Our Intent
Our Intent
Our Intent How can you measure someone’s intent? It is a difficult thing, yet we all consider ourselves to be experts. We can take small amounts of information about someone’s behavior that we have never even met and become experts at why they did what they did when they did it. We can measure others intent, but we struggle when people try to measure our intent and seemingly get it wrong. Intent is a hard thing to understand for us, but not for God.
In our new sermon series entitled Don’t Give Up! we are walking with Paul, Silas, and Timothy through their letter to the church in Thessalonica where the three address some issues that have been raised. Last week we saw how Paul encouraged the believers in their faith to Live For Jesus, Their Life Speaks To Others, Jesus Changes Lives, NOT You. This week we see that he addresses some issues raised.
No Funny Business
I Thessalonians 2:1-4
-the believers there know they did not come to them in vain
-they had been persecuted in Philippi before coming but still came
-they spoke boldly the message of the Gospel
-opposition to their message did not stop them
-the message of the Gospel is truth, not error or deceiving
EX: letter signed by 138 Muslim scholars to Pope—unite beliefs
-approved by God they came to speak Gospel
-not there to please men, but only God—He judges their heart!
Can people say there is no funny business about your witness?
No Lip Service
I Thessalonians 2:5-9
-they did not preach to gain anything but souls
-not about greed or flattery—hearts were right
-were not worried about whether they were liked by men
-they asserted their authority as Apostles of Jesus Christ
-gentle like a mother tenderly caring for her own child
-they liked the people and enjoyed sharing Gospel and their lives
-they worked night and day to provide for their own care
-didn’t want to be a burden, only be able to proclaim the Gospel
When people listen to you, do they hear lip service or see action?
Genuine Care Shown
I Thessalonians 2:10-12
-they & God are witnesses—they lived Godly before them
-just as a father encourages his child, they do to the believers
-exhorting, encouraging, and imploring
-desire to see them walk in a manner worthy of God
-He provides the opportunity to inherit eternal life
Do people see you show genuine care toward others?
His Word Works
I Thessalonians 2:13-20
-Paul is thankful to God they accepted God’s Word—thankful
-Word performs its work in those who believe
-their church is like those in Judea—enduring through persecution
-many of the Jews did not receive the Gospel, but got hostile
-not pleasing to God, but killed His Son and many prophets
-the sin of the Jews will bring God’s wrath
-His message will be proclaimed and made available to all
-Paul and his companions miss their fellow brothers
-he wants to go to them, but Satan has kept them away
-any hindrance to growing disciples is contrary to God’s will
-their glory and joy is in seeing them all in God’s presence
Do you recognize that God’s Word works?
Do you work on being united in God’s presence with believers?
Our intent should be God’s intent and that includes living our lives in such a way that others desire to have what we have—a relationship with Jesus Christ which affords us the blessing of eternal life with Him. What is your intent? God knows!
Don’t Give Up!