Psalm 145
Wednesday Night Prayer Group • Sermon • Submitted
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We pour out unending Praise
We pour out unending Praise
An alphabetic acrostic Psalm minus the nun
VERSE 1 Pouring out praise is a blessing to God
Is our praise to the level of being a blessing to God?
Do we bless and honor His name with our words, thoughts, and actions?
Is He our God?
Is He truly our King? Does He rule over our lives?
Do we put Him in rightful position high above all? Extol
Praise unending
VERSE 2 Pouring out praise every day
Is our praise part of every day?
Praise not controlled by character or circumstances of the day
Praise for who He is = You
Praise unending = We never tire or become weary of praising our God
He uses the word "bless" not merely for variation of sound, but also for the deepening and sweetening of the sense. To bless God is to praise him with a personal affection for him, and a wishing well to him: this is a growingly easy exercise as we advance in experience and grow in grace. David declares that he will offer every form of praise, through every form of existence. His notion of duration is a full one -- "for ever" has no end, but when he adds another" ever" to it he forbids all idea of a close. Our praise of God shall be as eternal as the God we praise. —Charles Spurgeon
Observe the personal pronouns here: four times he says "I will": praise is not to be discharged by proxy: there must be your very self in it, or there is nothing in it. —Charles Spurgeon
VERSE 3 Pouring out praise for His greatness
Yahweh is great is true of who He is
A great God deserves great praise
God’s greatness is beyond our understanding (Job)
Song should be founded upon search; hymns composed without thought are of no worth, and tunes upon which no pains have been spent are beneath the dignity of divine adoration. Yet when we meditate most, and search most studiously we shall still find ourselves surrounded with unknowable wonders, which will baffle all attempts to sing them worthily. The best adoration of the Unsearchable is to own him to be so, and close the eyes in reverence before the excessive light of his glory. Not all the minds of all the centuries shall suffice to search out the unsearchable riches of God; he is past finding out; and, therefore, his deserved praise is still above and beyond all that we can render to him. —Charles Spurgeon
VERSE 4 Pouring out praise in every generation
What does our praise teach the next generation?
Praise Him for His works (deeds)
Declare His mighty acts (power)
And they sang a new song, saying:
“You are worthy to take the scroll,
And to open its seals;
For You were slain,
And have redeemed us to God by Your blood
Out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation,
And have made us kings and priests to our God;
And we shall reign on the earth.”
Revelation 5:
VERSE 5 Pouring out thoughtful praise
speak, tell, make an utterance of any kind, with an apparent focus that the content spoken has some thought behind it
Speak = speak, tell, make an utterance of any kind, with an apparent focus that the content spoken has some thought behind it
Swanson, J. (1997). Dictionary of Biblical Languages with Semantic Domains : Hebrew (Old Testament) (electronic ed.). Oak Harbor: Logos Research Systems, Inc.
The content of the thoughtful speaking His glorious splendor of His majesty
We can never use to many adjectives to describe our God.
Then I turned to see the voice that spoke with me. And having turned I saw seven golden lampstands, and in the midst of the seven lampstands One like the Son of Man, clothed with a garment down to the feet and girded about the chest with a golden band. His head and hair were white like wool, as white as snow, and His eyes like a flame of fire; His feet were like fine brass, as if refined in a furnace, and His voice as the sound of many waters; He had in His right hand seven stars, out of His mouth went a sharp two-edged sword, and His countenance was like the sun shining in its strength. And when I saw Him, I fell at His feet as dead. But He laid His right hand on me, saying to me, “Do not be afraid; I am the First and the Last.
Revelation 1:12-
The content of the thoughtful speaking is His wondrous works = on the words of Your wondrous works
For You are great, and do wondrous things;
You alone are God.
