FACT 1: Everybody has a mental picture of what they want their life to be
FACT 2: A vision is a mental picture of what could be fueled by the passion of what should be
FACT 3: A clear vision with the courage to follow through will lead to a life of purpose
Habakkuk 2:2 ESV
And the Lord answered me: “Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so he may run who reads it.
1. Vision starts with a concern
ADVICE: Ask yourself, “What breaks your heart?”
2. Vision matures over time
ADVICE: Waiting helps you to see what you are really passionate about
3. Vision is not greater than character
ADVICE: Change your vision before you have to compromise your character
4. Vision is based on your values
ADVICE: Write down the people you admire, the person you want to become, things you want to accomplish, the legacy you want to leave, the abilities you have, and the goals you want to meet
QUOTE: Everyone ends up somewhere, but vision helps you to end up where you are supposed to be
QUOTE: A vision will give you the passion, motivation, and direction, to fulfill your purpose
CHALLENGE: Post your 3 year vision (present, positive, and passion)