Sermon Tone Analysis

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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
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> .9
God has many great attributes.
All of them are worthy of our praise.
One of the most important ones is faithfulness.
So often today people cannot be trusted.
We make promises we never intend to keep just to avoid looking bad.
We make commitments we do intend to keep, but forget about them.
We make promises, but sometimes cannot keep them because of unforeseen difficulties.
But God is not like that.
He is always faithful.
He never makes a promise and then breaks it.
He never forgets to do something.
He is never too weak to accomplish what he intended.
God does this because that is just the kind of God he is.
Even greater than this, God eagerly commits himself to making enormous, eternal covenants with certain individuals.
To Noah he promised never to send another flood on the earth.
He promised to bless Abraham as the founder of a people who would bless the whole world.
He made a covenant with Israel through Moses that shaped the identity of the people of Israel, through which Jesus would come.
He promised David an eternal dynasty that is ultimately fulfilled in Jesus himself.
When God makes one of these covenants, it never is a private matter between them and God.
It always spills over to include other people as well.
Even greater than this, God eagerly commits himself to making enormous, eternal promises with certain individuals and peoples.
To Noah he promised never to send another flood on the earth.
He promised to bless Abraham as the founder of a people who would bless the whole world.
He promised David an eternal dynasty that is ultimately fulfilled in Jesus himself.
When God makes one of these covenants, it never is a private matter between them and God.
It always spills over to include other people as well.
Even greater than this, God eagerly commits himself to making enormous, eternal covenants with certain individuals.
To Noah he promised never to send another flood on the earth.
He promised to bless Abraham as the founder of a people who would bless the whole world.
He made a covenant with Israel through Moses that shaped the identity of the people of Israel, through which Jesus would come.
He promised David an eternal dynasty that is ultimately fulfilled in Jesus himself.
When God makes one of these covenants, it never is a private matter between them and God.
It always spills over to include other people as well.
Even greater than this, God eagerly commits himself to making enormous, eternal covenants with certain individuals.
To Noah he promised never to send another flood on the earth.
He promised to bless Abraham as the founder of a people who would bless the whole world.
He made a covenant with Israel through Moses that shaped the identity of the people of Israel, through which Jesus would come.
He promised David an eternal dynasty that is ultimately fulfilled in Jesus himself.
When God makes one of these covenants, it never is a private matter between them and God.
It always spills over to include other people as well.
This is why you often find people praising God for his faithfulness, especially when it concerns one of these covenants.
When Abraham’s servant realized that he had found a wife for Isaac, he said
When Jeremiah sought for comfort when sitting in the rubble of Jerusalem after Babylon destroyed it, he said
Lam 3:22-23
In ,
ps 59:16
In ,
Psalm 56:19-20
please turn there
In , Ethan the Ezrahite praises God for his steadfast love through his eternal covenant with David.
We know almost nothing about who Ethan was. in he is compared to Solomon as one whose wisdom was widely known.
He also appears in ; where he is a singer appointed by David.
But whoever he was, he understood that God’s promises to David concerned him.
Although God was certain to keep his word, there was no guarantee that God would do this within his own lifetime, which is why he said
Ethan the Ezrahite praises God for his steadfast love through his eternal covenant with David.
We know almost nothing about who Ethan was. in he is compared to Solomon as one whose wisdom was widely known.
He also appears in ; where he is a singer appointed by David.
But whoever he was, he understood that God’s promises to David concerned him.
Although God was certain to keep his word, there was no guarantee that God would do this within his own lifetime, which is why he said
He wanted God to do something within his lifetime.
It would not help him if God waited until after he died to keep his promise.
We are going to see that David’s Covenant did not just concern him.
It is something that has to do with the future of the whole world.
is in two parts.
The first part goes up to verse 37. Ethan invites us to praise God for his eternal faithfulness to the Covenant he made with David.
The second part turns to the reality that does not seem to fit this tremendous promise.
Because of time we will cover the second part next time.
In the first part, Ethan invites us to praise God for his eternal faithfulness to the Covenant he made with David.
God’s faithfulness is a fundamental part of who he is
God’s people have always recognized God’s faithfulness to them from times of unexpected blessing
to times of dark distress
Words like “forever” and “all generations” are used a total of 11 times.
What is it that makes God’s faithfulness so wonderful?
I. God is Faithful in his Character —Praise him
It is that God is so great.
If a world leader, someone rich and powerful, became your friend and offered to do whatever he could for you, what would you think?
That would be incredible.
It would be even more incredible if that world leader was perfectly loyal to you, that he really meant it and would never break his promise.
On the other hand, if you have a dog, you know that your dog will always be loyal.
That is nice, but not very incredible.
Why? because it’s just a dog.
A. Theme from the Psalmist
Three words are used over and over throughout the psalm.
I have been using the word “faithfulness,” but your bible may say something different.
The Hebrew word חֶסֶד (hesed) is difficult to translate because it has such a wide range of meaning.
It is often translated as “steadfast love” “kindness” “loyalty” or “mercy.”
The KJV translated it as “lovingkindness.”
In this context it means God will be faithful to his promises.
he will bless because he already established a relationship with you.
Words like “forever” and “all generations” are used a total of 11 times.
Almighty God made an eternal covenant with David, one that would continue beyond the life of the universe.
A Covenant (, , ) is more than just a promise.
It is a legally binding agreement like a contract, but with God himself as one of the recognized witnesses.
Covenants could be made between individuals, like the one that David and Jonathan made with each other.
Kings could also make covenants with a subject, to bless a faithful servant in some way.
Whenever a Covenant was made, it created a relationship between two people in which one or both parties were obligated to do certain things.
Upholding a covenant was about being trustworthy or faithful, as well as about being a good, loyal friend.
That is what “faithfulness” or “steadfast love” was all about.
is a commentary on God’s Covenant with David.
is a commentary on God’s Covenant with David.
< .5
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> .9