Christ Rules on Earth, Pt. 2, Rev. 6:1-3

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As smart as you folks are, I am sure you have noticed that every story follows the structure of this story, at least in the basic elements. There is always good and evil, a protagonist and antagonist, there are anticlimaxes, someone or some group that is an underdog trying to overcome someone larger, more powerful than they are. That is the way of it throughout Scripture and that is the way of it from the beginning of stories. This is the first story, the basis of every other story.
Just as in every story there are wins and losses. There is an ending, good or bad, whether it fits your style or desire or not. But I don’t know anyone that doesn’t love a story where the evil one gets it in the end. Everyone loved the Lone Ranger and Tonto when I was growing up. Some rancher or widow was being tormented and cheated by a ruthless tycoon, or rancher and you would hear the familiar tune William Tell’s 1812 Overture As the Lone Ranger would gallop in and set things right and the wicked rancher or banker would get it in the end.
It is no different here. The world, especially believers were being cheated, tormented, killed by the world’s bullies backed by Satan. We read of their rescue as Jesus on the White horse rides to their rescue and defeats the wicked rulers and peoples. And we come to this marvelous chapter in which the Wicked one, Satan is captured, bound and cast into the Abyss for a thousand years. Well I want you to know that this chapter is not about Satan, or the abyss, though he fits into this scene. Rather, this is about Christ and His rule. It is about lifting Jesus up, not celebrating the incarceration the enemy, but the victory, power and rule of Jesus.
John speaks of Christ’s rule as though it is already happening. He speaks of the certainty of this event.
When you read the Bible and you read of the many ups and downs of Israel throughout the OT and the gospels as you read about Jesus life and the many attacks He faced all the way to the cross. He saw all of that through the lens of this. He knew the end and though He would endure much suffering on our behalf it all leads to this chapter and the following ones. The world thought they ruled over Him and controlled what He would do. Remember the conversation He had with Pontius Pilate? In response to his question in “are you king of the Jews? . . . what have you done? Jesus answered, ‘My kingdom is not of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence.” This world rulers, not to mention Pilate or the High Priest ruled over Jesus at all. He was not submitting to their rule, but to the will of the Father. Just read His prayers in teh garden.Jesus knew what would happen, but He also knew He would come again and fight and win and rule in His kingdom.
Ezekiel saw in a vision what we are reading here and recorded it for us in speaking to Pharoah king of Egypt who thought of himself as god of this world. This is what he says, “Thus saith the Lord God; Behold I am against thee, Pharoah king of Egypt, the great dragon that lieth in the midst of his rivers, which hath said, My river is mine own, and I have made it for myself. But I will put hooks in thy jaws, . . .. And I will leave thee thrown into the wilderness, . . . upon the open fields; . . . I have given thee for meat to the beasts of the field and the fowls of the heaven. AND ALL THE INHABITANTS OF EGYPT SHALL KNOW THAT I AM THE LORD.”
The picture is of this great dragon, personified in Pharoah of Egypt drawn out by God, captured in a net and given as food to the animals and birds.
That phrase “all shall know that I am the Lord” is used in v.6,9,16,21 to show that there is none other than God/Jesus Christ.
, that is probably in John’s mind as it speaks of the imprisoning of the host of heaven, fallen angels, and the kings of the earth.
During Jesus own life we have Him exercising authority over demons and being accused of casting out demons by Beelzebub (). In verse 29, Jesus mentions the “binding of the strong man” Augustine said that is what we have here. The binding of the strong man which began at the first coming of Christ reflected in the the defeat of demons in His earthly ministry.(Aug. Civ. Dei 20.7–8).Boxall, I. (2006). The Revelation of Saint John (p. 280). London: Continuum.)
(Aug. Civ. Dei 20.7–8).
Boxall, I. (2006). The Revelation of Saint John (p. 280). London: Continuum.
Day 75
Day 75
This is about the rule of Christ. It is about lifting Christ up and showing all the world who is the Lord.
