Where Am I With God?
5 Questions Concerning Your Spiritual Growth • Sermon • Submitted • Presented • 25:25
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· 892 viewsUnderstanding that God knows you and how well you know God will help answer how you are doing with God.
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5 Questions concerning your spiritual growth
Where am I with God?
Where am I with God’s Word?
Where am I in terms of worshipping God?
Where am I in fellowship with others?
Where am I in terms of Evangelism?
We can determine where we are with God by asking a few questions...
How well does God know me?
How well do I know God?
How well do I obey and follow Him?
I. As far as God knowing me
I. As far as God knowing me
A. God has intimate knowledge of us
A. God has intimate knowledge of us
6 Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? And not one of them is forgotten before God. 7 Why, even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not; you are of more value than many sparrows.
B. God is Omniscient; Omnipresent and Omniscient
B. God is Omniscient; Omnipresent and Omniscient
1 O Lord, you have searched me and known me!
2 You know when I sit down and when I rise up;
you discern my thoughts from afar.
3 You search out my path and my lying down
and are acquainted with all my ways.
4 Even before a word is on my tongue,
behold, O Lord, you know it altogether.
5 You hem me in, behind and before,
and lay your hand upon me.
6 Such knowledge is too wonderful for me;
it is high; I cannot attain it.
7 Where shall I go from your Spirit?
Or where shall I flee from your presence?
8 If I ascend to heaven, you are there!
If I make my bed in Sheol, you are there!
9 If I take the wings of the morning
and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea,
10 even there your hand shall lead me,
and your right hand shall hold me.
11 If I say, “Surely the darkness shall cover me,
and the light about me be night,”
12 even the darkness is not dark to you;
the night is bright as the day,
for darkness is as light with you.
13 For you formed my inward parts;
you knitted me together in my mother’s womb.
14 I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
Wonderful are your works;
my soul knows it very well.
15 My frame was not hidden from you,
when I was being made in secret,
intricately woven in the depths of the earth.
16 Your eyes saw my unformed substance;
in your book were written, every one of them,
the days that were formed for me,
when as yet there was none of them.
17 How precious to me are your thoughts, O God!
How vast is the sum of them!
18 If I would count them, they are more than the sand.
I awake, and I am still with you.
19 Oh that you would slay the wicked, O God!
O men of blood, depart from me!
20 They speak against you with malicious intent;
your enemies take your name in vain.
21 Do I not hate those who hate you, O Lord?
And do I not loathe those who rise up against you?
22 I hate them with complete hatred;
I count them my enemies.
23 Search me, O God, and know my heart!
Try me and know my thoughts!
24 And see if there be any grievous way in me,
and lead me in the way everlasting!
II. As far as me knowing God
II. As far as me knowing God
A. We know God by what He said.
A. We know God by what He said.
1 Now the serpent was more crafty than any other beast of the field that the Lord God had made.
He said to the woman, “Did God actually say, ‘You shall not eat of any tree in the garden’?” 2 And the woman said to the serpent, “We may eat of the fruit of the trees in the garden, 3 but God said, ‘You shall not eat of the fruit of the tree that is in the midst of the garden, neither shall you touch it, lest you die.’ ” 4 But the serpent said to the woman, “You will not surely die. 5 For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” 6 So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was to be desired to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate, and she also gave some to her husband who was with her, and he ate. 7 Then the eyes of both were opened, and they knew that they were naked. And they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves loincloths.
8 And they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and the man and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God among the trees of the garden. 9 But the Lord God called to the man and said to him, “Where are you?” 10 And he said, “I heard the sound of you in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked, and I hid myself.” 11 He said, “Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten of the tree of which I commanded you not to eat?” 12 The man said, “The woman whom you gave to be with me, she gave me fruit of the tree, and I ate.” 13 Then the Lord God said to the woman, “What is this that you have done?” The woman said, “The serpent deceived me, and I ate.”
B. We know God by our love for Him.
B. We know God by our love for Him.
Jesus teaches us that our devotion cannot be split.
24 “No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.
III. As far as me obeying/following God
III. As far as me obeying/following God
A. Obedience produces listening
A. Obedience produces listening
31 We know that God does not listen to sinners, but if anyone is a worshiper of God and does his will, God listens to him.
B. Obedience fosters love for god
5 but whoever keeps his word, in him truly the love of God is perfected. By this we may know that we are in him:
Questions not to ask in order to know where you are with God...
How rich am I?
How healthy am I?
How many enemies do I have?
How often does God say yes to me?
How important am I?
God’s Invitation and Plan of Salvation
God’s Invitation and Plan of Salvation
Hear - Romans 10:17
Hear - Romans 10:17
Romans 10:17 ESV 17 So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.
Believe and Confess - Romans 10:9-10
Believe and Confess - Romans 10:9-10
Romans 10:9–10 ESV 9 because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved.
Repent - Luke 13:3
Repent - Luke 13:3
Luke 13:3 ESV 3 No, I tell you; but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish.
Be Baptized - Acts 2:38
Be Baptized - Acts 2:38
Acts 2:38 (ESV) 38 And Peter said to them, “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
Remain Faithful - Revelation 2:10
Remain Faithful - Revelation 2:10
Revelation 2:10 ESV 10 Do not fear what you are about to suffer. Behold, the devil is about to throw some of you into prison, that you may be tested, and for ten days you will have tribulation. Be faithful unto death, and I will give you the crown of life.
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Questions: What are my next steps?
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