Sermon Tone Analysis

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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
The Unsaved Attitude
This verse shows us exactly what our attitude towards God was - one of hostility and alienation.
Unsaved people hate God, why?
Because God is light and their works are darkness.
An unsaved person no more loves God than a criminal loves the police.
In fact they actively oppose the law and sinners actively oppose God.
Fighting against God, what a silly waist of time, but also the attitude we all had.
This is all i will say about a sinners attitude towards God, the Atheist says: I dont believe in God and I hate Him.
I want to spend most of message looking at attitudes believers have towards God, and i want to separate the mature attitude from the immature attitude.
The Immature Attitude.
Immature christians are simply christians who have not surrendered completely to God.
So, they still have an agenda or will of their own that they want God to fit into.
What do I mean?
I mean that they cannot honestly say: “Thy will be Done”.
They want God’s will done.... but they want it done their way.
They know that God is God, but they still want to be in charge.
They search scripture to support their ideas, not to change their hearts.
They say Amen when the pastor affirms something they agree with, but are silent or even absent when the pastor says something that cuts to the heart.
To put it simply: Immature Christens have a hard time digesting Romans 9.
Their problem lies with God’s Sovereignty.
The thought that God does what he pleases and does not ask your opinion or permission is a scary thought to the immature.
A God who acts like God is not something they like or agree with.
They do like this, and so they get angry and upset with God when hHis will is contrary to theirs.
When things dont turn out as planned, when life does not go how you hoped it would, you get upset with God for not doing what you wanted him to do.
“Who are you that argues against God?”
God should have listen to you, but in reality you should be listening to God.
Hod actually gets quite harsh in this issue.
Who directed the Holy Spirit?
Who helped God create the heaves and earth?
Who did God ask for advice?
Who gave God commands?
Who sat God down and taught Him right from wrong?
Who explained to God the way life is?
The immature christian does these things all the time.
I used to do them all the time.
I would spend hours telling God why he do this and that.
Why it would be best if he did this.. and why if he didn't, it would not be fair.
Let me say this: The faster you grow up out of immaturity the better, you will find that you will fight against God a whole lot less.
The Mature Attitude towards God
The mature christians attitude towards God can be summed up in the following verse:
in other words: Total surrender.
Jesus Shows us what spiritual maturity looks like in the garden of Getsename
Spiritual maturity understand this simple truth:
This may sound simple, but it requires a great amount of battle tested faith to actually accept them.
Because sometimes God’s thoughts could not seem more absurd, sometimes God’s ways make absolutely no sense.
Let me remind you of God’s ways:
Joseph was hated by his brothers, thrown in a pit to die, sold as a slave, falsely accused of rape, went to prison, was forgotten, then was released - This was God’s plan.
- poor Joseph.
God’s plan was to have a judge with incredible strength by a nazarite vow, have this man marry the enemy, have him loose that power, have his eyes gouged out, have him chained in the main auditorium, only to give him his strength back and have him pull the whole building down on them all, killing everyone inside.
God’s plan was for a good man names Hosea to marry a wife of whoredoms, so that she will be unfaithful to him and break his heart agains and again, just like Israel broke God’s Heart by serving others Gods, but Hosea had to forgive her and love her in spite of all the pain and agony she caused him, just like God continued to love Israel.
God’s plan was to have his only begotten son come to earth, live a perfect life only to have him betrayed, torchered to within an inch of life and finally die alone, naked surrounded by criminals.
Don’t tell me that its easy to say: Thy will be done!”.
When a child is born, blind, or deaf, or down Syndrome - the immature blames God, the Mature christian quietly continues to trust in God.
When a natural disaster kills hundreds not thousands, the immature curses God, the mature cries, but remains faithful.
The immature cannot, or rather, dont want to believe this.
They want God to do things their way.
The mature, have come to believe this, and worship God every day.
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9