John 11:1-57 • Sermon • Submitted
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· 10 viewsJesus is teaching His disciples about bringing glory to God and walking in the light. Our lives need to reflect the same.
Sermon Tone Analysis
Death of Lazarus
Death of Lazarus
Possible Titles
For the Glory of the Lord
Place - Open Word Fellowship (Community Church of Myrtle Point)
Twelve hours in The Day
Time - Sunday Morning
Walk in The Light
Date - October 21, 2018
Scripture -
Text - (NIV84) “When he heard this, Jesus said, “This sickness will not end in death. No, it is for God’s glory so that God’s Son may be glorified through it.”
Topic - The Death of Lazarus
4 When he heard this, Jesus said, “This sickness will not end in death. No, it is for God’s glory so that God’s Son may be glorified through it.”
Theme - There are many things that bring glory to God. Death by itself is not, but when it shows the power and authority of Jesus, points to His own resurrection and to ours as well, then it brings real glory to God.
These verses are the start of a larger story about Jesus as the Resurrection and the Life. In these 16 verses there is the simple story of the death of a man named Lazarus.
This section could be outlined by The People V. 1-3. The Purpose V.4 and The Procedure V.5-16 While this would take us through the story in an adequate way we may miss the most important points. They would be V. 4 For God’s Glory and verses 9-10 No Light In Us.
1. Main Emphasis
1. V.4 For Gods Glory
2. V. 7 Going back to Judea
3. V.9-10 Twelve hours in the Day
4. V. 11, 15 Lazarus is dead
2. Thomas goes with dread V. 16
3. Possible Outline of Chapter
I. V. 1-16 Death of Lazarus
II. V. 17-37 Comfort for the Sisters
III. V. 38-44 Raising Lazarus
IV. V. 45 -57 Plot to Kill Jesus
4. Possible Outline for 11:1-16
II. V. 4 - The Purpose
III. V. 5-16 The Procedure
5. Scriptures to check out
I. V. 1-3 The People
11:1 Fact - Now a man named Lazarus was sick.
Place - He was from Bethany,
Specific - the village of Mary
her sister Martha.
Three main people in this story. Introduction to a little family living in a small quite town. We will discover soon why Jesus was contacted.
:2 Person - This Mary,
Specific - whose brother Lazarus now lay
Act - was the same one who poured perfume on the Lord
wiped His feet with her hair.
This gives us a specific Mary to focus on and specifically says Lazarus was her brother.
:3 Act - So the sisters sent word
Person - To Jesus
Specific - "Lord the one you love is sick."
This identifies the connection between Jesus and Lazarus. What a beautiful expression of the human side of Jesus to show how His friendship with Lazarus was viewed at least by these sisters.
II. V. 4 Purpose
Now we come to the bigger point in this story. Why is it here?
:4 Act - When He heard this,
Jesus said
Quote - "This sickness will not end in death.(not unto)
Denial - No, it is for God's glory(in behalf of)
How does sickness glorify God? How can Jesus say it will not lead to death when we know Lazarus died?
Westcott in His Commentary on John suggest three ways God received glory (1) "unto" in respect to actual results (2) "in behalf of" in respect of the suffering borne. (3) "In order that" In respect of the divine purpose revealed. This sickness was unusual in that it was another way in which God could reveal Himself to the people through Jesus and show the power of God through Jesus. Remember the man born blind? (9:3) Jesus said it was not sin that caused his blindness but rather to show the glory of God. Jesus has shown He has authority over the elements of life, He had authority over sickness and blindness. Now He shows He has through the Father authority over death itself. This will be what finally brings the apostles out of morning into great light and passion Jesus who died came back to life again for He has power over death. And be He lives we shall live also.
III. V. 5-16 The Procedure
:5 Fact - Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus.
Reiteration of the people involved with the added comment about Jesus love for them. Although the word love in both verses 3 and 5 and mean the same a deep personal relationship as sincere friends they are two different words. The first is fileo and the second agape.
:6 Time - Yet when he heard
Specific - that Lazarus was sick,
Act - He stayed where He was two more days.
Now here is a curious inclusion. We have been told of the deep friendship Jesus had with this family yet He purposely waited two days before going to them.
:7 Time - Then
Act - He said
Specific - to His Disciples
Quote - "Let us go back to Judea."
Now after the two days Jesus is ready to go see Lazarus and his sisters. Why did He wait two days?
:8 Contrast - "BUT
Address - Rabbi"
Response - they said
Quote - "a short while ago the Jews tried to stone you,
yet you are going back there?"
Now we get the complete story. First Jesus seems to be in no hurry. Second He does not say he is going to Bethany but to Judea. This is the place they tried to stone Him. The disciples are worried for His safety. There is here in the knowledge of Jesus an understanding of what will happen that will set the course of this new time in His ministry.
:9 Response - Jesus answered,
Question - "Are there not twelve hours of daylight?
Condition - A man who walks by day will not stumble,
Reason - for he sees by this world's light.
At first reading this response does not seem to answer the fear expressed by the disciples. How ever there is here the suggestion that caution correctly applied will over come some fears. In 9:4 Jesus has already told them that they must do the work of the one who sent them while it is day. 12:35 will tell us that there is only a little time of light in which to do the work given. In 8:12 Jesus told them that He was the light of the world. So the light here is specific as the light of this world, the sun, but also is a reminder that Jesus is the light and as long as anyone has Him they have light.
:10 Condition - It is when he walks by night
Result - that he stumbles
Reason - for he has no light."
ESV ends this sentence by adding "because the light is not in him" this is significant because it tells us that the true source of light des not come from us but from the light of the world.
This section could be a call to courage but in a broader since it is a call to understand the source of our strength, wisdom and true leadership.
Jesus tells His disciples that they must do their word while it is day for the night comes when none can work. (NIV84) For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light
8 For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light
:11 Time - After
Act - He has said this
He went on to tell them,
Fact - Our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep;
I am going there to wake him up."
Jesus talks of the death of Lazarus as sleep. While we are not caught short about what Jesus means they may have been because they were thinking of sickness not death.
:12 Response - His disciples replied,
Address - "Lord.
Condition - if he sleeps he will get better."
That would be the natural case if we are talking about sickness. To sleep is to suggest that the medicine is working, the disease is coming under control or the patient is in a better state so let them sleep. There is also here the words that are used to end this verse. "he shall be saved. It is entirely proper to translate then as "do well', or "get well" for we are not necessarily talking about the spirit but the body when we talk of sickness and health. However to be completely well one must know Spiritual health as well as bodily health. So there may be a least the suggestion of a play on these words to remind us that healing is more than the body.
:13 Explain - Jesus has been speaking of his death.
Contrast - BUT
His disciples thought He meant natural
:14 Time - then
Logic - He told them plainly,
Fact - Lazarus is dead,
Or has died. The death of Lazarus was not a death he could not come back from as our natural death will be but one Jesus would raise him out of. One day Jesus will have the angel blow his trumpet and we too will rise to life eternal.
:15 Continuation - AND
Reason - for your sake
Fact - I am glad
I was not there,
Purpose - so that you may believe.
Contrast - BUT
let us go to him."
Jesus is glad for this opportunity for His disciples to grow in their faith and see Jesus at work in perhaps a new way.
:16 Time - Then
Person - Thomas (called Didymus)
Act - Said to the rest of the disciples,
Quote - "Let us also go,
Purpose - that we may die with Him."
Thomas the twin calls for the others to join with Jesus and go believing they will all die together while they are there.