VERSE 6 Pouring out praise with others
speak or talk, usually with a focus on the content to follow
tell, proclaim, recount, inform, i.e., speak words which give an accounting of an event or principle
Speak = tell, claim, speak or talk, usually with a focus on the content to follow and declare = tell, proclaim, recount, inform, i.e., speak words which give an accounting of an event or principle
Swanson, J. (1997). Dictionary of Biblical Languages with Semantic Domains : Hebrew (Old Testament) (electronic ed.). Oak Harbor: Logos Research Systems, Inc.
Swanson, J. (1997). Dictionary of Biblical Languages with Semantic Domains : Hebrew (Old Testament) (electronic ed.). Oak Harbor: Logos Research Systems, Inc.
The content of the speaking is the power of His fearful acts
The content of the declaring is His greatness
VERSE 7 Pour out praise from your memory of His goodness
Utter = eagerly, lit bubble forth and sing
The content of the uttering His his great goodness
Utter = eagerly, lit bubble forth
The content of the song is His righteousness
For God poured out His grace upon us
For God poured out His grace upon us
VERSE 8 A grace that causes Him to be kind and compassionate
A graciousness or kindness offered to the needy and repentant
A compassion that never runs out
His grace makes Him slow to get angry and ready to forgive (great in mercy)
Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up;
VERSE 9 A grace that is coupled with His goodness and tender mercies
A goodness given to all
Tender mercies that are seen in all His works
For God has made us part of His kingdom
For God has made us part of His kingdom
VERSE 10 A kingdom filled with praise
From all His works of creations
Then I looked, and I heard the voice of many angels around the throne, the living creatures, and the elders; and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands, saying with a loud voice:
“Worthy is the Lamb who was slain
To receive power and riches and wisdom,
And strength and honor and glory and blessing!”
And every creature which is in heaven and on the earth and under the earth and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, I heard saying:
“Blessing and honor and glory and power
Be to Him who sits on the throne,
And to the Lamb, forever and ever!”
Then the four living creatures said, “Amen!” And the twenty-four elders fell down and worshiped Him who lives forever and ever.
Revelation 5:11-
From all His saints He has redeemed
Saint’s will “wish Him well” (Charles Spurgeon)
The world might blaspheme and curse His holy name but not so among those he had made righteous and holy in Jesus Christ
VERSE 11 His saints continually talk of His kingdom
A kingdom filled with His glory
A kingdom filled with His power
VERSE 12 His saints will speak of His kingdom to those outside
They will tell them of His mighty acts
They will them of the glorious majesty of the kingdom
VERSE 13 His kingdom is never ending
It is everlasting
Look back at verse 1 “O King”
It will endure through all generations
These three verses are a reverent hymn concerning "the kingdom of God": they will be best appreciated by those who are in that kingdom in the fullest sense, and are most truly loyal to the Lord. It is, according to these verses, a kingdom of glory and power; a kingdom of light which men are to know, and of might which men are to feel; it is full of majesty and eternity; it is the benediction of every generation. We are to speak of it, talk of it, and make it known, and then we are to acknowledge it in the homage directed distinctly to the Lord himself —Charles Spurgeon
For God provides for all His creation Psalm 145:14-16
For God provides for all His creation Psalm 145:14-16
VERSE 14 Yahweh protects the downtrodden
He picks up those who fall or have fallen
We are all fallen creatures without Jesus Christ
He lifts up those who are bent over
VERSE 15 All creatures look to Him for food
VERSE 16 His hand holds all that we need and He opens it because of His grace
For God protects His own Psalm 145:17-20
For God protects His own Psalm 145:17-20
VERSE 17 God always does right and with acts with kindness
VERSE 18 God is simply a prayer away
He does not leave praying men, and men who confess his name, to battle with the world alone, but he is ever at their side. —Charles Spurgeon
VERSE 19 God will meet all our needs
Desires that come from a reverent heart
He will rescue them when they cry out in trouble
VERSE 20 God secures those that love Him
Yahweh’s saints
Yahweh’s saints
All who love Him have this promise
Yahweh takes care of His own
Yahweh takes care of His own
This is the will of the Father who sent Me, that of all He has given Me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up at the last day.
All who reject Him will face His judgement
Infinite praise
Infinite praise