Psalm 119:84
How many are the days of thy servant? When wilt thou execute judgment on them that persecute me?
How many are the days of thy servant? When wilt thou execute judgment on them that persecute me?
Lets look then at this first point:
We have looked at four lessons thus far in our study of this section that I said will help you to remain calm and stable when everything is falling apart in your life.
We have looked at four lessons thus far in our study of this section that I said will help you to remain calm and stable when everything is falling apart in your life.
I. The Rule of Christ affirmed by the imprisonment of Satan, v.1-3
I just have three points here that flow from the text. I am not creative enough to come up with something more interesting.
They are
They are
1. Know that God's word has the answers
I have:
1. Know that God's word has the answers
2. Know that sometimes those answers are slow in coming. It doesn't mean they are not there. So continue to hope in God's word no matter what.
A. The Authority of the angel, v.1
2. Know that sometimes those answers are slow in coming. It doesn't mean they are not there. So continue to hope in God's word no matter what.
3. Learn to search the Scriptures for the comfort He gives. Keep searching the word like you are searching for a treasure you know is there.
This is represented by two elements:
3. Learn to search the Scriptures for the comfort He gives. Keep searching the word like you are searching for a treasure you know is there.
And last time we looked at
And last time we looked at
The source of his authority
4. Choose to believe the Word over your situation. In other word, don't let your self-talk or your emotions dictate your choices. Instead, remember the Word is the same yesterday today and forever. It remains true like a rock no matter your situation. The promises of God, the character of God, doesn't change because your circumstances are on a downturn.
The implements of his authority of which there are two - the key and great chain.
4. Choose to believe the Word over your situation. In other word, don't let your self-talk or your emotions dictate your choices. Instead, remember the Word is the same yesterday today and forever. It remains true like a rock no matter your situation. The promises of God, the character of God, doesn't change because your circumstances are on a downturn.
B. The Dragon Seized, chained and cast into the Abyss, v.2, 3a
C. The Abyss locked and sealed, v.3b
So then we come back to.
The source of his authority. Divine authority for his ministry/mission
Notice that the angel descends out of heaven. The fact that he comes from heaven implies, as it has in the many cases before this, that he is an ambassador sent from God. He is acting on the authority of God. There are some who think that this is Christ. But the text gives us no indication that is so. If it is then He is acting in His own authority. However, since that doesn’t seem to be a good possibility, we have to assume, the angel is acting under God’s authority as His ambassador.
Some think this might be the angel of where the key to the abyss is given to a star fallen from heaven to earth. There is some precedence in that because in we have reference to the seven stars being the angels of the seven churches. So a star there is an angel. But the angel in our text is not said to have ‘fallen’ but ‘descending.’ Reference to fallen angels smacks of those angels that were swept out of heaven with Satan when he was defeated by Michael, .
There is another angel who John sees coming out of heaven in . There is just no concrete indication as to the identity of this angel. I think it is another angel sent from God on a mission. His authority to act in God’s stead is derived from God. It is not his own.
2. The implements of his authority/ divine tools of his ministry/mission
Key and chain.
A key is symbolic in that it can open or lock something up. The one holding the key having the authority to do so. You go to the county jail and the corrections officer has keys. He has authority given to him by the Sheriff to open or lock doors, cells etc. An outsider doesn’t have that authority, they don’t possess the key.
I think we all get that idea. But the mention of keys in Revelation is not new. Jesus is said to have the keys of death and Hades, . In to the church at Philadelphia Jesus has the key of David. In 9:1 there is one who has the key of the Abyss. It is clearly a symbol of authority to open a door and to lock a door once it is shut.
What is the abyss?
