Does Your Conversation Reverence the Holy Name or Profane It

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Dear Congregation of our Lord Jesus Christ,

Conscience. Self-awareness that judges whether or not an act one has carried out or plans to carry out is in harmony with one’s moral standards.

Both the English word “conscience” and the Greek word translated as “conscience” in the NT literally mean “to know together.” In the OT, Adam and Eve hid themselves from God in shame because their consciences passed moral judgment on their disobedience (Gn 3:8–10). All human beings normally have the power of moral judgment: “The spirit of man is the lamp of the Lord, searching all his innermost parts” (Prv 20:27). Conscience, then, is a gift of God to provide light in matters of good and evil.

Why our duty to prevent his name from being used vainly, and positively see to ti that it is always used with reverenvce and respect!
WORST is deliberate objective to dishnour God = blasphemy
In the story is told of the son of Shelomith who was stoned to death as a result of the sin of blasphemy. Linking up with this, the Lord spoke through Moses to the Israelites: “If anyone curses his God, he will be held responsible; anyone who blasphemes the name of the Lord must be put to death” ().
Our confession links up with this statement when it says: “No sin is greater or provokes his wrath more than the profaning of his name
= why no sin is greater and provokes his wrath more
= why no sin is greater and provokes his wrath more
Closely linked up = to curse, scold, and use name of the Lord to impress others = showing his weakness = his yes is not relaly yes, and his no is not really no. Trying to put his powerless statement above reproach by ABUSING GOD”S NAME = in this way dragas God names through the mud, mocks God and brings on guilt /punishment of God
Not treat lightly the authroity of God - making his names, attributes, sayings, hisinstitutions a light matter!
Light sayings, Oh my God, Well Bless me Oh Lord… If any meaning, then it is a INVOCATION OF DIVINE PRESAENCE AND FAVOUR… only mean this when know his infite character…
So too when we would say “Go to hell”, Curse or Damn You… perhaps I don’t give a damn Indain coin a little different … but when we take God’s holy and serious judgments of wrath, curse, hell, light and flippantly put them on our tongues = MAKING LIGHT OF GOD AND WHAT HE STANDS FOR, making light of eternal destinies… a contempt of God’s avenging anger!
Why do severe = can’t strongly enough empahsize the VALUE OF GOD”S NAME = = blsaphemy of his name is blasphemy of God himself!
Galatians 6:7 ESV
Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap.
Gal 6:7
But not only deliberate, also reckless use and misuse of Name; = frivolous manner = without necessary respect, thought and reflection = without thinking about the GREATNESS and holiness of God!
OMG great literature and movies don’t need this, Jane Austen - but so much - don’t even realize it - cut Oh my gosh out…
This is something which happens more than we think.
• It happens in jokes about religion.
• It happens in many movies and in many modern novels.
• It happens also in prayers when the name of the Lord is used without the required earnestness.

This is something which happens more than we think.

• It happens in jokes about religion.

• It happens in many movies and in many modern novels.

• It happens also in prayers when the name of the Lord is used without the required earnestness.

• It happens further when Psalms and rhymed parts of Scripture and songs are sung in worship services without thinking what precisely is sung. This means that the name of the Lord is not only profaned in a bar but also in the church can be used in vain.

• It happens further when Psalms and rhymed parts of Scripture and songs are sung in worship services without thinking what precisely is sung. This means that the name of the Lord is not only profaned in a bar but also in the church can be used in vain.
Remaining quiet = we don’t let others drag friends and family members ame through the mud why God’s? GOSH, Geez first sylable of Jesus name, or Jesus is Wizzard - sure language is usage - probably not thinking of God - but maybe that’s the point and our use of language deliberate:
Luke 12:8–9 ESV
“And I tell you, everyone who acknowledges me before men, the Son of Man also will acknowledge before the angels of God, but the one who denies me before men will be denied before the angels of God.
BUT NOT negative goal = really want to get to proper use of HIs name in your life and mine!
