Mission in the Old Testament
Who are we and what were we made for?
What is blessing?
What Happened to Us?
What is God’s Mission in the World?
1. What does the word “blessing” usually bring to mind for you? In what ways has your concept changed in the light of this chapter?
2. “Being a blessing” might not seem an adequate description of “the mission of God’s people” (and indeed, by itself it isn’t!), but what aspects of our mission would be challenged or improved by thinking in such Abrahamic terms?
3. Abraham was called to “leave and go”. Whether or not you are called to physically leave your country and go overseas as a missionary, what elements of your present cultural and social context do you need to “leave” if you are to follow Abraham in “faith-obedience”?
4. Does the notion of the demand of obedience to the mission of the church sound like legalism to you? How might this unbiblical notion be biblically rebutted?