Abyss, a place that is the abode of fallen angels. It is mentioned in "who will descend into the abyss? (that is to bring Christ up from the dead)." where Paul speaks of Christ going to there presumably after His death. and in the demons make the request to Jesus not to send them to the abyss when they come out of the man. Thus, the Abyss is surely the place of evil spirits, a prison of sorts where their freedoms are taken away. It is the place where the beast and the false prophet rise to make war on the inhabitants of the world, ; .
the second implement is a great chain. You remember in , there was a man possessed of a demon whom others had bound him with a chain, but he broke the chain. Or Peter chained between two soldiers. In both cases the chains could not hold them. But the chain was again a symbol of authority in which the person chained was limited or inhibited from acting freely. It was a symbol of the ability to limit someone’s show of strength or ability. To chain a strong person would be to render them powerless, unable to utilize their strength.
the second implement is a great chain. You remember in , there was a man possessed of a demon whom others had bound him with a chain, but he broke the chain. Or Peter chained between two soldiers. In both cases the chains could not hold them. But the chain was again a symbol of authority in which the person chained was limited or inhibited from acting freely. It was a symbol of the ability to limit someone’s show of strength or ability. To chain a strong person would be to render them powerless, unable to utilize their strength.
Turning to our verse we read this question, "How many are the days of your servant?" We have all asked that question before during our own times of trial. "How long is this going to last?" "When will it be over?" We wish our lives away, saying things like, "I'll be glad when this is over or when such and such gets here." or "I wish Friday at 5pm would get here." Somebody wisely told me in response to my statement like that, "Don't wish your life away." He was right. We should soak in the moment, be present in that minute of time. But the psalmist really is making a statement here. For no one knows the number of his days. Only God knows that. So, the indefiniteness of the number of our days ought to lead us to trust God who does know.
Turning to our verse we read this question, "How many are the days of your servant?" We have all asked that question before during our own times of trial. "How long is this going to last?" "When will it be over?" We wish our lives away, saying things like, "I'll be glad when this is over or when such and such gets here." or "I wish Friday at 5pm would get here." Somebody wisely told me in response to my statement like that, "Don't wish your life away." He was right. We should soak in the moment, be present in that minute of time. But the psalmist really is making a statement here. For no one knows the number of his days. Only God knows that. So, the indefiniteness of the number of our days ought to lead us to trust God who does know.
You will notice too, that John, tells the chain is in his hand.
His second question follows from the first. This is really what he is after.
His second question follows from the first. This is really what he is after.
In other words, this angel wields the power of God in his hands to do God’s divine will. His will is to bind Satan and cast him into the abyss for 1,000 years. The angel has the authority to do that.
"When will you execute judgment on them that persecute me?" That is really the root of the first question. His situation stems from the negative conduct of those around him. There are those who want to see him fail. They want to watch him fall into ruin, to implode because of the pressures they put on him. So, because he knows his integrity and the falseness of their attacks, he naturally wants to know how it will be before God acts and vindicates him.
As I was reading through the gospel of Mark this week it struck me that when Jesus taught in the synagogue at Capernaum () His listeners were amazed at His teaching because He taught as one having authority. In other words, He spoke as if the Father was speaking. Every preacher has the responsibility to speak with the authority of God and the only way he can do that is to speak the Words of God and give His meaning, not the preachers own opinion.
"When will you execute judgment on them that persecute me?" That is really the root of the first question. His situation stems from the negative conduct of those around him. There are those who want to see him fail. They want to watch him fall into ruin, to implode because of the pressures they put on him. So, because he knows his integrity and the falseness of their attacks, he naturally wants to know how it will be before God acts and vindicates him.
He uses a metaphor from hunting to illustrate how he feels. The word persecute means to pursue. It is a hunting term for hounding someone, to chase after, hunt down. He feels like he is being hunted down, hounded on every corner.
He uses a metaphor from hunting to illustrate how he feels. The word persecute means to pursue. It is a hunting term for hounding someone, to chase after, hunt down. He feels like he is being hunted down, hounded on every corner.
This angel has come to do the will of the Father that has been decided before the foundation of the World. He comes indwelt if you will with the very power of God and will deal with Satan as if God Himself was handling Satan. He comes with the mission of God and the tools to carry out that mission.