= not like Jews never use divine name… = oppposite trick of Satan from abusing name to NOT USING IT ALL - as if God, thrice personal doesn’t exist
ie. Prayer for warden of Huron County - big q = will I pray in Jesus name, pray to the LORD - or neutrality principle - just God wihtout covenant name the LORD, Jehovah… no we must seek the glory of God’s name
Psalm 96:8 ESV
Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name; bring an offering, and come into his courts!
But now though don’t do this perfectly and mouth stopped and whole world is acocuntable to God, not codemend by law, Saved by Jesus who alone upheld and defended and explained, and glorified the NAme of the LORD - his dath and obedience covers our sin; but he also too the place of sinful man, in glroifying God’s Name!
Jesus used God’s name rightly- confessed it, invoked it, and he glrofied it! = all these things he did as a our guantor -
even the rason why Jesus was crucified to bear our sin, alleged blasphemey of the name of the LORD!
Matthew 26:63–66 ESV
But Jesus remained silent. And the high priest said to him, “I adjure you by the living God, tell us if you are the Christ, the Son of God.” Jesus said to him, “You have said so. But I tell you, from now on you will see the Son of Man seated at the right hand of Power and coming on the clouds of heaven.” Then the high priest tore his robes and said, “He has uttered blasphemy. What further witnesses do we need? You have now heard his blasphemy. What is your judgment?” They answered, “He deserves death.”
Matthew 26:
So easy to dwell on sacred things from fashion, and custom not conscience =
The gateway commandment is all about honouring God as God. How much does God weigh, how weighty is he in your life. THis is an expansive command whcih holds promises for all of life. The sceond much narrower. Focuses on worshipping this great God at the centre of life, in only the ways which he has revealed and commnded in Scirpture. The evil of will worship, which places our ideas and practicies and rituals atthe centre and not the revealed mediator, the express image of God who is Chrits and who changed worship from holy places, to dwelling withthe Mediator, so the palce of worship is Gods’ holy pepole in Christ. In affluent world of NA, where most tend to worship their work, to work at their play, and to play at their worship; need this commandment and to pay attention whether we are offering will-worship or Biblical worship through Christ when we gather! Interesting to think too, if you were to ask God for instructions ofr living - what place would instruction on worship come - how often would you look it up - with what interest - But worship is the fuel of the rest of Christain living, including our witness!
= used contemptously or prefunctorily,OR neglected entirely = consider vacuously or vainly.
A. Pick Up God’s Name and Carry it in Worship & Daily Life
But next as guide for thakful living - for how to live God wants to bless us with another gift that we need instruction and command in using - and that isn’t simply - how we treat his name - that would be a question of the eightiness and hnour of God in the first commandment. But the issue at stake in the thrid commandment is quite literally how we take. Literally NASA lift up - how we pick up and bear God’s name, in Greek phermein - like wind picking up a boat . That’s what we get to do with God’s powerful and personal covenant name! God is giving us an increidble privilege we can pick up and carry and lift up his name - our lives to be guided by how we pick up his name.
You are so used to this name, that you may forget what a gift it is. Not given moments before at Mt Sinai - not just generic name for God. Sinclair Ferguson, explains how in America first names way to common for a Brit - only those close to you ask permission - person a first name basis! And that is how this Name the LORD, tetragramaton - introduced>
Conscience. Self-awareness that judges whether or not an act one has carried out or plans to carry out is in harmony with one’s moral standards.
Exodus 3:14-15
Exodus 3:14–15 ESV
God said to Moses, “I am who I am.” And he said, “Say this to the people of Israel: ‘I am has sent me to you.’ ” God also said to Moses, “Say this to the people of Israel: ‘The Lord, the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has sent me to you.’ This is my name forever, and thus I am to be remembered throughout all generations.
