holy habitation in the person of the Spirit.”
The Spirit dwells in the church as a whole, making it possible for the church to be a temple in which God may dwell; a living, spiritual house.
The Spirit in the heart of the repentant believer.
In the heart of the believer, the Christian, the Spirit dwells (Rom8:9-11; 1Cor6:18-19; 1Cor3:16)
The indwelling is necessary to belong to Christ
Without the Spirit you are not His (v.9)
With the Spirit He will give your life to your mortal body!
Because the Spirit dwells in the heart of the believer and the believer is to be a temple for the Holy Spirit it is a good reason for us to follow Paul’s direction.
The body is a temple so flee immorality of any kind
What we see that was said to the church, now is being addressed to the person too.
May the Spirit of God that indwells in the repentant believer inspire us to live a godly life and be an example for others.
While there is no dispute regarding the indwelling of the Spirit as we have already shown in the scripture, there are some disputes that arise regarding the nature of the indwelling.
Nature of the Spirits indwelling
While this may be a hot topic, a heated topic by some, may it not be as we look at the nature of the Spirits indwelling, the issue defined, the arguments, the reasoning, is it literal or personal?
The issue- is it literal, personal?
Does the Spirit literally dwell in the heart of the Christian?
Does He somehow personally reside in the body of each Christian?
The issue - is it only mediated, through the Word alone?
Or is it figurative, where the spirit just figuratively dwell in the Christian
Does He dwell in the Christian only because the Word of God abides in us?
Now, personally when thinking, reasoning out this issue, I come to believe the answer is that the Spirit literally and personally resides in the heart of the repentant believer.
Argument for literal, personal (1Cor6:18-19; 2Cor5:1-4; 2Pt1:13-14
While going through this I will be focusing on this and weave in the other view that is is Word alone.
We have seen the instruction to flee (1Cor6:18-19); why?
He dwells in you.
Where the body is a tabernacle for our spirit, it is also the dwelling place for the Spirit of God (2Cor5:1-4; 2Pt1:13-14)
Couple that passage with
Our earthly tent (tabernacle) is decaying but we know what we have in the Spirit.
Paul had used the metaphor about “temple” or “tabernacle” then he also use certain prepositions too, the Holy Spirit is “in” the Christian.
and that the Spirit is “from” God.
Words matter!
Let’s look at Paul’s line of reasoning from 1Cor6:18-19
From the indicative to the imperative
Indicative is an (adj) and in grammar means; the denoting a mood of a verb; expressing a simple statement of a fact.
Imperative (adj) meaning of vital importance; giving an authoritative command.
He argues from a statement of fact to a command to be obeyed
Because the Spirit dwells in the repentant believer (statement of fact) they need to flee immorality (authoritative command).
So, in other words, because the believer has the Spirit he then must adhere to the Word.
Other side of the argument (Word only)
From the imperative to the indicative
The person must obey the word (imperative) in Word for the Spirit to indwell them (indicative)
One must flee from immorality (heed the authoritative command) so the Spirit will dwell in them.
Is that not the opposite of what Paul is stating?
Let me give you the passage again, it is been awhile since we looked at it.
Remember words matter “your body is a temple” and that the Holy spirit “is in you”
So knowing these things (you are a temple) and He dwells in you, then flee immorality!
I think you can see from the use of a metaphor, the prepositions and the line of reasoning Paul is through the passage depicting that the Spirit is dwelling in the believer!
Some more to back up this view
God has sent His Spirit “into our hearts (Gal4:6; Rom8:15)
God strengthens us through His Spirit (Eph3:16)
His Spirit works in us as we work out our salvation (Php2:12-13; 4:13 and Eph3:20)
(Transition) I think the scripture helps us to see that the Spirit is literal and personal when it comes to the repentant believer.
That brings us to the meat of message now.
Benefits of the Spirit’s indwelling
Who does not love good benefits, these benefits are eternal and you don’t have to negotiate for them.
We are sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise (Eph1:13; 2Cor1:21-22)
This seal is the seal of ownership, we are under the seal of God, we are marked by Him and are protected by Him.
The Spirit in our hearts as a pledge, a pledge that has eternal benefits.
Ferrell Jenkins in his book The Finger of God says:
“It is a mark of security (e.g., a railroad car closed and sealed; medicine bottles.)”
He goes on to say
“It is our conviction that when a person obeys the gospel he is given the Holy Spirit.
In this way God seals the person.”
He’s mine!
God’s seal on the believer is the Holy Spirit, literal and personal
We have the Spirit as earnest deposit, guarantee of our inheritance.
(Eph1:13-14; 2Cor1:21-22; Rom8:14-17)
We have looked at Eph1:13, but now want to bring in more in context
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