Luke 14:16–24

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Make an apology for not getting a invitation to everyone concerning Mona’s party. I depended on telling people at church, because it was to be a surprise. With hurricane Florence two cancelled services and relying on word of mouth to spread the news, I failed to let everyone know the ladies were preparing a meal for Mona’s birthday. I failed, because I didn’t intentionally go out and invite you all to come in.
Let’s not make the same mistake for homecoming!
Homecoming is an opportunity to invite members to repent and return to God’s plans for HSBC. Preparing for homecoming is a time to pray for high attendance, a time pray for many recommitments, and a time to pray for lots of first-time salvations.
In order to make this vision a reality, we must pray for God to change our ways of thinking and living. We, who are here today, must first repent. We must repent, from thinking people are simply going to show up, because we open up.
Everyday-life places too many stumbling blocks in people’s paths, for them to simply stumble into Sunday service.
We must remove common hinderances, by depending on Jesus to move us out of the seats and into the streets.
How does Jesus move remove all these obstacles that obstruct his plans for HSBC? I am so glad you asked! Do You know how lucky you are that I am here to answer your question.?
Hebrews 12:1–2 NASB95
Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.
When we look directly to the cross, until we see the shame Jesus suffered for us; when look at the cross, until we refuse to look away, at the slightest distraction; when we look to the cross, until we see Jesus hanging blameless, beaten, bruised, and bloody; when we look to the cross of Jesus, until we hear Him say, ”Father forgive them for they know not what they are doing, until we intentionally maintain our focus on Jesus we will not be moved, from our seats into the streets. A vision of Christ crucified and resurrected refocuses us on the grace and love of God, until gratitude forces us to proclaim: “There is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must be saved” (Acts 4:12).
HSBC, will you tell someone this week that the King of kings, Lord of lords, Jesus the Son of God, is inviting them to a homecoming feast? Will you tell them that Jesus died and rose so that we may dine with Him, in the presence of God the Father?
“For We are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them” (Ephesians 2:10). God has provided the date; October 7, God has provided the place; HSBC, God has set the time; 10:30 am, God has extended the invitation, will you deliver the message?
Jesus says, “Go out into the city, the highways and hedges, and compel them . . . Come, for everything is ready now” (Luke 14:23).
Luke 14:15–24 teaches us that homecoming without a commitment to Christ is just another meal. Hunt Springs will you invite someone to Homecoming? Will you invite someone to come taste the goodness of the Lord? The answer to that question is all that separates HSBC from Bojangles.

Make no mistake about it; not everyone who goes to church will go to heaven.

I belong in Heaven, I deserve to be in Heaven, God wants me to be happy.
Jesus says, Let me tell you a earthly story, with a heavenly meaning. Not everybody, who says they are going to heaven, are going to be in heaven.
Not everybody, who says they are going to church, will come to church.
Not everybody, who say they are committed to Jesus, will do what He calls them to do.
Going to church does not save sinners. But saved sinners go to church. Church does save sinners; Jesus saves sinners. Saved sinners go to church, because they are committed to Christ, who saved them.
How do I know I am going to heaven, because I go to church. I am to busy to go to church. If I wasn’t Justified by the blood of Christ, being sanctified by the Spirit of Christ, and moved and motivated by power and goodness of God the Father, I would find too many excuses to go to church. I would be too busy to answer when Jesus called me to do something new.
Three reasons not everyone, who comes to church, will go to heaven is because not everyone who comes to church wants to go to heaven.

3 Excuses people make for not wanting to go to Heaven.

I must go do something else.
I am going to do something else.
I can’t do nothing else.
Please excuse me because:
First, excuse:Lord, please excuse me today:
I must do something else, because I don’t want to get behind. I must take care on ongoing activities. I must not miss out on the physically present; I can deal with my spiritual future later. I am too busy planning the physical present, to deal with the the spiritual future. This is an excuse we all make for not wanting to enjoy heaven’s benefits in the here and now.
A field was a piece of land under cultivation, or a pasture ready for use. the guest said I must make sure everything is running as planned. Who would buy a business and not make sure everything was working correctly? We can often let past bad decisions cause us to make further bad decisions. Once we are distracted from trusting the Lord, it can become a habit. We cannot come to church every time the doors open. We cannot be focused on discipleship every minute of every day. But distraction fro devotion to God are not the norm. They are an exception to the rule. Commitment to discipleship is a way of life. Life happens, but the majority of the time we honor our commitments to God, and we intentional set aside time ot be with Him; Prayer, Bible, Preaching, study groups, etc.
Second, excuse: Lord, please excuse me today:
I am on my way to do something else. I am to busy to enjoying the pleasures of this world to be concerned with the world to come. I am on my way to find out if this is as good as it is suppose to be. I must prove the oxen are as good as I thought them to be. I know I need time with you, but I am going to do something else! few minutes with the Lord will prove to make the rest of your better than you could ever image.
Third, excuse:
Lord, I have a good reason. I am too busy to do anything else. I am too busy keeping our family happy to worry about you being pleased with me right now. Lord, you know the bible says we are to take care of our family. Deuteronomy 24:5 allows a new husband to stay home from military service for a year to take care of his new bride. After a while that new bride will want you out of the house, but God wants you to always stay close by His side.
Not everyone will continue in their commitment to Christ. But God will still fill HIs guest list for the heavenly homecoming HE has planned.

God’s Plan to Ensure Heaven’s Guest is Full.

God’s Two-fold plan of filling heaven’s guest list is to invite the Outcast and Out siders.
1. Invite the church outcasts. Invite those disenfranchised, from church. Invite those who feel deprived of the right to repent and return to God. Go out and call those who think they are unworthy to church to church or back to church. Go tell them God’s grace is greater than their sin. In Christ all sins are forgiven, and life begins new at repentance.
Poor—the economically, spiritually, and emotionally challenged folks who want to come to church, but don’t consider themselves worthy.
Cripple—those limping along, who are on the way to church but just don’t ever quiet make in the door.
Blind—those who do not know they are invited, or do not know how intimate the invitation.
Lame—those who have given up. they have accepted this is as good as it gets. the devil has convinced them this is the life you have and it will never change.
2. Invite the outsiders—those outside of church life. Invite those who never wanted to attend church, or just assumed they aren’t intended for church. Go out into the highways—outside the city.
HSBC was a New plant people came. The new is gone, the faith have gone on, and the next generation does not know they are invited.
Have you told anyone lately of the goodness of the Lord?
Are you commited to the commands of discipleship?
Has God been calling you to a new area of ministry, and you are making excuses not to accept his invitation?

The Sad Reality that Some will Reject God’s Invitation to dine with Him in Heaven.

Reality should motivate us to go out and compel them to come.

Look to you left and right!
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