Both the English word “conscience” and the Greek word translated as “conscience” in the NT literally mean “to know together.” In the OT, Adam and Eve hid themselves from God in shame because their consciences passed moral judgment on their disobedience (). All human beings normally have the power of moral judgment: “The spirit of man is the lamp of the Lord, searching all his innermost parts” (). Conscience, then, is a gift of God to provide light in matters of good and evil.
I will be who I will be - faithfulness, self-existence - name inseperable from his existence, I could go on for quite a while and still just scratch the surface of teh majesty of God’s name and character , but this command positively tells us God’s given us His personal name, revealed Himself and pledge his character and promises to us - and we like Sinclair Ferguson, says, yes you can know and live with me in this personal relationship - call me by my first name. And lifting up the name of such a God, would be a little like some wealthy powerful celebrity - saying “You ever in New York - look me up. Call any time day or night I will be there!” And just like there is aw warmth and dignity to calling a person by personal name - you can understand the utter disdain when someone attacks not what you did or didn’t do, or some point you have, but attacks your very self, your personhood. Dr Calvin Seerfield tells the story of a student he studied with at University of Michigan conversing with atheist,. This man sprinkled his conversation literally with unrepeatable swear words cursing with God’s name, interjecting . Out of the blue one day- the student just said looking calmly nonchalantly at the atheist - your mother is a bitch. Can you imagine the furious reaction. Wondering angrily how anyone could dare say anything so mean and dirty about his mother. Something stirred in his heart when his mothers name profaned. Not what his mother’s name is for. that is to take God’s name in vain for wrong purpose , not accomplishing the power and goal. How ought God to react to such misuse of his Name, how ought we to react?
But do you understand why you need this command, calling on this name of the Lord - there is power and salvation, but not only that, do you remember why we need the comments and prayer - not to save us - but so that QA 86 We do good because Christ by his Spirit is also renewing us to be like himself ...
And do you understand why you need this comand, calling on tthis name of the Lord - there iss power and salvation, but not only that, do you remember why we need the commaents and prayer - not to save us - but so that QA 86 We do good because Christ by his Spirit is also renewing us to be like himself ...
But also easy to be lightly occupied and little affect - as if calling on Name of the LORD stage-game or trifle…
Unlike the rabbi’s and scribes who taught people that this commandment teach us never to use this name, because it will abuse of holy name, this name belongs to God’s people. In fact it is used more than 7000 times in the OT so that we would call him by His name strengthening our relationship to him in love! Learning how to lift up the name in your conversation, in your worship, in your business and oath taking, - is an important way that you will be remade to be like jesus - live a thankful life for all God has done, so that through you God will be praised, assured of fruit of salvation and neighbours won over to Christ!
So though we must start with that misuse, abuse, and non-useo f god’s name that brings the curse, we must not end their - conclusion is the blessing of the proper use of God’s name in ourl ives!
Or behave frigidly in good duties, as if care little or see no gain!
B. Taking the LORD’s name in Vain is Misuse, Abuse, or Neglect the NAME
This vanity is a word for idols that are nothing, insubstantial, to take up a name and all it represents with no real expected result. Literally to no avail. What is forbidden is using the Lord’s name in any empty way. To speak of or to God carelessly, thoughtlessly, or flippantly. It’s to take away God’s holiness by your use of his name, and whether we realize it or not it is to try to make the LORD worth-less.
Application: avoid playing and joking with passages of Holy Scripture; employing them in magical way, without reverence and gravity - HOly Scirpture not thrown out a as balls for play, baloons that children play with - bat around;
How might that be done? two broad categories from the OT in worship and in daily life.
In any part of divine worship don’t toss God’s name about for the sake of saying or out of fashion…
i. Superstitious Use of of God’s Name
= joke at expense of God’s Word and hOliness!
In worship, sorcery as an occultic belief that supernatural power could be accessed by using divine name - calling on gods to magically heal their bodies, casting spells - Detestable to the LORD> .
See in sons of Sceva wanted to use Jesus name like this in the NT - the demons sought to control attacked them!
