Does Your Conversation Reverence the Holy Name or Profane It
Conscience. Self-awareness that judges whether or not an act one has carried out or plans to carry out is in harmony with one’s moral standards.
Both the English word “conscience” and the Greek word translated as “conscience” in the NT literally mean “to know together.” In the OT, Adam and Eve hid themselves from God in shame because their consciences passed moral judgment on their disobedience (Gn 3:8–10). All human beings normally have the power of moral judgment: “The spirit of man is the lamp of the Lord, searching all his innermost parts” (Prv 20:27). Conscience, then, is a gift of God to provide light in matters of good and evil.
This is something which happens more than we think.
• It happens in jokes about religion.
• It happens in many movies and in many modern novels.
• It happens also in prayers when the name of the Lord is used without the required earnestness.
• It happens further when Psalms and rhymed parts of Scripture and songs are sung in worship services without thinking what precisely is sung. This means that the name of the Lord is not only profaned in a bar but also in the church can be used in vain.