I was reading for my own devotions this morning. There the religious leaders are attacking Jesus. In verse 15 they are trying to entangle him with their question about taxes. Then the same day, the Sadducees attempt to snare with questions about the resurrection the very same day. And when that didn't work they sent a lawyer to ask Him about the greatest commandment. These were not bad questions had they been posed for the right reasons. But they were not trying to find reasons why they should believe Him to be the Messiah. They were trying to prove that He wasn't, by catching Him in a falsehood that would clearly show He was not the Messiah. In short, they were hounding Him.
I was reading Matthew 22 for my own devotions this morning. There the religious leaders are attacking Jesus. In verse 15 they are trying to entangle him with their question about taxes. Then the same day, the Sadducees attempt to snare with questions about the resurrection the very same day. And when that didn't work they sent a lawyer to ask Him about the greatest commandment. These were not bad questions had they been posed for the right reasons. But they were not trying to find reasons why they should believe Him to be the Messiah. They were trying to prove that He wasn't, by catching Him in a falsehood that would clearly show He was not the Messiah. In short, they were hounding Him.
In other words, the angel, doesn’t have to worry about anything in his mission, because God has supplied all that he needs to carry it out. He only has to carry it out. Just as John the baptist had a mission and was given all that he needs to carry it out, to be the voice crying in the wilderness, “prepare the way of the Lord.” He was given the mission, the message, the power, the means. All he had to do was be faithful to carry it out.
The martyrs of ask the same question, "How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?"
The martyrs of Revelation 6:10 ask the same question, "How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?"
So also this angel, has been given all that he needs by way of tools, authority, means to carry out his mission to incarcerate Satan a being that was very powerful as is seen throughout Scripture. But his power, position or name was no threat to this angel because he comes in the name of God in the power of God with the tools of God to carry it out. God has given him all that. Jesus is the one who is doing this. He is the one who defeated Satan. He is the one carrying out the will of the Father. The angel then goes out with confidence to fulfill his mission. Not because of his own strength, but because of the power of another. The Almighty God. The angels hand is God’s hand here.
Something similar must have been happening to our psalmist for he asks these questions.
This is not a lesson on doing things in the power of God. But you must understand you cannot accomplish God’s will as parent, spouse, student, employee, or as a christian without the power of God. Just read to see the necessity of being filled with the Spirit in order to fulfill your calling.
Something similar must have been happening to our psalmist for he asks these questions.
how long/how few are the days of your servant? When will you judge those who are hounding me?
John’s point here is that this angel is fulfilling the will of God in binding Satan. By the way, this is not a lesson on how to bind Satan in your life either. God’s counsel to us resist the devil not bind him.
how long/how few are the days of your servant? When will you judge those who are hounding me?
Do you feel like some days you are being hounded? People pulling at you from all directions. It is one thing for life to be like that, but what if it is like this psalmist, people are attacking him unjustly. It may be that you are having a similar go round with someone. You wish it would just end. You may be saying, 'Life is short, when are you going to do justice toward those who have it in for me?' You might feel guilty praying that they would just leave, or that God would make them as miserable as you feel. But here is what I think the lesson might be for you and me in this situation:
THis is God doing this to Satan, not the angel. The angel has no authority or power over Satan apart from God. So don’t miss this, God is doing this. Christ is the one who is ruling over Satan here. How do I know this? Because we just read of His victory over Satan’s army. Christ took the legs out from under him. Satan has no power over Christ.
Do you feel like some days you are being hounded? People pulling at you from all directions. It is one thing for life to be like that, but what if it is like this psalmist, people are attacking him unjustly. It may be that you are having a similar go round with someone. You wish it would just end. You may be saying, 'Life is short, when are you going to do justice toward those who have it in for me?' You might feel guilty praying that they would just leave, or that God would make them as miserable as you feel. But here is what I think the lesson might be for you and me in this situation:
* Life is too short to spend it trying to get vengeance on those who are hounding you. Recognize what is really valuable in life>time with family, a smile, a note, doing something profitable rather than wasting your time wishing things were different. It's time to practice the instruction of . So here is lesson
Now we come to
* Life is too short to spend it trying to get vengeance on those who are hounding you. Recognize what is really valuable in life>time with family, a smile, a note, doing something profitable rather than wasting your time wishing things were different. It's time to practice the instruction of Romans 12:17-21. So here is lesson
5. Don't waste your life wishing things were different. Deal with what you have in front of your right now and believe that God will take care of the rest.
