Elders, Deacons, and Evangelists (2)
Sermon Tone Analysis
Elders, Deacons, and Evangelists
Elders, Deacons, and Evangelists
[Announce Text] 1
[Scriptural Introduction] [Contextualization] [Creation of longing]
[Renounce text and Read]
[Introduction] Outline [FCF]
[Proposition] Because the Church is the pillar of the truth, it must have virtuous Elders, aspiring deacons, and prepared evangelists.
[Main point #1] Because the Church is the pillar of the truth, it must have virtuous Elders.
[Sub point 1] 3:1 A virtuous elder is to support the truth by leading.
By definition (of ἐπισκοπή) “1. the act of watching over with special ref. to being present. 2. position of responsibility 3. engagement in oversight, supervision.”
By Scripture, (1. Tim 3:5) “but if a man does not know how to manage his own household, how will he take care of the church of God?”
[Sub point 2] A virtuous elder’s character is above reproach
Preliminary thoughts about virtuous elders
1. The qualification are general to so we can apply
2. Characteristics are similar to Greco-Roman ideals.
2. Characteristics are similar to Greco-Roman ideals.
3. The Characteristics are attainable [matureity and not perfection.]
3. The Characteristics are attainable [matureity and not perfection.]
4. Character and conduct; godliness and sound teaching go hand and hand.
4. Character and conduct; godliness and sound teaching go hand and hand.
5. This list probably applies to some people who are elders and should not be, diff. than Tit.
5. This list probably applies to some people who are elders and should not be, diff. than Tit.
6. Connection between 3:1 and 2:10-15, women must not teach, men are to teach.
7. These are not charismatic, depending on the spiritual gifts of others, but for all.
6. These are not charismatic, depending on the spiritual gifts of others, but for all.
8. There are no term limits, the more mature, the better.
7. There are no term limits, the more mature, the better.
3:2 “above reproach” This is the main character; the following unpacks its all. Is is not a quantitative but qualitative man.
3:2 “one-woman man” Faithfulness to wife; 1. must be married, 2. must not be polygamous, 3. must not be remarried, 4. must not be divorced, 5. must be faithful.
3:2 “temperate” This is the virtue of the appetite.
3:2 “prudent” This is the virtue of the intellect.
3:2 “respectable” κόσμιος - evoke admiration because of orderliness. The elder is a microcosm of the church. Christian leadership is a matter of character. If the leadership is sincere, so the church. If the leadership is gospel-centered, so the church.
3:2 “hospitable” friend of strangers. Christians are to be accepting strangers into their home as God as accepted us.
3:2 “able to teach” This is stressed on ability and not content. Correct doctrine is assumed but ability is stressed.
3:3 “not one who hangs around wine”
3:3 “pugnacious” "Better, a man who controls his temper than one who takes a city" (prov.)
3:3 “gentle”
3:3 “peaceable”
3:3 “free from the love of money” OS Guiness, “If a man is drunk on wine, you’ll throw him out. But if he is drunk on money, you’ll make him a deacon.”” If is very american to think a man who has a lot of money is godly, good manager, power, can lead, practical. NO!
3:4 “manages his own household well, keeping his children under control”
3:6 “not new convert” Maturity, no term limits. Why would a constitution get ride of someone with experience?
3:7 “good reputation” Again, above reproach!
[Sub point 3]
[Illustration] Because
[Application 1] Men, seek to become an elder. Examine yourselves, which qualification do you want to cultivate or deepen in your life, and what specific steps will you take to do so?
[Application 2] Pray for God to cultivate leadership
Pray for God’s working in your life to cultivate the leadership qualifications Paul mentioned in this chapter.
Pray for God’s working in your life to cultivate the leadership qualifications Paul mentioned in this chapter.
Pray for God’s working in your life to cultivate the leadership qualifications Paul mentioned in this chapter.
[Main point #2] Because the Church is the pillar of the truth, it must have aspiring deacons.
[Sub point 1] The purpose of a Deacon.
By definition deacon: “1. one who serves as an intermediary in a transaction, agent, intermediary 2 one who gets someth. done, at the behest of a superior, assistant”
“then let them serve as deacons.”
Serving so elders can focus on leadership.
[Sub point 2] In light of their purpose to serve, what are the characteristics of deacons?
