Buffalo Herd

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What God has sacrificed for us.

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Person to Person

Read John Chapter 3
Introduction: Nicodemus was a pharisee and in that day in age he was, very powerful, they were quite influential throughout the land of Israel, but pharisees were enemies of Jesus.
He came by night to talk to Jesus because he was scared for what others would think of him. Peer pressure. He knew he was the teacher or son of God.
Jesus Makes salvation personal. You have a decision to make. And we’ll be looking at three aspects today about this.
From Text it shows:
I. The Reality of God (verse 16)
A. Exp. For God… States himself. Doesn’t argue existence
Illustration: Steve Hawkins. He was very smart but very dumb at the same time.
Stephen William Hawking was an English theoretical physicist, cosmologist, and author, who was director of research at the Centre for Theoretical Cosmology at the University of Cambridge at the time of his death. And he was also the Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at the University of Cambridge between 1979 and 2009.
His quote: “Before we understand science, it is natural to believe that God created the universe. But now science offers a more convincing explanation,” he said. “What I meant by ‘we would know the mind of God’ is, we would know everything that God would know, if there were a God, which there isn’t. I’m an atheist.”
B. Application: John is truly believing Gods existences. What about you? Are you a Steve Hawkins that denies Gods existence? Or a John?
As we look at another aspect we see…
II. The Love of God (verse 16)
A. Exp. So Loved the worldthat he gave his only begotten son!!
B. Application: Does anyone here believe that you aren’t a sinner? Because us humans are some messed up creatures… Despite that God gave his only son for you!! … God loves you even though you’ve done this or you’ve done that… You are the only Hendrix to accepting Jesus as your personal savior. Your Faith is the only thing hindering you because God has done the hard part and that was to send his son and die for us. With us coming to our final Aspect we see
III. The promise of God
A. Exp: That whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life
B. Application: Once saved you won’t perish but have everlasting life because God doesn’t break his promise.
There was a man who had worked all of his life and had saved all of his money. He was a real tightwad when it came to his money. He loved money more than just about anything. And just before he died, he said to his wife, "Now listen, when I die, I want you to take all my money and place it in the casket with me. I wanna take my money to the afterlife." So, he got his wife to promise him with all her heart that when he died, she would put all the money in the casket with him. Well, one day he died. He was stretched out in the casket, and the wife was sitting there in black next to her closest friend. When they finished the ceremony, just before the undertakers got ready to close the casket, the wife said "Wait just a minute!” She had a shoe box with her. She came over with the box and placed it in the casket. Then the undertakers locked the casket down and rolled it away. Her friend said, "I hope you weren't crazy enough to put all that money in the casket." She said, "Yes, I promised. I'm a good person. I can't lie. I promised him that I was going to put that money in that casket with him." "You mean to tell me you put every cent of his money in the casket with him?" "I sure did," said the wife. "I got it all together, put it into my account and I wrote him a check."
C. Application: Gods not like us human beings to where he breaks or alters his promise. Like ive said we humans are some messed up creatures and sometimes we don’t realize what he has done for us to have eternal life… (pause) Why do you come to church today… Is it to worship his glorious name? Routine. Why do we worship? Get up and sing… For ourselves to feel better? NO. Worship God. He gave us eternal life.
Conclusion: Recap on Nic./Jesus…
The greatest conversation with Jesus is person to person… so Are You Saved or for yall ask AM I SAVED. We looked at the reality of God and the love of God… The love that he don’t want us to perish but have everlasting life and so ask him today Person to Person just as it has shown here in
The drink with a drop a poison that has to do with sin.
http://time.com/5199149/stephen-hawking-death-god-atheist/ website for his quote.
http://www.surfersam.com/funny-stories/money-funny-story.htm website for the Joke.
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