Sunday Service
Series: 1 Thessalonians
Lesson 14, 1 Thess 5:14-18
Johnny Byrd
October 11, 2018
“Christian Conduct, Part 3”
The Lord’s Coming: A Sanctifying Truth (1Thess. 5:1–22)
B. A Word of Exhortation (1 Thess. 5:12-22)
2. As to our virtue (v. 14-15)
a. People to be helped (v. 14)
b. Principles to be held (v. 15)
3. As to our victory (v. 16-22)
a. Praise (v.16)
b. Prayer (v. 17-18)
i. Access at all times
ii. Acceptance in all things
God’s will for my life is for me to ___________ ____________ !!!
This study of Scripture is from Christ Fellowship • 104 Chestnut Lane • Franklin TN 37064 • 615.591.2597