Be Steadfast
Don’t Give Up !: Be Steadfast
The greatest challenge for most Christians is simply to lay down the old life the world offers and pick up only the life that Christ died & rose again to give us. It seems so simple, yet so many fall into the same sins over and over. Paul is here to make a request and to exhort us to live a life that is worthy of the Lord Jesus’ sacrifice.
I Thessalonians 4:1-2
Excel Still More
-Paul begins his final major section here
-he is requesting and exhorting them in the Lord Jesus
-that they excel still more in living Godly life
-flows out of a desire to please God
EX: following my own fleshly desires instead of pleasing Him!!??
-Paul had instructed them on living rightly before God
-the commandments given were by the authority of Jesus
“Sometimes Christians want to hear new truth when what they need is exhortation to excel still more, to press on to greater experiencing of old truths which they are already practicing to a limited degree.”
-he made it clear they were to live a life pleasing to God
I Thessalonians 4:3-8
You Are Different
-God’s will for the believers—SANCTIFICATION
-sanctification—set apart for God’s purposes; holy
-Abstain from sexual immorality
-abstain = avoid it using element of self discipline
-immorality = porneia—broad & sweeping term
-includes—adultery, sex before marriage, outsid marriage, homos.
-non-believers had given in to the lie that sex was part of worship
-To a Christian, will of God is very clear—holiness-no immorality
v. 4-each one is responsible for own body
-learn and exercise self discipline to refrain from sin
-in contrast, the non-believers pursue lustful passions
-believers are sanctified and should honor God
-sexual sin defrauds others that you involve
-God is the one who will judge our sins—all sins!
-Paul reminded them that he had taught & warned them
-God did not call believers to remain in sin, but different
-Anyone who rejects this sanctification ultimately rejects God
-the one who gives us His Holy Spirit to help us in all areas.
I Thessalonians 4:9-12
It Matters
-loving other brothers is to be encouraged
-God teaches us this in our growing relationship with Him
-he knows they are showing love, but wants to see more
-not about them but about their Father
-their ambition should be to live a quiet life = restful
-to be at peace with God and with fellow man—peaceful
-take care of their own business—enough to handle
-work with your hands so you are not a burden to others
-brings a satisfaction
-shows the rest of the world how God provides for us--testimony
I Thessalonians 4:13-18
Flying Lessons Guaranteed
-wants them to be informed about the dead (asleep) in Christ
-don’t want them to grieve as having no hope
-foundation for flying is believing in Jesus Christ as Savior
-the dead in Christ will be with Jesus
v.15-the word of the Lord declares that those still alive won’t
precede the bodies of the dead in Christ
-Lord will descend from Heaven with a shout
-with the voice of the archangel & trumpet of God
-the dead in Christ will rise first—bodies or dust
-those alive who remain and belong will be caught up in clouds
to meet the Lord in the air
-will always be with Him!
-comfort one another with these words!
Wrap It Up:
Believers Are To Live A Different Life
Our Actions Show Whom We Serve
Your Ticket Must Be Ready