Spirit-Anointed Followship
Shalom from Spirit-Led Alignment
Shalom from Spirit-Led Alignment
being whole, intact; prosperity, peace:—1. ease, unaffectedness: lešālôm calmly, unaffectedly Gn 37:4; šālôm lākem, do not be worried Gn 43:24; ʾîš šelômî my confidant Ps 41:10, so pl. ʾanšê šelōmî Je 38:22 & ʾenôš šelômî Je 20:10;—2. prosperity, success Is 48:18; šelôm parʿōh what is advantageous to Ph. Gn 41:16;—3. intactness, wholeness: lešālôm unmolested Gn 44:17; bešālôm unhurt 26:29; hāyâ šālôm be safe 2 S 17:3; šālôm lāk (as formula of greeting) Ju 19:20; šālôm all is well 2 K 4:23;—4. (personal wholeness:) well-being, state of health &c.: šelôm ʾaḥeykā how your brothers are Gn 37:14; šālôm lô, he is fine 43:28; hašālôm ʾattâ how are you? 2 S 20:9; mâ haššālôm how can everything be all right? 2 K 9:22; šelôm hammilḥāmâ how the battle is going 2 S 11:7; (lišʾōl) lišlôm ask how s.one is Gn 43:27; 2 K 10:13;—5. prosperous relationship = peace: