The Unstoppable Church: Commission
The Unstoppable Church: Commission
Joshua 1
Commission often equals “Great Commission”
Joshua called by God; set apart by Moses; commissioned to deliver Israel into God’s desired future.
Thesis: There can be no commitment to the Great Commission without a great commitment to God’s pattern of leadership.
God Speaks to His Leader (1)
Joshua encouraged by God’s presence (vv. 5, 9).
Joshua empowered by God’s Word (7-8).
· Be challenged by the Word
· Find courage from the Word
The call of God; being set apart by God’s leaders; humbling.
His Leader Speaks to the People (10-11)
Follow the flow of communication:
· God called Joshua…
· Joshua gave vision to the leaders…
· The leaders gave expectations to the people…
· The people committed to leadership.
Call…Vision…Expectations…Commitment. The same pattern …
“Three days” suggests resurrection. A new beginning!
The People Speak to His Leader (16-18)
How wonderful when God’s people honor God by respecting, trusting, and following God’s called, ordained, and commissioned leaders.
They united around their leader. No division; “Moses vs. Joshua.”
· Division is always ungodly, no matter the motive!
· One who chooses to fight against or struggle with God’s called is fighting against God! (18a).
They embraced their new leader:
· They prayed for him (17).
· They encouraged him (18b)