Revelation 2, pergamum
Revelation 2:12-17
Declaring War on the Sin of Tolerance
The Church at Pergamum
- The parties Revelation 2:12
- The Pergamum church
i. The Roman Capital of Asia
ii. Home of many temples to the major gods
iii. Also a hotbed of Emperor Worship
- The Lord Jesus Christ
i. Jesus is seen here as threatening
ii. He has this sword (the word of God; 19:15 speaks of this as a judging sword)
- The praises Revelation 2:13
- Steadfastness- Emperor worship was the order of the day. They, like the Smyrnan church stood steadfast in the face of martyrdom, even witnessing one of their own be roasted in a brass bull under the hand of Domitian. #. The problem Revelation 2:14-15
- Toleration of sin in the camp
i. Those who see that each church represents a historical age, remind us that after the legalization of Christianity, a lot of compromise infiltrated the church.
ii. There was a group who held to false doctrine.
1. John here equates the NT group of the Nicolatians with the OT preacher for hire (Baalam) Numbers 22-25.
iii. There was the silent minority who refused to deal with the problem (Titus 3:10-11)
- The prescription Revelation 2:16
- Repent (Again repentance is a change of the mind and heart that leads to a change of actions)
- The peril Revelation 2:16
- Jesus declares war on them. Do not miss this: Jesus says I am coming to you. He might make war with “them,” but he is involving us, because.
i. We didn’t do what we were supposed to
ii. He can’t let it stay undone.
- The promise Revelation 2:17
- Spiritual Provision
i. Manna is spiritual food from God
ii. A white stone with a new name written on it was an award given to athlete’s that served as a ticket to a special banquet.