A Adv 2nd Sunday
1st Reading: Is 11:1-10
Intro: This is another prophecy from early in Isaiah's career. It tells us that after the babylonion exile only a fragment of King David's family will remain (Jesse, in the prophecy, is David's father.) It also tells what the savior will be like and the results we can expect from the establishment of his kingdom. The list of the seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit come from this reading.
2nd Reading: Rm 15:4-9
Intro: Pauls pints out that Jesus is the fulfillment of the promises made throught the prophets as a sign to the Gentiles as well as the Jews. All of us should be in communion with one another for the glory of God.
Gospel: Mt 3:1-12
Gospel Exegesis:
Type exegesis here.
This is for a second exegesis paragraph with a line break.
What the 1st hearers heard:
Type assumptions about what the first hearers must have heard here.
Homily Ideas:
- He will baptize you with Spirit and Fire
- The bishop who ordained us deacons said his new preists were protecting themselves from burnout. He said they needed someone to light a fire under them.
- The "new" ??? movement in Catholicism is the creation of people who have "zeal for the faith" (is is oftentimes experssed as zeal for past practices of the faith). But, it shouldn't be zeal for the faith. It should be zeal for the mission; zeal for the kingdom.
- The image of the Sacred Heart shows the burning love (the flames) that our Lord has for us which lead to his dying on the cross for us.
- When we truly open ourselves to his burning love for us, it should set us on fire with love for others, just like his love for us.That means love for all others, even those we dispise, those we consider illegal, those we consider great sinners, etc. Remember the stories about the tax collectors, the woman caught in adultery, the good "samaritan", etc.
- :: So, our Advent preparation, our preparing the way of the Lord, should include ridding ourselves of the things which stand in the way of letting that Lord come to us... the one on fire with love for all people... the one ready to set our hearts on fire for all people!
- Just your luck, we have a penance service coming up to help you...
- Prepare the way of the Lord
- This creates an indented numbered list
- This creates an indented bullet item
Music Suggestions:
Gathering: Prepare Ye the Way of the Lord
PoG: A Voice Crys Out in the Wilderness
Reflection Questions:
Mt 3:1-3
For adults:
What kind of things, in your life, hinder the Lord from being present to you? Why are they important to you? What is one change you can make to make more room for him in your life?
For younger people:
Who helps you 'prepare the way of the Lord' in your life? How do cooperate with and/or resist their efforts? Why? What is one change can you make to help you cooperate more fully?