OAth taking is invoking God, in oath obliging ourselves to God = name of God is our surety here, this name demands singuler reveerent care … Not just name of God invoked like at beginning of wroship, not just simply call on God, but just as if He were a witness, judge, avenger! ie. I SWEAR TO tell the truth, whole truth, and nothing but the truth. ...SO HELP ME GOD!
ii. False Prophesy Use of Gods Name
Necessary in our country, dometmies demanded when property is acquired…could be sloemn declaration....
Closer to home God’s name also misused in the Bible with connection to false prophesy. Someone would say Thus, sayeth the LORD… claim divine authority for what they wanted to say, or plan wanted others to follow. Problem was with false prophets it was a pretense for their own opnions ie.
The Grace of an Oath: don’t live as hermits, need contact and communion, requires words … but sin polluted special gift of God - now harm through words, why so little certainty in this world = why oaths are essential… in a world of lies and fraud = our words lack certainty with others because lack union with God. = all an oath does is find union again with God = speak not only for man to hear, but for GOD to hear
Jeremiah 14:14a ESV
And the Lord said to me: “The prophets are prophesying lies in my name. I did not send them, nor did I command them or speak to them. They are prophesying to you a lying vision, worthless divination, and the deceit of their own minds.
= WHY TAKE OATH IN THE NAME OF THE LORD! = steadiness in business life, civil life (swearingin ceremenoy), in our marriage relationships; prof of faith, baptism…
THE Weakness of the Oath
Oaths can become mock exercise to miselad other… sly connection in Jesus time, sinful and ingeious exeegiss of Scritpure = man is bound to certain and not all oaths…
Matthew 5:34–37 ESV
But I say to you, Do not take an oath at all, either by heaven, for it is the throne of God, or by the earth, for it is his footstool, or by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the great King. And do not take an oath by your head, for you cannot make one hair white or black. Let what you say be simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything more than this comes from evil.
ie. brick sof temple in meaning, not gold =free, altar is dead boject therefore free, but gift of the altar = dedicated to Lord like godl of temple = bound.
=CUNNING OATHS n= don’t swear at all in that context… = don’t take an oath in the manner which Pharisees and their followers do.
Christ took an oath, so A real Christian can never be at peace with the oath. He will nevertheless take an oath when it is necessary to confirm trust and truth. But is will always be an uneasy task, because it testifies of the dominion of the lie which must be conquered
Jeremiah 14:15a ESV
Therefore thus says the Lord concerning the prophets who prophesy in my name although I did not send them, and who say, ‘Sword and famine shall not come upon this land’: By sword and famine those prophets shall be consumed.
AVOID OATHS altogether such a serious sin, only when absolutely necessary and with greatest care… However, what looks like harmful to man, God turned into profit. By his sacrificial death he triumphed over sin and conquered the lie and as a result also triumphed over the oath. And because God, by his Holy Spirit, made it our property what was gained for us by Christ, the same attitude that was in Christ must also be in us (). Our yes must always be yes and our no always be no. This means that when we speak, we must speak as if we take an oath, because we must always remember that we speak before an all-knowing God. Because the Spirit of Christ, () the Spirit of truth () are in us, all our words must bear the character of an oath.
We can do the same thing today using God’s name to advance our own agenda. God told me, or worse God told me that you should. Seldom really claim audible voice - but ; Even as church can claim to speak beyond what God says for political agendas. Misusing his name!@
Victory of oath, In it is said of the believer: “… (he) keeps his oath even when it hurts.” And if there is one to whom these words apply fully, then it is Christ himself. Because of the oath he took that he was the Son of God (), he was crucified. Apparently he took the oath to his own detriment.
iii. A third misuse in the Bible is what the HC summarizes as perjury or unnecessary oaths.
iii. A third misuse in the Bible is what the HC summarizes as perjury or unecessary oaths.
