Sermon Tone Analysis

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A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

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Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
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> .9
That He Might Be Glorified
We live in a time when there is more resistance to the Gospel than previously in our culture.
We live in a time of increasing cynicism and distrust concerning people’s motives and addenda’s.
We live in a time of augmented suspicion of institutions and institutionalism.
We live in a time of easy offense over things that in the past would have been disregarded.
We live in a time when people practice self-absorption rather than self-denial (this includes the church).
We live in a time where people are broken – families are fractured – children are fatherless – and the world puts forth guide-less guides proposing to tell us how to live.
We live in a time where an atheist in tactical gear can walk into a church with automatic weapons to massacre men and women – mothers and fathers – brothers and sisters – grandmothers and grandfathers – children
And we ask, Lord, why that church?
Why not another church?
Why not this church?
· This is the culture we live in – this is the time God has placed us in according to His wisdom and purpose – to touch it with the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ
· We are called to this time
Yet we should ask the question: How do we effectively interact with our culture for the furtherance of the Gospel to the glory of God?
What proofs can we offer cynical – fearful – broken – sometimes arrogant – always lost – hurting people?
From our text, we are going to identify three proofs that will answer these question.
Worship in Thessalonica
The full Greko-Roman pantheon of gods was worshipped there.
There was a Serapeum, which was dedicated to the Egyptian god Serapis – Archaeologists have also discovered many other Egyptian idols at the site, which most likely means that the Serapeum became a place where a multitude of Egyptian gods was worshipped.
Also prominent in the city was the existence of the Imperial Cult (Emperor worship).
We know from that the believers of Thessalonica had been idol worshippers
Taking this stand against their former way of worship would have brought them into direct conflict with, not only their neighbors and the citizens of Thessalonica but also the Roman Empire itself.
This was because of the Imperial Cult – because of Emperor worship.
The Romans didn’t care how many gods you worshipped – the more, the merrier, as long as you worshipped the Emperor as well.
All citizens of the empire were required to sacrifice incense to the Emperor at least once a year – and to proclaim “Caesar is Kyrios (Lord).
Having done their duty, the citizens of the empire would receive a certificate that proved their obedience to this regulation
Of course, believers could not make this proclamation, believing that only Jesus was Kyrios
When asked to produce the certificate of proof they could not do so and thereby they were arrested on the charge of sedition – treason against the empire and the Emperor.
In later periods this constituted legal grounds for execution
Paul, himself, had stated in that “there is but one Lord, Jesus Christ” – this, to the Romans, was a denial of the right of the Emperor to be worshipped.
In , the Apostle had told the believers in Thessalonica that the Day of the Lord would come suddenly upon those who were proclaiming “peace and security,” – This seemed to be a challenge to the concept of Pax Romana (Roman Peace) – also an important part of Emperor Worship
This was the situation in Thessalonica and the greater culture around it.
When Paul was In Thessalonica
He preached in the Synagogue for three Sabbaths reasoning with them from the Scriptures and proclaiming Jesus was the Christ ()
For some weeks after that Paul and his companions continued to declare the gospel to the Gentiles and Jews of the city
Many believed and were saved yet the Jews became jealous and stirred up a mob to set the city in uproar
The believers of Thessalonica hid Paul and Silas so that they could not be apprehended by the mob
Then at night the brothers sent Paul and Silas away to Berea ()
The believers of Thessalonica had not seen Paul since – yet from Corinth Paul wrote to them
Timothy delivered the letter to the young believers there
Now let’s look at chapter two and how is it we can become effective at interacting with our present culture for the glory of God
1. First: The proof of our sincerity during times of difficulty (1-4)
a. Principle: Boldness brings more boldness (vs.
The people of Thessalonica knew that Paul had been beaten and jailed in Philippi
Even with that experience Paul told the Thessalonian believers that he and his companions had not feared – rather than that, they had been bold among them
It was because of that they had had fruitful ministry among them as well
The word vain in verse one means to “have no results.”
2. Paul says that because they had not feared based on their past experiences nor the current conflict – much fruit was brought forth in the lives of the people of Thessalonica
When we are bold for the Lord – and do not shrink from declaring Him – it causes others to be bold as well.
From his place of imprisonment in Rome, the Apostle wrote to the church at Philippi telling them
I want you to know, brothers, that what has happened to me has really served to advance the gospel, 13 so that it has become known throughout the whole imperial guard and to all the rest that my imprisonment is for Christ.
14 And most of the brothers, having become confident in the Lord by my imprisonment, are much more bold to speak the word without fear.
This word “bold” here means to have “courage or boldness in the face of danger or opposition.”
When the news of Paul’s imprisonment was heard it caused others to be “much more bold to speak the word without fear.”
John Piper says of this
“So, what we learn is that the reason boldness is needed is that it keeps our lives from being in vain.
It makes our lives count.
It keeps us from coming to the end and saying, “Nothing happened.
There was no significance.
I lived in vain.”[1]
Where does this boldness come from?
i. Paul tells them that their motives were pure
They had boldness because they had been approved by God and it was Him that tested their hearts
This word “approved.”
means to regard something as genuine or worthy on the basis of testing.
Because God trusts us with His gospel, we are responsible to Him and not to man
It is God who tests our hearts
The word Paul used for “tests” means “to scrutinize – to look at critically or searchingly – or in minute detail
2. The knowledge that we are accountable to God for proclamation of the gospel should give us courage no matter what the circumstances
God uses conflict to prove our sincerity to others
If people know we are a believer – they watch how we respond to difficulties
Do we forgive when wronged?
Or do we lash out?
Are we gracious when attacked?
Or do we respond in kind?
Do we defend ourselves or do we trust God to be our defense when people talk behind our back?
v. What happens if we experience great tragedy?
1. Would people see our faith?
2. Would people see us love God although we have more questions than answers?
3. Danny and Heather Roberts
Our response during times of conflict proves the sincerity of our message!
Now on to the second proof of the genuineness of our message
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