2. Satan seized, bound and cast into the abyss. vss. 2,3a
5. Don't waste your life wishing things were different. Deal with what you have in front of your right now and believe that God will take care of the rest.
Now We can't look at this event without also remembering and the war in heaven in which Michael and his angels warred with the devil and his angels and it says in v.8 the same titles of devil and he is cast out of heaven to earth. Here he is cast out of earth to the abyss. Satan finds his realm shrinking.
We also cannot help but notice the victory song of the angels in vs.10 which is most fitting here too. And in the following verses the devil is even angrier because he has little time. Now he is out of time and no power to unleash his anger, for a thousand years.
In his first coming Christ defeated Satan's temptations offerings as well as his attempts to stop Him from doing the will of the Father. While he was the god of this world, Satan seemed to be all powerful. But now he is powerless to do anything about resisting Jesus Christ. And even while Jesus was on earth he was subservient to Jesus. All of those apparent dangerous events, the storm on the lake, the almost stonings, were satanic attempts to stop Jesus from accomplishing what He came for.
Now, He is taken and bound for a thousand years.
Satan is seized at this point. The word is kratew and means to take hold of, arrest, apprehend. The implication is that he is now under the control of the angel who is about to chain him and cast him into the abyss, presumably against his will. He is powerless to do anything about it.
The word is kratew and means to take hold of, arrest, apprehend. The implication is that he is now under the control of the angel who is about to chain him and cast him into the abyss, presumably against his will. He is powerless to do anything about it.
Satan throughout history has always exerted tremendous power over mankind even Christians.
But Peter said, “Ananias, why has Satan filled your heart to lie to the Holy Spirit and to keep back for yourself part of the proceeds of the land?
Paul told the church to deliver this sinning man to Satan;
In Paul counsels married couples to be intimate lest Satan tempt you because of your lack of self control
; ; ; ; ;
Satan can outwit you if you are not wise
Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.
Paul’s thorn in the flesh was a messenger of Satan to harass him.
God uses Satan to discipline sinning believers.
However, it is clear here that his power over anything ends for a time.
Nevertheless, our text makes it clear here that his power over anything ends for a time.
In other words the deeds of Satan upon man listed in these verses he will not be able to do. He will not be able to fill someone's heart to lie to the HS.
He will not be able to destroy a man
He will not be able to tempt a man to sin
He will not be able to outwit man,
He will not be an angel of light to deceive man.
He will not be able to blind the mind of man to the truth
He will not be able to harass man any longer.
He will not be able to hinder man from coming to Jesus.
Those days will cease for a thousand years.
The compendium of names indicates his evil character as the dragon who is defeated by Michael the arch angel , the old serpent that deceived Eve and who tried to sweep away the woman about to give birth, , the diabolos (the accuser of the believer and whose time is short, and Satan the adversary who is always against the believer and God. cf. ,
Next we have the compendium of names indicates his evil character as the dragon who is defeated by Michael the arch angel , the old serpent that deceived Eve and who tried to sweep away the woman about to give birth, , the diabolos (the accuser of the believer and whose time is short, and Satan the adversary who is always against the believer and God. cf. ,
You will also notice that he is bound for a thousand years. So he is seized and bound. He may put up a fight, but he can do nothing to stop what is happening to him. He is matter-of-factly bound.
There are those who claim that the thousand years is merely symbolic of a length of time, as for example, speaks of cattle on a thousand hills or where one day is as a thousand years.
