Commands of Christ: Gather
Recap Commands
Verses 24–25 list three things that believers should do: (1) stimulate one another to love and good deeds; (2) assemble together; and (3) encourage one another because the Second Coming is approaching.
This is the only text in the NT which encourages believers to gather for worship. This may reflect the historical setting of Roman persecution directed toward Christianity (a non-approved religion) versus the relative acceptance of Judaism (an approved religion). It may also reflect different worship days. Very early after the Church began to spread within Judaism, the rabbis developed a “curse” oath required of every member of the synagogue, which involved rejecting Jesus of Nazareth as the promised Messiah. At this point most believers left the synagogue with its Sabbath schedule but continued in their Sunday worship with the Church. James 2:2 uses the term “synagogue” to refer to the Christian place of worship, as does Heb. 10:25.