Changing the Norm
Changing the Norm
We are in a crisis in America. Headed down a path God never intended for our families. The past 3 weeks I have shared some startling and sobering truths about the 21st Century Family that are contrary to God’s Word. Christians are NOT living the Word of God. We say it’s true; we read it; we carry it with us on special occasions, but the attitudes and actions of our country don’t prove that we live it in our families. The NORM in America has changed. This week I learned more:
EX: Since 1984, The Barna Group has been exploring the nation's religious behavior and beliefs. Their recent study shows that commitment to orthodox biblical perspectives is slipping in a number of areas.
Perspectives about God, Jesus and Satan have shifted in recent years away from traditional biblical views. Today, 66 percent described God as the all-powerful, all-knowing, perfect creator of the universe who rules the world, which represents the lowest percentage in more than twenty years. Just 37 percent strongly disagree that Jesus sinned and 24 percent reject the idea that Satan is not a real spiritual being. David Kinnaman, who directed the study, said that "most Americans do not have strong and clear beliefs, largely because they do not possess a coherent biblical worldview." Kinnaman continued to say, "Most Americans have one foot in the biblical camp and one foot outside it. They say they are committed, but to what? ... The spiritual profile of American Christianity is not unlike a lukewarm church that the Bible warns about."
EX: An annual Gallup poll, its Values and Beliefs survey, conducted two weekends ago, found that 49 percent of Americans consider themselves to be pro-choice, while 45 percent call themselves pro-life. Only 35 percent of Americans say they would like to see the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision overturned; 53 percent say they would not like to see it overturned.
EX: Rev. Clayton Childers, of the Washington-based United Methodist Board of Church and Society, has equated the U.S. flag to the Nazi swastika. "The presence of a national flag in worship can imply endorsement of national policies which often run counter to the teachings of Jesus Christ and our Christian faith.
EX: Members of the astronomy department at Iowa State University admit that Dr. Guillermo Gonzalez's belief that science points to an intelligent designer influenced their decision to deny him tenure. Gonzalez — an astronomer, professor at the university, author of The Privileged Planet, author of 68 peer-reviewed scientific articles and a college textbook, and the spearhead of research that led to the discovery of two planets. The NORM in America has changed.
In Joshua, we see a godly leader who calls on the people of God to return to God. Joshua gathered all the tribes to Shechem-place where Abraham met God and God established covenant. Built altar to commemorate. People had gotten away from commitment to God. Worshipping idols and gods of those around them—convenience. GOD recounted history (18 times “I” = GOD). History of Abraham, brought them out of Egypt, took them into Promised Land—great & mighty things
Joshua 24:14-28
v. 14—“fear the Lord” = consider as precious & rare; high value
-“serve Him in sincerity & truth” = complete & faithfulness--God’s way
-MUST put away the other gods
v. 15—if it is EVIL to serve God, then CHOOSE whom you serve
-to choose you must first compare the choices!
-Joshua declared that he & his house would serve the Lord {Yahweh}
-first Him and then his family and then his household—he leads!
v. 16-18—response--predictable BUT response is proved by actions
v. 19-20—Joshua didn’t believe they were serious—God WAS!
v. 21-people declared their commitment in solemn assembly
v.22-23—Joshua told them to put away gods & turn heart to God
v. 24-people said again they would serve God and obey Him
v. 25-27—Joshua made a covenant w/ the people before God
-he put stone there to commemorate & as witness to them forever
-if they deny God, this stone will prove their hearts were wrong
v. 28—Joshua then sent them away to do what they said
-that is the challenge for most Christians—Living the Word of God
-the norm is to satisfy yourself—the Norm of God is to follow Him
-no matter what others might say!
EX: Standing at the WW II memorial in Washington DC and feeling the sense of awe over those who gave their lives. Lincoln Memorial. Vietnam Veterans War Memorial. The NORM in America has changed.
What will we do about it? If we would choose to serve the Lord as the norm—it would make a difference.
As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.