“Men of dignity” - “worthy of respect/honor, noble, dignified, serious” They are to be elder-like. “of good reputation”
“double-tongued” - “insincere” This is relevant for someone who is always serving people, going house to house.
“not addicted to much wine” - not paying attention to much wine.
“fond of sordid gain” - “shamelessly greedy for money, avaricious, fond of dishonest gain”
“holding to the mystery of the gospel” - that he believe in the gospel. In the Bible, “mystery” refers to something that was previously hidden but now is made known to believers; this is particularly how God saved both Gentiles and Jews. The deacon must affirm the basic doctrines of the faith, such as the one body and one Spirit, one hope, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God (). This is not just a non-spiritual office, concerned with only mowing lawns. The person who holds this office must be a Christian and be a pillar of the gospel. We cannot separate doctrine and work.
5 one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God. This is not just a non-spiritual office, concerned with only mowing lawns. The person who holds this office must be a Christian and be a pillar of the gospel
6 one God. This is not just a non-spiritual office, concerned with only mowing lawns. The person who holds this office must be a Christian and be a pillar of the gospel
, by God’s salvationThis is not just a non-spiritual office, concerned with only mowing lawns. The person who holds this office must be a Christian and be a pillar of the gospel
“full of the Spirit” “clear conscience” - Jiminy Crickett “let your conscience be your guide.”
“must first be tested” - “to make a critical examination of someth. to determine genuineness, put to the test, examine” - this could refer to a probationary period of examination. But it could simply mean a testing of these characteristics.
“beyond reproach” - “worthy of respect/honor, noble, dignified, serious”
Wives or deaconess? γυνή women or wives. “1. all women 2. woman servants 3. wives of deacons 4. wives of both elders and deacons.” 4.
“Dignified” - a respectable wife as a testimony of a husband. And useful counterpart who will participate in his ministry.
malicious gossips” - “to engagement in slander”
“temperate, self control” - “being very moderate in the drinking of an alcoholic beverage,”
“Faithful in all things” - pertaining to being worthy of belief or trust, trustworthy, faithful, dependable, inspiring trust/faith
“one woman-men, ”
“good managers” of their houses - “to exercise a position of leadership, rule, direct, be at the head (of).”
Deacons gain a good “standing” - “a stage in intellectual or spiritual progress” - respect and influence to others. A deacon’s life speaks.
[Sub point 3]
[Main point #3] The Church is the pillar of the truth, so their conduct must support the truth.
[Sub point 1]
[Sub point 1] The Church is people
[Sub point 2] The People must be the embodiment of the truth.
[Sub point 3] Supporting the truth as being the embodiment of
[Sub point 3]
[Illustration] Because the chair is for sitting, a carpenter uses wood in the form of a chair. The purpose of a thing determines its nature. Because an acorn is to become another tree, the tree drops an acorn which structurally is conducive to being absorbed by the ground and materially has the information to become a tree.
[Application] We must always keep the end in mind. When we make decision for the Church, it should be in order to support the truth of the gospel. Should we have basketball? Should we evangelize with food and gift cards? Do these things support the truth of the gospel.
[Main point #4] Because the Church is the pillar of the truth, it must endure in hard times.
[Sub point 1] Hard times are based in doctrinal error.
Bad doctrine leads to hypocrisy and seared consciences
[Sub point 2] Hard times are solved by the Word and prayer
[Sub point 3]
[Illustration] Muslims believe that deceiving is ok, Allah is the great deceiver
[Application] Be prepared.
[Main point #4] Because the Church is the pillar of the truth, it must have healthy evangelists.
[Sub point 1] Diet
[Sub point 2] Exercise
“the ordering and scheduling of religious acts in meaningful ways as well as to efforts to remove evil from the community.”
[Sub point 3]
The Church of Christ Structures for Developing Church Discipline
Training and examination of prospective and new members.
The Church of Christ Structures for Developing Church Discipline
Training and examination of ministers and leaders
The Church of Christ Structures for Developing Church Discipline
Instruction in small groups
The Church of Christ Structures for Developing Church Discipline
Instruction and admonition from the pulpit.
The Church of Christ Structures for Developing Church Discipline
Visitation by individuals in the congregation.
The Church of Christ Structures for Developing Church Discipline
An active concern by the elders/pastors of the congregation to promote disciplined Christian living