Walking As His Children Eph
Walking As His Children Eph. 5:8 EBC 12/16/07
In past week we have discussed Walking in Him, Walking in Newness of Life, Walking like Him and Walking Worthy of Our Calling.
The word “followers” in Eph. 5:1 is the word mimic. It can be translated “be ye imitators of God”. In 5:1, Paul sets the theme for this entire section. Paul is arguing that children attempt to be like their parents. This fact can be encouraging or embarrassing depending on what we are doing. Michael used to walk behind me cutting the crass.
I. Realize a Change has Happened
A. Our walk in darkness (what we were). This indicates a condition no longer present.
1. Darkness is used to describe the lost as a state of moral depravity and spiritual ignorance.
a. Scripture gives 3 characteristics of spiritual darkness:
1. It is the work of Satan
a. John 8:44- you are either a child of God or the Devil. There is no other kind of birthright.
2. It is under the domain of Satan
a. The unbelievers does the work of Satan because he is under his control. People whoa re without Christ are locked in the power of Satan
3. It leads to an Eternal Hell
a. Those who do not believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, whether they are Jew or Gentile, “shall be cast out into the outer darkness”. John MacArthur- Those who reject Christ do so because they are content with darkness. And because they choose darkness rather than light, they will forever have darkness rather than light. Eternity simply crystallizes the choice into permanence
2. Acts 26:15-18- purpose of Jesus calling Paul. This is Paul before Agrippa giving his testimony.
3. 2 Cor. 6:14- light and darkness are two entirely different elements.
4. 1 Thess 5:5-
B. Our walk in the Light (what we are)
1. A look at our past helps us to understand what Christ has done in our lives.
a. 1 Peter 2:9-
b. 1 John 2:8-
II. Realize Our Responsibilities
A. Walk- present, active, imperative.
1. Active- a continuous activity. A normal course of life.
2. Imperative- a command
3. Gal. 5:25- since we live according to the spirit we ought to walk according to the spirit. It is the spirit of God that dictates the path we walk.
B. 2 Cor. 5:10-
III. Realize We Need Constant Evaluation
A. Eph. 5:10-11- our unchanging standard must be what is acceptable to the Lord. Will God approve of what I’m doing.
1. Proving- test, to examine, to scrutinize.
2. V.11- fellowship- to become a partner with.
B. Col. 3:5-9- Christians can’t get involved in these things without adversely affecting his testimony. Is anything we can get involved in worth the tainting of our testimony?
C. 1 Cor. 3:11-15- only what is done for Christ will last forever.