The punishment:
You need to understand there is an appropriate use for rare occasions when we must publically call God as our witness. Most solemn and serious thing, whether in business, court of law. But by Jesus day, misuse such oaths - if by the stone of temple or just the temple, don’t have to keep that one impermanent - but if gold or altar of temple where LORD really is then keep it. Justifying flippant, misleading, outright lying oaths - . Again sin of using God’s name for a persons own advantage -misuse and drain holiness and weightiness of LORDs name. So
Give honour to whom hnour is due. Hoary head, elderly; the wise; judges are given titles and ..halls protected w privelegs .. deference; how much more LORD
Leviticus 19:12 ESV
You shall not swear by my name falsely, and so profane the name of your God: I am the Lord.
iv. But perhaps worse than misuse of the Lord's name, in worship and in our lives, is abuse by profaning! And here there is a perverse, even if subconscious evil intent involved. But under the radar of society. What do I mean? What is abuse of the divine name?
“O what must be the depravity of his heart who can stand upon the earth, from which God took him, and beneath the heavens which are telling God’s glory, and in the midst of Gods’ bountiful, beatufuyl works, yet use that tongue, whcih GOd taught speech, to blaspheme the holy, just and good Author and Soveriegn of all!
Beside these three misuses, there is the profaning of God’s name. What the catechism summarizes as cursing. This isn’t so much swearing an oath - is dragging God’s name through the mud for a thoughtless powerless stupid statement of a mere mortal.
You know how this goes, all over the culture and the media we ar immersed in. It is to treat the anem, character, and the attirubtes and institution s that God sets up in a light manner. Counthtem in your tv, movies, videos!
In other sins we rebel against God indirectly, by rejecting his government, his laws, but this id different; in profaness, “we defy God to his face, we we rush before his terrible presence, we stand fronting his burning eye, and fling our challenge at the foot of his throne; we mock at his curse, we scorn this threatening, we dare his fierce damnation, and deride his fiery vengance!
Kid picks it up “Go to hell”, or what we think is more polite “What the heck?” Curse you or damn you. Perhaps “I don’t give a damn” in different category int terms of origin. India - I don’t care much. TO say such things, is to make light of God’s jdugment and holiness And so too when we invoke God’s holy name saying, Oh my God, or Well Bless Me, or Lordee, Lordee, Even Oh my gosh. Jeez - orgini is first sylalbe of Jesus name, orven Jesus is Wizzard. OMG. Do we tolerate this n our reading, great literature Jan Austen - speak of real things so well, but w/o such cursing , and certainly not gratuitously. So too with movies. We are not to stand for this in our conversation, in our homes, in our entertainment! We are to speak against it!
Terrible making light of God and the eternal destines. Why included in this command is why we don’t sing songs about God as mindless little jingles, nor make jokes about the things of God, nor the heaven and hell. It is not that God doesn’t have a sense of humour or that He himself doesn’t use humour in his word. But it is that when it comes to Him and His character His plans and his tools - we never joke or make light of them.
It is a sin against knowledge - other sins you may forget God is nigh, but in this one in your very words you are calling him present and flinging disrespect upon him.
v. But lastly in terms of these sins there is also the reckless and non-use of God’s name. We take God’s name in vain, when we hear or even pray prayers mindlessly - we are lifting up Gods name but not attending to his weightiness and presence and power. Once asked to do a prayer for Huron County - Mayor asked me - great temptation to in the name of tolerance just pray to nameless generic God and not in Jesus name, all worship same God. True deep knoweldge of one true God, but access and blessing and savlation through His Son, pray in his name!
But lastly interms of these sins there is also the reckless and non-use of God’s name. Wetake God’s name in vain, when we hear or even pray prayers mindlessly - wer arel ifting up Gods name but not attending to his weightiness and presence and power. Once asked to do a prayer for Huron County - Mayor asked me - great temptation to in the name of tolerance just pray to nalemesless gerneic God and not in Jesus name, all worship same God. True deep knoweldge of one true God, but access and blessing and savlation through His Son, pray in his name!
