Proverbs: Growing in Wisdom
Vision Moment
What is Wisdom?
Of the several words for wisdom and related synonyms used in Proverbs, the primary and most frequent one is ḥokmâḥ It occurs 45 times in Proverbs. In the Old Testament ḥokmâh is used of the skill of craftsmen, sailors, singers, mourners, administrators, and counselors. These workers and others, being knowledgeable, experienced, and efficient in their areas of expertise, were considered skillful; they were therefore “wise.” Similarly in the spiritual realm a person who possesses ḥokmâh in reference to God is one who is both knowledgeable and experienced in following God’s way. So in the Bible’s Wisdom literature being wise means being skilled in godly living. Having God’s wisdom means having the ability to cope with life in a God-honoring way. Crawford H. Toy wrote that “wisdom is the … knowledge of right living in the highest sense” (A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Book of Proverbs, p. 5).