The Kingdom of Heaven is like ... (P 3)
Focus: We serve a Master whose attitude toward his servants is one of high expectations and high investment, and who expects from his servants to do the same for him.
What drives you and motivates you to work?
What motivates people to work?
Point 1: God is a risk taker. That’s why God trusts you.
God clearly expects you to bear fruit with your life
One Master, Two outcomes
How do we earn God’s reward?
Faithful servants
1. Think long term, thus start early!
2. Know your share and work accordingly
3. Be excited about your share from God`
The wicked servant
Do you look forward to the coming of Jesus, or do you dread his return
1. Laziness and Superstition
F. And said R. Isaac, “A blessing is located only in what is hidden away from sight, as it is said, ‘The Lord shall command the blessing upon you in your hidden things’ (Dt. 28:8).”
G. A Tannaite authority of the household of R. Ishmael taught, “A blessing is located only in what the eye cannot reach [that is, in what is carefully hidden away], as it is said, ‘The Lord shall command the blessing upon you in your hidden things’ (Dt. 28:8).”
Intro: God has deposited a treasure in your life
Even on this unflattering view of his master, however, his action was irresponsible; it represents a discipleship which consists of playing safe, and so achieving nothing (contrast 10:39), ‘a religion concerned only with not doing anything wrong’ (Schweizer, p. 473). ‘Being ready’ consists not only in keeping your slate clean, but in active, responsible, faithful service which produces results.
God’s MO for motivation:
God is wealthy
God is wealthy
Lending money at interest was also profitable, given the exorbitant interest rates of the period (although Jewish people were not supposed to charge interest to fellow Jews); one patron is reported to have lent to an entire city at roughly 50 percent interest! Because most people did not have capital available for investment, those who did could reap large profits.
In Lk 19, a servant does worse: tying up money in a head cloth instead of burying it was considered gross negligence, because it did not even keep the deposit safe.)
God rewards faithfulness
v. 20 Count your blessings, measure God’s level of trust
People seek to be inspired. How does your faith and action inspire others?
Sermon Illustrations
'Life Is Good' Founders' Important Lesson from Mom
v. 20 God does not compare you with others