Stange thing too - it is a sin without temptation, no lure, no promised pleasure momentary gratification, hoped for worldly profit… no luxary to sense, no real credit in reputation, no talent display - proves lack of proper words and expressions. - a child can talk asa well as he, a sdrunkard… = empty headed and depraved heartered sin…
Singing songs with mind on the rhyming, or the music but not on the truths and the knowing of our great God. The words older commentators use still ring true to our worship today - perfunctory worship, vacuous nothing in it, even contemptuously or frigidly. As if worship of covenant God with Jesus present by His SPirit, and Jesus HImself in heaven intercedeing with us, purifying and presenting our worship to the Father, ushering us into the throne room of the Triune God’s fulllest presence in glory - as if that covenant worship is a stage game or a trifle.
It is a corrupting sin - those who have most heart reverence for God usuaully best in their dealings with men, but those with no revereence for God - worst in dealings with men..
Phil Ryken, rsident of Wheaton College: This is the subtlest and perhaps most common way we break it: careless in our worship. Modern worship: whatever happened to God? There seems to be so little reverence and awe, so little trembling before his majesty. Instead we take God lightly. David Wells calls this “the weightlessness of God.” “the trivialization of God.” Such a trivial view of God comes from trivial talk about him. We do not recognize his true glory when we come into his presence for worship. Our thoughts wander when we pray. Our eyes pass over the pages of Scripture, but our minds are not open to God's Word. And when we sing, our hearts are not in tune with our voices.
We are like Shakespeare's Hamlet, who said, “My words fly up, my thoughts remain below; words without thoughts never to heaven go!” Our worship is casual, careless, and insincere, and in this way we dishonor God's name.
Now I can’t wait to get on to the gift of a proper use of God’s name among us, but perhaps some of you are a little miffed by me pointing out these misuses, sabuses and non-uses of God’s name among us. But you know what - what you and i think pails in comparison to what God thinks of taking his name in vain!
two are very conected, even Greeks realize - piety and justice = two parts of all ethics! "rash swearing leads to false swearing"
C. God actively punishes Blasphemy in this Life and the Next
Why would our catechism say it is the worst sin this kind of blasphemy? Look at warned this is a text of terror. After seeing all God’s mighty works, hearing His very voice - this person deliberately and maliciously curses the covenant God. Possible this person saved, temporal punishment, but if no true faith, also possible not just a civil punishment meant to show all Israel that even hearing God’s name blasphemed is a terrible and serious business. Imagine you hand laid on this person head.
Profaneness accompanies great depravity… think of other sins, think of hell - full of curses - those fitting themselves for other sins, practice profanity to fit tirght in
Well, we will leave it for now how the civil and ceremonial law and its punishments have changed in Christ; but understand that the moral law from God has not. Not all sins are the same in the degree of malice to God, nor in their degree of effect on others. This one is a big big deal to God. Gary North suggest s we understand this by thinking of the gift of God’s sacred covenantal name - to be used in special way - as a copyrighted gift to us. and if we break the copyright liable:
Gambler swears over his cards; Brothel, strip club comingle obscenity and prfanity; Bar room frenzied blasphemy, Prinson cells
One way for a modern to begin to understand this commandment is to treat God's name as a trademarked property. In order to gain widespread distribution for His copyrighted repair manual — the Bible — and also to capture greater market share for His authorized franchise — the Church — God has graciously licensed the use of His name to anyone who will use it according to His written instructions. It needs to be understood, however, that God's name has not been released into the public domain. God retains legal control over His name and threatens serious penalties against the unauthorized misuse of this supremely valuable property. All trademark violations will be prosecuted to the full limits of the law. The prosecutor, judge, jury, and enforcer is God.
Now the punishment isn’t specified in the 10 words, but when it says, The LORD will not hold him guiltless, it is what grammarians call a meiosis - less is said, but more is meant. For example if you are about to do something really and stupid bad kids. Like smash your parents most valuable piece of pottery - heirloom - and your mom or dad says: “I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” Not just saying, look I wouldn’t do it. Saying there is punishment consequence you do this -you are really in trouble! That’s what God is saying, In the NT he gives the warning this way: and unless there is repentance - certain punishment!