Or some take it literally as in the one thousand two hundred and sixty days or the forty two months. I happen to take it literally. Because where there is a number that is definite as this is we take it literally. The difference between this and the verses listed above is that there is clearly an analogy being made in which the number is clearly standing for something hyperbolic., much like Jesus statement about 70 x 7 is hyperbole. Bu tin this case, to take this as an indefinite number makes no sense in the text. This is joined with a definite binding, sealing in the abyss. If the time is not definite, is the sealing not definite. Additionally, John notes that this binding has an end to it. Satan will be loosed for ‘a little time.’ Now that is indefinite. It doesn’t say one year, two years, a hundred years. John clearly does not have a definite time frame in mind. So that this only makes sense if the thousand years is actually a thousand years. If he wanted to be indefinite here we see that he could have made that clear. For instance, he could have said instead of one thousand years, he could have said, ‘a very long time’ as opposed to a short time..
Now then we move on.
This binding reminds me of two other bindings: one in Daniel where the three Hebrews are bound and cast into the furnace where they are joined by the Son of God to endure the fire unscathed, unscented by the flames and smoke.
A Second binding is that of Jesus, when he is bound by the arresting mob in the garden and brought before the High Priest and then Pilate (; ) , and then bound and scourged and nailed to the cross for us. Then bound by the scented linens and shut up in the tomb. But neither of those could hold Him back or down. Satan thought He rendered Jesus powerless, but failed. Jesus renders Satan powerless for thousand years.
he has been seized by the Angel and bound or chained in the abyss. How is that a spirit can be chained. this being apocalyptic literature there are symbols. The point being made is that Satan is bound. His freedoms are taken away. Thus, his ability to roam the earth and deceive and to blind the eyes of the inhabitants of the earth is extinguished. He has been denuded. His power is gone, because he is gone from the earth. He is no longer the god of this world.
3. The Abyss locked and sealed, v.3b
He is cast into the Abyss, and he is shut in and sealed in it. The seal is like that of the tomb of Jesus. No unauthorized people could release him, else they were guilty of rebellion. In other words, no one has authority to release him until the proper time.
Satan will be confined to the Abyss for the duration of time God set.
two reasons for the sealing:
in order that:
Satan would not be able to deceive the nations until the thousand years is completed.
until the thousand years is completed.
secondly, that he would be released for a short time when the time is up in which he will be able to deceive the nations and gather an army to rebel against the Lord, vss. 7ff.
The time that he is released to do his deed is said to be "a short time." we don't know how long that is in our scale of time though.
In short, the text is telling us that the influence of Satan on earth is completely ceased for a thousand years. the abyss is sealed so there is nothing getting in or out.
So for one thousand years there is no satanic influence to deceive the minds of men, or harden them or prevent them from believing in Jesus or enticing them to do evil. Nevertheless, sin will still be present. You don’t need satan to sin. Satan will just not be around to set the stage for you to sin. If sin were not present why would Jesus rule with a rod of iron? Why would there be the need for judges? Because sin is still present.
So the first thing Jesus does in setting up His kingdom is to remove the main impediment, the main hindrance to righteousness in His kingdom, Satan.
What this means is that Christ rules with Righteousness, mercy compassion. There will be no more corruption in government during this time.
Next time we will see those who reign with Christ.
We have the Rule of Christ affirmed by the removal of Satan.
Next we have the rule of Christ Assisted by the saints.
Or some take it literally as in the one thousand two hundred and sixty days or the forty two months. I happen to take it literally. Because where there is a number that is definite as this is we take it literally. The difference between this and the verses listed above is that there is clearly an analogy being made in which the number is clearly standing for something hyperbolic., much like Jesus statement about 70 x 7 is hyperbole.
What of the nations being destroyed in chapter 19 how then can there still be nations to be deceived? the answer to that question will be that there will be people who enter the millennial kingdom who are believers and they will reproduce over the course of kingdom years until the end when he is released so that by that time there are nations of peoples who could be deceived.
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