= no man becomes profane without also loosing some respect of others and themselves!
Galatians 6:7 ESV
Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap.
But enough of the misuses abuse and neglect of Gods’ copyrighted name. What is the intended and proper use of God’s Name and all it represents in our life. How is it a gift for thankful holy living?
It corrupts others as well as himself - President Dwight - A man seldom swears when he is alone.” = a morla blight, reckless pestilence spreading to family, co-workers, friends..
D. How Should We Effectively Use God’s Covenant Name in Worship & in Daily Life?
How do you take up/ lift up the name of the Lord with sincere intention to glorify him?
God so ready to forgive, gracious slow to anger. But this sin so calculated, so corrupting, so in your face of great authority of God - attach special punishment
Well it will means every time you speak God’s name you do so with your conscience engaged and your heart zealously seeking and expecting the benefits that come from calling on the Name of the Lord!
You think what’s the big deal, a few idle words - but God sets the enomority of the sin te aittude, right beside the enormity of the penatly beyond all doubt…
In worship, all we need is smattering of the Bible texts:
God will keep his word, - must repent - hell is a place for swearing, curses; heaven is a place of holy, reverent, adoring praise!
When we speak or even think of God it should be to invoke His near-presence, it should be to glorify him. It should be as we pray the prayer request Jesus taught - that God’s name be hallowed and lifted up in our relationships, and in our world!
Psalm 54:1 ESV
O God, save me by your name, and vindicate me by your might.
When we speak or even think of God it should be to invoke His near-presence, it should be to glorify him. It should be as we pray the prayer request Jesus taught - that God’s name be hallowed and lifted up in our relationships, and in our world!
Psalm 96:8 ESV
Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name; bring an offering, and come into his courts!
Our culture especially needs to hear this , Xns in it : Avoid Profaness!
nOW NONE OF US HAS DONE THIS PERFECTLY, BUT THE GOOD NEWS IS THAT DRIVES US TO Christ, WHO AS THE FOUNTAINHEAD, THE FIRST FRUITS OF THE NEW Humanity - he was charged with our blasphemy - and he took it to the Cross, call on His name their salvation, but more you need to be remade in his image and this is so wonderful.
Christ perfectly confessed and revealed and glorified the father’s name. In terms of worship - see Jesus see the Father the Triune God. He accomplished his mission to make known the NAME - And in the end what happens to him: given a name above all name () .. not just name at his birth for first part of his ministry -Jesus - Saviour work as Messiah Christ, , but the name for the fulness of His work as the Messiah, - revealing the fulness of God and bringing the fulness of god’s blessing, - given the Name LORD -
It is easily avoided, yet also easil acquired, BUT IT IS WITH DIFFICULTY LAID ASIDE!
Philippians 2:10–11 ESV
so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
Hebrews tells us our praise our worship is confessing that name! Fruit of lips that confess his name - shares the glory of that name with us!
Fruit of lips taht confess his name - shares the gloryo f that name with us!
You can’t learn to sswear, without ceasing to pray; wihtout despising the check of conscience
So that now the big deal is not just in worship to use that name with such reverence and zealous expectation of its blessings, to call the name confident of answer and help and peace, and joy.
Profanity will bring you neighter gain, credit, nor honour, - gain you vile companiions and expel youfrom firendsihp of the godly
But now in all of life we confess this name and hold it up in honour. Since we are Christians we bear, lift up Christ’s name in all we do and wherever we go. You received this name when you entered the church - baptized into the Name. So in one way as you live up to your baptism into Christ, God has a personal stake in your ongoing spiritual progress.
Wouldnt swear on a pasotr’s visit, before a judge, in the presence of a lady seeking to make a good impressions, and yet would you before all knowing GOd!?
In your conversion, you were washed, you were santified, you were justified in the name of the Lord jesus Christ.
1 Corinthians 6:11 ESV
And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.
So now your reputation is a reflection of Christ’s reputation in the world. And your aim must now be to honour his name. So jesus intensifies the inner meaning of this command. No longer about tricky oaths - for you to hide the truth. Now Let your yes be yes an d your no no - your whole life is about the truth reflects God. Exaggerating that don’t need oaths, but only in most extreme circumstances, he himself did ...
Only way we would ever swear -singular reverent care, not just obliging ourselves to God to tell the truth, himself as witness right there, invoking god as witness, judge, and avenger - I swear to tell the truth whole and nothing but the truth - so help me God! IN a world of lies and frauds sometimes necessary - why OT says when you take an oath - only in the name of the LORD - what you and I have done in our oaths our vows, in baptism, profession of faith, in marriage! When we do make vows and oaths - we are to make them in the name of the LORD.
Weare too keep our oaths even when it hurts,
Psalm 15:4 ESV
in whose eyes a vile person is despised, but who honors those who fear the Lord; who swears to his own hurt and does not change;
and offer up no rash/cunning or stupid or oaths. And if you have in repentance turn to the one who kept the oath you never did - even until death. That is Jesus who fulfilled this law and will fulfill in it you now.
No longer can you and I just use the Lord’s name as an exclamations point, no longer can we bring down divine damnation - such rage is against our Lord’s honour. God’s name, the things of God associated with Him and his kingdom, not ping-pong balls or balloons to be batted around like children. But weighty words to be handled expectantly with great care!
We can’t be a bystander to such smearing of our LORD and Saviour name. Called to confess his name in all our work and life and play and travel. This is part of acknowledging God’s name before men! Jesus Promises in
Luke 12:8–9 ESV
“And I tell you, everyone who acknowledges me before men, the Son of Man also will acknowledge before the angels of God, but the one who denies me before men will be denied before the angels of God.
the goal is not negative, but that the splendour of this Powerful name with all its saving effects be lifted up often in our lives day by day. Broad command again
Colossians 3:17 ESV
And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.
In conclusion, as your pastor in Barrie in 21st century I want to repeat what a pastor 200 years ago in NJ Reformed church said>. To take God’s name vainly lightly - is a stupid sin, other sins at least a temptation to do it, others sins promises momentary gratification, others sins some worldly profit from. But not even sinful sense to this sin. No real credit in your reputation, no talent display, just prove yourself to have no adequate words, act like a child, a drunkard, empty header and depraved hearted. To curse and swear is to a corrupting sin - that effects those around you. So true that those who regard God most - are best in their dealings with others . And those who regard God least, are worst. This is a sin that accompanies others - seek to keep company of those who forget, or abuse God. He says, no man becomes a curses and swearer without loosing respect of other and of themselves. It makes us ready for hell, instead of ready for heaven where instead of cursing, swearing is blessing and praise. he says you can’t learn to swear without causing to pray!
Profanity will gain you vile companions, and expel you from friendship of the godly. Listen to his warning: Profanity is easily avoided, yet also easily acquired. But it is only with great difficulty that you will be able to lay it aside! Easy sin never to start, but once started a hard sin ever to stop.
You were made to know God by his name and to enjoy Him forever. Your only comfort is in belonging to Jesus - so let’s honour his name in worship and in all our life. let’s attend to his weightiness and presence. He is a God so quick forgive, so slow to anger - and there is no sin more an affront to his character as this calculating sin to misuse his name.
Call on the name of the Lord, prophesy in his name, know His torah that you might fear/ reverence this glorious and awesome name the LORD your God. . This is how and why we live Psalm 29:2
Deuteronomy 28:58 ESV
“If you are not careful to do all the words of this law that are written in this book, that you may fear this glorious and awesome name, the Lord your God,
Psalm 29:2 ESV
Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name; worship the Lord in the splendor of holiness.
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